Tuesday October 15

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1. Silent Reading 2. Hand in Storyboards 3. Vocabulary Handout 4. Comprehension Questions Handout


Impression (p.43): An idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone. Campaign (p.43): A series of related actions performed in order to achieve a goal. Exagerrated (p.48): Something represented as greater, larger, better or worse than it actually is. Mortified (p.48): Embarrased, ashamed, or humiliated. Applauded (p.51): To have shown praise by clapping. Victimized (p.52): To be targeted for cruelty or unjust treatment. Inquisition (p.55): A period of prolonged and intensive questioning. Separated (p.57): Split up, distinguished. Wonderstruck (p.59): Experience a feeling of extreme surprise. Business (p.66): An activity that someone is engaged in.


Name the 3 stories that circulate about Stargirl in chapter 10. What do these stories show about peoples attitudes towards Stargirl? What change do the students undergo in Chapter 11? Include 2 quotes to support your answer. Name and explain 2 passages in Chapter 12 which foreshadow what will happen when the interview starts. The main conflict in this novel is Character vs. Society. Explain how the events during Hot Seat illustrate this comflict. (More detail = better marks!)

1B. 2. 3. 4.

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