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Lklkjlkj Advertising & Brand Management Brand Basics .


MBA Session Ajith - 1

Brand Definition : What is a Brand?

The unique combination of product characteristics and values, that have become attached to a product by means of its name, packaging, advertising, pricing, usage experience etc. These differentiate it from competitive brands in the consumers view.

A brand offers a benefit that fulfills a consumer need , in a way that is unique and different from others.

A name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service.

In a Nutshell
Brand Marketing is not about products, services or processes. Its about understanding & satisfying consumer needs, profitably. Products & Processes are only the means, the end is the consumer need. Brands which lack this vision, dont last In our factories we make products, in the market we sell hope. - Charles Revson, Founder of Revlon I clothe egos. - Versace, Fashion Designer

Brand is a Two-way Pact

In return for your preference and loyalty, we will give you a shortcut to the best purchase decision.

We also understand that if we screw up, the deals off!

It Goes with any Brand

Total Impression of a Brand

Products Users Usage

Maker History



Name Packaging Advertising Promotion

Distribution Display


Environment Associations

Brand Benefits
Benefit fulfills a need. Benefit belongs to the brand. Need resides with the consumer. Functional benefits : physical, tangible, real.
Colour, Flavour, Shape, Size, Price.

Non-functional benefits : emotional/sensory, intangible, perceived. Gentle, Caring, Sexy, Glamorous, Macho

Brand Benefits
Motivators : The reason why people buy a product type. Soap gets you clean. A pen writes. A camera takes photographs. Discriminator : Difference between brands, functional or non-functional.
Functional discriminator :
Soap with deodorant. Soap with cold cream. Soap with Olive Oil.

Non-functional discriminator :
Beauty soap vs Anti bacterial soap

Brand Positioning
Unique slot that a brand occupies in the consumers mind, relative to competing brands.
WHAT? Key Benefit

WHY? Key Support

WHOM? Key Target Group

Brand Equity
Tangible value of a brand : Qualitative + Quantitative. Based on its loyalty, awareness, perceived quality, strong associations and other assets like patents, trademarks, channel relationships. Brand as an asset on the balance sheet with a financial value. Customer Equity - consumer franchise/customer base of a brand based on loyalty. Companies with strong brands seem to deliver greater shareholder value. Brand Value forms a significant share of companys market valuation.

Loyalty Ladder
Champions the Brand Advocate & Spokesman

Likes the Brand

Committed buyer

Satisfied Buyer

No reason to change

Satisfied Buyer

With switching cost

No Loyalty

Switcher, Price-driven

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