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Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer symptoms are rarely felt until the disease has developed into an advanced stage. Even when symptoms are felt, people often tolerate them for some time before they seek medical assistance. For instance, it's easy to shrug off shortness of breath as being out of shape, or a chronic cough as a bad cold or allergies. More obvious symptoms, such as coughing up blood or dyspnea (difficulty breathing), may occur before medical advice is asked for. Common lung cancer symptoms include: Constant chest pain, Chronic cough that worsens over time, Coughing up blood (hemoptysis), Dyspnea (difficulty breathing), Fatigue, Lung infection (pneumonia, bronchitis), Shortness of breath, Swollen lymph nodes, Loss of appetite and weight loss, and Wheezing.

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Wheezing, lung infection, chest pain, or other symptoms can indicate a number of medical conditions other than lung cancer and require professional diagnosis. Dyspnea and coughing up blood are alarming symptoms and require immediate medical attention. Swollen lymph nodes are a sign of infection. The lymphatic system is the primary response system to infections. Malignant cancer cells can also enter the lymphatic system, causing the nodes to swell, and travel to more distant parts of the body, causing the cancer to spread rapidly. There are other lung cancer symptoms in addition to the primary symptoms. Some of the following may not appear to do much with the respiratory system but in combination with other symptoms can indicate lung cancer: Bone pain and tenderness, Breast development in men,

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Weakness, Chills, Speech difficulties or changes (i.e., hoarsness), Droopy eyelids, Swelling of the face and neck, Fever, Joint pain and swelling, Muscle weakness, Pale or bluish skin, and Speech difficulties.

The vague nature of many of these symptoms (wheezing, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain) shows the need for a reliable screening process for people in high-risk groups. Research has yet to develop a safe, effective screening tool, but clinical trials are making process.

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