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At the time, I did not encourage the doctor, nor did I discourage him.

I could not see that the injection would hurt any of the AIDS patients and it would probably help them. After I returned home I kept in close contact with this doctor as he treated 390 AIDS patients over a period of 8 months. They had all been sent home from the local Kampala Hospital to die. His emails indicated that 6 out of 10 AIDS patients felt good and were anxious to go back to work or back to their lives within 3 days of receiving the treatment. The other 40% recovered within 30 days. Not one of the cases that he was able to keep track of had a relapse. Two out of the 390 cases died. The patients who were well within 3 days needed time to recover, but it seemed they were only recovering from an extreme case of weakness. Unfortunately, I must keep this doctor s name confidential. But as you can see, he had very good results, as all of these patients were slated to die within weeks of being released from the Kampala hospital. I did not find it hard to believe his reports, as he had no reason to lie to me day after day. I was not paying him anything and wasn t even sending him free MMS (I left him with 40 bottles). In addition, I have treated a number of AIDS patients successfully myself and my friend who runs a business in Malawi treated several employees who were too sick from AIDS infections to come to work. They are now all back to work. It turned out that Solomon Mwsegi, the owner of Life Link Medical Centre had a health problem very similar to the health problem experienced by Rev. Ommini, the pastor in Kenya. Solomon was taking pain tablets for the pain caused by malaria. Chapter 6: Uganda, East Africa 69 Both he and his wife were avoiding the fact that they had malaria. Pain tablets often mask the symptoms of malaria not very well, but they keep you going. To take them for an extended period is extremely dangerous, as the malaria can kill you without you even feeling it. When I asked him about it, he said, I know its malaria. I ve just been putting off doing anything about it. I ll take a double dose right now. I asked if he was sure

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