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Opinion Essay

Acording to you, what makes a good teacher? Have you ever reflect about what really makes a good teacher? As teaching students, we are likely to be focused on the career curriculum. We mostly care about tests and exams but, as future teachers, it appears to me that we must be aware and pay attention to further aspects that the teaching career involves. First of all, teachers are meant to guide students. In an ideal scenario, teachers should put foward and advice on different methods of working. Furthermore, they should suggest alternatives concearning bibliography and teaching material. In this way, students would feel more interested and eager to take part since the beginning of the learning process. As a result, they would adopt an active attitude. Secondly, I am convinced that is essencial to have a fluent communication with students. As in any kind of relationship, reciprocity is necessary in order to gain the best results from it. Through effective communication it would exist a healthier teaching enviroment, which allows both students and teachers to achieve their goals. Lastly, It can be argued that the knowledge of the subject is important to be a good teacher. This is undeniable, in fact, it is the basic requirement teachers are supposed to fulfil. However, considering that learning is an endless process, knowledge itself does not make all the difference. All things considered, I conclude that students should work on developing valuable qualities, such as patience and enthusiasm and try to be better listeners and be open-minded. I strongly believe this is a perfect starting point for our journey through the teaching career.

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