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Our Senses

Senses our very important to humankind, the moment we were born in this world we are gifted with different kind of senses that plays a vital role for our survival in this challenging planet. On that very moment those senses should be enclose with intensive sense of responsibility - The responsibility to prevent abuse acts that might be detrimental to this God- given senses. You may be a good friend by telling advices but you can be the best friend if you can listen to their heartaches. You may perceive how beautiful a lady might be but smelling her will catch so much of your attention. You might be the happiest person in the world seeing that gifted creature inside your wifes womb but touching that little angel might give him/her the happiness without even seeing the real world. You may cook your own food and garnish it with all the best in you but that food will always be the best if you taste a little pinch of it before others could. You may be the best father in the earth by providing all the world can offer to your love ones but the world can offer you the best window to their souls that will confirm how beloved you are. People with incomplete sense organs strive to fill up the gaps that fate has tender them. On the other hand, people with complete senses tend to ignore its importance and take them for granted. That is the reality of this unfair world that we are not born with equal heights of fingers but we can live equally by respecting those people who dont have the preeminent life like we have. It should open our eyes, our buds, we should smell, hear and feel how it feels like losing even a single part of these senses because well never know its value until we lose it.



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