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People at a church await our arrival. There were over 300 at this church.

Peter drove us to several churches each day and also helped me by taking pictures. There were usually 50 to 200 people at a church. They introduced me to the crowd and asked me to say something The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century 54 before we got started. I would talk for a minute or so, state that it was my pleasure to be there, and that I hoped they would feel better. Then they would stand in line as I began filling the glasses that were furnished at each church. When there were several hundred people, I would ask for extra glasses and somehow someone would get them. Then we would line up 20 or 30 of the glasses and I would begin putting the solution in them. I had a small measuring spoon that held exactly the right amount of solution (30 drops). Then I would add vinegar to each glass. After waiting three minutes, I would then pour pineapple juice into each glass until it was about 3/4 full. We would then distribute the glasses. Several times, when a group heard that I would not be inoculating them, they expressed disappointment. They felt that if they were not getting inoculated, the medicine might not be powerful enough to help. However, as the day wore on at each church, people started feeling better. Headaches went away, nausea vanished, and muscle pains subsided. The people were quite surprised and very pleased, and they showed it. It was always a pleasure to see the people getting better and feeling well. While we were in Kakamega, Javan wanted us to visit one private clinic. We were to spend a full day at the clinic. The name of the clinic was The Bukura Community Nursing and Maternity Home. When we arrived, there was a big, long line of local people who needed help with malaria. We spent most of the day there and then we left them with several bottles of MMS for their use. Vincent Orimba was in charge. He treated many people and took their blood readings both before and after they took the MMS. Unfortunately, his clinic was associated with the missions that withdrew their support for MMS, thus the clinic no longer receives funding for MMS. I have included a picture of Dr. Orimba at his clinic. No doubt, he, like most of the other people in this book, can still be contacted. Chapter

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