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A lfugaF{S$ffi AP{E} REST"A'TEE


*F [HC{}RP#RAT{#F{

F'AbYld ffi SI-g-,* \ry FrW{S}i' T- lT'H'qCE$ HR $ R{;,{F{







*rganizaticn, Inc. rl'as duly *rganie*rl*mier the larvs of the tlting *f a C*rtifl{:i}tr: $f In;iorporati*:n r,r'it[r the Conuecticut Secrertat]' the State of Cr:$necticut cf the State cn.!une 5. 19?E {the "_Qr$t1gLCc}xtr'fiq4g'}. 'T}re Sriginal C*rtilira.te ra'as arnended cn .D*ce*rber 2{:, 1979. This ,i\mended and Restateci Certiiicate c}f {nc*rporation {the "q=ei'trfuAle__0i{nSoggE-iAtlo*'} amends, restates and r*p} in its entirety the Sriginal Celtitic.ate. as arnended to date, so that 'rt shall read in its entiret-v as filllqrws.
trlawn Hcltrarv Farent Teaclier


TI:* r:ame +f the corporriti*n is "F*w'n

T"he Corparati*n


Faremt*lf'*sc$cer $t'gxxriunti*n,

{the "eqlp_ef&ttos" ).

is organized and shali be cperated exclusivetrv- f*r charitable, scientili*, literary cr educaticnal purpcses rvithin the n:leaning of Section 501{c}i:} ol'ttrr.e


Int*rnal ltevenue Code of'1986, as an'lended (the "-ep-de"i, including ttre foilo..ving:

{a} to tb]

prom$te, augluflnt and improve public schnol edncaticn




ta pr<tvide funding and other re$$urces to the (ltre "$q!$ql"J;

Hallon' Elementary Sshccl

tc,,} to

r,v*rk collaborativel-v xtitlr liie h,tonrae tsr:ard ol Erlucatian and th* aclministratir:n and stalT of the School to assist, str]ol]$clr, and support initiatir'*s and acti,-rties rhat will expand an$lar enhance putrlic sch**l ectucation tnMonr*e.

(d) to {e) 3.

pr*mote the rvelfhr* af tlie children of the Scliool cr:*perati*n *fstudents. parents, faculty and others; and

by facilitating the

tCI el}gage

in any iawfui *et and activit,v cousistent rn'ith the loregoing for which *$rparatiafis sffiy be formed under the Connecticut F"evised H*irstock

fi Act tthe " }.:cl"').

The Corporatisn is noriprofit anrtr siiall nct have cr issue slrares of stcck or make




The Ccrp*ra.ti*n shall have on* eiass cf men:bers {th* "&il-Eulb*ers"}, ',vith the tlieir strecti*n <lr app*intrnent and tli*ir qualiflrcations and rights as fullows:

inr.iiviclual rnay brec*me a l!{*mher of the C*rporatia$ upoxx ttrle payrnent *f. dues and satisfacti*ri r:f the requirements f*r membership set fb*h in the Corpcratit:n' s Bytrarvs.


Ea*h h,lsilrber in gcod standing sirall bry sntitleei to sne vot* r}1? ea,;:h mafter subrettta{3 t* nlemi:ers for acti*n. ?1:e h'Iembers sirall have sueh *th*r ri,ghts, powers and respcnsibilities a$ are a**crdeil to me,rnbers under th* ;\ct. ihis C erti {icate *{' trne*rpo ration *r the [3,vtr aws.

'{'trle Corporatis}r: shall operat* urretr*r th* rnaniigement *f its Bcarc{ cf $irect*rs, i.vho shall he eie*ted b3r the .h,'lembers. l["he I]yla:vs shall preseribe the num]:er" qualitl*ati*ns a*y) and lnhl3.13*t $f e,lecti** of directors. ,Ti:c ts5rlawfr Tt\&y pr*rtide tbat persons etecup,ving eertain i:*sitious withtn ar" without the Corporation shall L'e ex-ofEcir: directors rvl'lo may v*t*,
ar:ei be counteti



in determining a qi.roi"um. As rrin-v bcl fufiher pro"rrided in lhe .E}3rlaurs, thc t*lms of elected dires;{.*rs uray b* slagg*r*il by ciividing the nreffih*rs into grsups sc that itppraxirilateiy an equ*l *utnbsr of sr:c]: diree,tors llarre t*rnts that expire ea$h 3'spt".

l"i*tr.vithstaneiing an1' *ther provisi*n *i this Cer:tiiioats of trncotp*ration, ti-t* t*rys*ratirsn shatrl n*thave erry p\]r{}oses *r {:arrv o\7 sxy actir,'ilies nct permitt*d to be carriccl on by ari *rganizati*n exemtrrt ft*m tbderai ine*me tax utider Se*tiein 501{a} $f the {-lacle as an *rganization e3escribed iil SEcti*n 50itcX3) *f th* C*de" cr by an organizsticii: ccntributions tc r.vhich *r* d*ciuctibtr* under S*ctirin 1?S{c}(?} *f tire {locie.


No part cflthe n*t earnings of the t*rpwrtt*n $iay be iiis.tributeel t* cr in*re tCI the benefit *f any prirrate indiviclual r:r a direct {}r *r *ff1$er *t the {Carp*ralian. }{ora'ever, nothil:g }:errei* shali restri{rt th* ri,ght ct the Ccrp*ratir:n reas*r:i:b}r; to c*mp*nsafc any of,fieer *r direc;L*r fi:r s*n'iees rend*rerl to the il*r;:r:ration $r t* reimbws* an-v oillc*r'*r dir**tol fur exp*lts*s. disb*r"sernents or liahilities proper'trv made or incun"ee! for th* i:*nefit tri'rir* Corpr,''r*iticn anri t* make payme:rts and distributi**s in lintheranee r:f'the purp*$ss se,t fr:rfh in Se*tion 2 h*r**f"
suhstantial pafi *{ tLte a*tiviti*s *f the Corpe:ration shall nct c*nsist of,calr.ving lrfi Fropaganda *r aft*n'rpting t* infiuenc* l*gistratir:ii. The C*rpr:rafi*tt rllav not part.ieipat* in or ifitei'r'ene in {including tire pi.rlrlicaii*rr *r distributi*n *i'stafenxents'} any pclitical *amSlaign ctt I-r*hatrf cf {ol in opp*sition toi any candidate {br puhlie *tficci.




L'pon dissotrLlti*n #f the C*rpcrafiorz, th* {f,oar:d cf J}irect*rs sliall disp*se *f, anri distribute the assets rernaining, aller pavm*nt at all liahilities. *xclusively icr the purp*se$ of the Corp*rati*n" {a} t* the Sch**l" {b} tc ftr* 'forvu of h.{anrE:e, or (c} to s:nc or ftlore orgianizati*ns crgiurized *xclusir'*ly for charitable. educationnl, *r ssientific puiposes rvl:ich shaltr be then exempt fi'cm {bd*ral taxatioil as an Lrrgallization or *rganieati*ns described lrl Sscti*n 50licXi) of the trsrle, in such pr*portions ancl amounts and in sr-rch rnanrlr as tlie Board af llirec'tr:r's shali determine, Nc pafi of the Ccrp*rati*n's assets shall ever be distrihuted ts its direetcr:s or tr{Xisers" cr i*ure t* the ben*fit af'arci private indi;idual.


The persorz*l ltabiltt:y *f a direr:icr tc the Ccrporation f"*r ntonetary damages fi:r hreaeir of dut,v- as a direc.rf*r *lnaltr be lintited t* the, flill*st extent p*rinitted by th*,&et *r aay *th*'t a.ppli*able larvs pr*serrtLy *r her*aher in elf*ct" Without limiting the eftbct of the preceding seirtenee. no dir**t*r shali L":e personaily liable to the ilcipr:rati*n fbr ru*n*taqi damag*s ftrr brca*h r:f dutV as a direetor in an amount gr*ater than the *CIffiileftsati*n reeeiv*cl by the dire*tr:i' fbr s*ning the C*rporatio* during the y*ar of the vi*lati*n if'such i:rsach did n*t {a} inr'*lve * ki:r:wing anci c.ulpable violafion cf larv by th* direct*r; {b} enable t?re direst*r, *t &Yx ass*c,trfi* {as deilnad in S*eti*it 33-840 *tt?,e. Conneeticut fienerai Statutes) to reeeiv* anirnpt*p*r pets*nal ec*ncmie gain; ic) shcrv a iack of g**d flaith ancl a ccnscious disr*gard f*r th* dr"rty *f the direc.tclr t* the C<lrpcratian under circumstances in rvhich the ciirectclr wss alryarf tirat his or h*r eonrjuct cr omissicln creilted an r.lnjustifiabl* risk r:f serions injur,v tc] th* Corp*raticfi; *r (dj constitute a snstained ancl unexcused paffen: ofl inattentisrLthat antounted tlr an abeiicatian *f tb* director's dury 16 tl're Corp*ration. No am*ndm*nt to, or mcrti{ication or reys*alofl this Article 1i,i shali adrrersel}' affeet a*,i rtght cr proteeticn of a directar of the C*rpr:ra"ticln *xisting ir*reuncier with respe*t to arly aet cr cxnissir:n oc*urring pricr to sttch amentlmettt, mcdificati*n ar repeal. Ncthing cont*ineci in this Arti*l* 10 shall be scnstruecl to deny t* th* eiireftors cf the Corporarion ths beltefit nf Section 52-557m olthe Ccnnscticttt Gen*ral Statiltes as in *fl'eet iit the tin:e of the vi*lation.


the fuliest extent permitted by iaw" indernnifv its 6liygs{1rrs fiom nnd ag*inst ari.v and all rt{=the liahilities. expefi$e$ and uther metters refuren*ed iu rr cqll,*red by the Act, or any cth*r appli*able lar.vs presentlSr $v hcireaft*r in effuct. trn furtherance agd not in limitation there*i, tlie Corparation shall indemnify a directcr f*r a iiabilitS' {.as defineel in sr.ibdivisicn 4 af Section 33-1 1 16 *{the, it*t} t* e{ry p*rson f,or any aciioil teken" or any tbilure t<ttnk* any aeticn, as & clirectcr, e,{cetrrt a liability that {ii involved a knowing aml culpaliie violatian of, lar,v by the i3i.rector, {ii} eriab'led th* direct*r or &n assoe.late (as defrnecl in Secticn 3'3-840 6f tl:e Colrne*ticut General $ta:lut*s) to ree.eive an imprilper pers*nal gain, {iii} shqrrved a lack *f gcicd faith anei a c*nscicus iiisregard for the dut-v *f t1t* ciire*t*r to tl're Corp*rati*n under circumstanees itr rr,'hich the directot 'Nas a.w&tr: that his or her canduct or cmission created an unjustifiabl* risk cf s*r'icus injury tc tlis Corp*ration, rir {iv} constituted a sustained anci unex*usecl pattern of inattenti*it that amnuntecl [,o an abdication of the directt:r's



Tihe Corp*ratian sirail,



t* the {-'r:rporaticn.

In adrJitir:n to the ttrregoing" the Corpcration shail provide to its iiil'ect*rs and of,ficers ttre tirll amount of inelemnilication tirat the Corporation is permitted to pravid* to sucl-l directeirs *nEl otTt*ers pursuant to $iections 33-1115 ta 33-1124,inclusive, i:f the Act cr any ather


applicable larvs presently or hereafter in etf*ct.


by a direatcr or' o1{rser in defemltng a *ivil or crirninal aeticn, suit cr prnceer{ing shall be f'or or reimbr.irsed by the Corp*raticn t* the fidiest eltent per*iitteri b,v iarv irr aqJvance *f, the tinal rlispositi*n o{ suq:h a*tion, suit *r pi****cling upon r*c+ipt *f h*th qi) a r.rritt*n aflirmati*n bv su*h director Err *fiis:er of'his eir her g*od fuith beii*f that he *r sh* has met the relevant standard *f c*ndue.t und*r the Act or that the plriceeding iav*lves **ndu{:t fbr r.'hich liabilitty has beeil i.imited zvader Artic}e 1$ o{ this Cerxifi*'at* r:f trncorporaticn and iii) an undertaking by or oa behaif of sr-rch direotor r:r t* repay sucit am*unt il'it shatrl L.le utrtirnat*Ly d*termined that such clirect*r or otTicer is not entitleci t* be indei:nnitieei t'ry ttie Ccrp*rati*n. Su*ir *xp*nses {including aft*rneys' fbes) incurr*d b.v oth*r emplcy*es and ag*nts E:f the Corpr-lrati*n m&y b* sc pairi upon the tcrms and c*ntliti*ns, if auy, as the Board of {}irer:tor:s rl**ms appicpriate.


.il,:;penses in*wrced

'{'he indernniflcati*n anr{ aelva*c*mefit cf exp*nses pravid*cl fbr hereiir shali li*t b* de,*rned *:xsiusir'* *f a*1'' *ther rights to rvhi*l"1 th*se s*eking ind*mniticaticn s.:r advanceriletlt of expense$ *:lfi.y b* entiti*d under any h\'larlr. agreej)]ent, v*t* *fl disintsr:estsd ctrirectors *r $thena,ise" br:th as t* acJiE:n in his clr her ollieial cailacity and as to aeti*n i* another oapaeit,v wu*1le h*lding sueh of-fic*, a::d shail **ntintze'ds ttl & person ra'ho has cea,sed t*?s* * direet*r cr otHq:*r and shall inuret* th* benefit *f the heirs, executors and adrninistrat*rs *i'such a p*{6an. ,Notr.riithstariding the fcr*gcir:g. thr: Corpcraticn shall not pr*vide su*h ittder:rniiicalion or $rtviurcefils)nt :r expen$*s to the extent tliiil sucii iniiemnifi*irtiCIn or adl,anc*ntelrt rv*r-rid cilnstitnte s*lf-cle*ling r.vithin the m*aning of eeeti*n 4q4L(d) *f,tils C*rie.


[n the ever\t that tlt* trr*r:rnal Revefl'.]e Scrl'li:e deterrnines that th*, il*rporation is a privat* fbundation within the meatriirg cf Secti** 509{a) *t the Cccle, the C+rp*rati*n witrl nat *ngfrge in an-v a*t cf self-rCealing as d*iin*d in .Seeti*n 4q41(d) *f the C*rie, r*tain any. exffilss husin*ss haleiings as defineit in S*ction a!)a3ie) af'the C*de, nlak* auy itn;estffients in a:r:dnner es to sul:j*ct the C*rpr:rati*$ tt.: tax under $*ction '49.$4 of {he t-l*de, *r make any taxa[:]e expenditnres as defined in Sectior" 4945{t1} of the Ccide . Additionall;o', if sueh a rtreterr:rinatir:n is made b.v th* \nlamwl E{e',,enus ,$en'iee. th,* t*rprsrati*n r.vill eiistrihute its inc*me t*t: ea"*b tazve$r $t r* timfi anel in a ffi*J irer ss riilt t* beeome sutrj*ct t* tire fax r:n undistrilluted in**me inlp*sed b.v Secti*n 494? er.f the C*cle.


13. Reterenires in this Cerlificate cf inc*rporation to a Secticn of the Ccde s?rall be eonstnlcd tr: relbr i:*th to such secticn anrl tr: the repllatiar:s prci::uigated thereu*ci*r, as they ncw r:xist *T tnp,y herea{ter Lr* amended.
F'nn F{itr1 H-r:ae{"

I'he il*rp<lrarir:n's Registered SSic* in th* M*nt oe, Ccnne*ticut {j{1468.


r:f Connecticut is lacateeJ at


i"he Ccrp*ratistn's Registereel Ager:i is 1x/inship "$er:vic* Casrp*ratt*n. rvith s business address in sarc t'{ Slsiysrnan & Go*dwin LLF, *ne {lsnstitutio* Flaza, F{artf*rd, Ccnnecticut 06103- I 91 9"



Iilre fcreg*ing designaticn as Registered A.gxtt {*r F avo'il I{o llow Farent- Teach er Orgat izat t*n, Ins. i s Lt*.t eby aecept ed.

Winship S ervi ce Corpr:r*1it'rn


Fatrieia B. Ch*uinard, S*er*taiy



H$W:iX-Hsi;LSL\3:g&8.Sffi HEA{ffi &SSRQSS{F*S,R$$$-.$NS:


ffAffixi 4s&gu&H-{}s-sg
'['he name of th* corp*rafi*n shall be F*wn ffieit$s]w F*res]f*Tea*hex' $ng* *ixrttiom, {rne.. (the "epgpEratrqn"}.



'l"he {icrBcraticn i* crganiz.ed and shall be cperat*ci exclusively f*r F:lg#$Sp" +1tarita.hle" scieiit;rrsi lit*tur-o or eduaatianal purpases r,vithin th* rr"*arzing cf Sectir:n 501{c}{3i of -'-C-c:lg'), including the fcilowing; the {nternal fi.evenue Cade of- 1986. as amencleri (the


1ai to pr*mot*, augment and imprcv* public sch*t:l





(b) ic)

pr*vide ftindilig and cther resi]$rses


the Farvn Flollor.v Elemeniary $chool

{ttrte "$ghqat-*'i;

to worli

rrh* +*llabarativ*ly *,ith the h4onroe ]3nai'd CIfl Educatian and adg:inistration and staff cf the Scl'r*ni to assist, str)oll$or, and support initiatives

and activities that w-ill expand andlrx enhan*e public schocX education in i\'lLorffoe,


(d) tg prCImote ihe rvelthre of' the chihiren of the $choal by ibcilitating the
cooperatiolt of,sttldents, pirrsnts, faculty and oXjters: and


to engage in any larvfirl act ancl activitv consistent with the fi:regoing f*r rvhich corpcr"ations may he fcrrned uuder tb* Corurecticut Revised F.jcnstoek {Jorpr:ratian Act {the "fu1"}.


profussiolai pers*nnel associated with the School oi: any parent or guardian.of a stuclent at the bchocli n,ho is interested in the objeetirres af the Corpcrati*n and rvho is rviliing tc uphoLd its policies may becoine a h,{einber upon pa-Yment cf dues.


QlApS.. Tlte Ccrporarion shall have one class

cf members {the "&ieil&gI$"i,



C*rp*raticn shall *cnduet an anntsal eni'ollment *f B,fernbers in $ept*mber, but pers*rls may be adn'litt*cl ts) ffieintlership at an-v ti$re 'Ihe cnrollsienl rerluirements and the dues assessed fcrr me*rbership in the ilorpr:ratiou shatrL bc *leteirnined by the SJoard r:f Ilirncfars.



?"S 3lf+-gS$er.qbr$l{*.; . flx.pqsEqrqsl. r\z.X.embership in th* il*rporaiicn sliall be nontransf*rabtre, at''ld may be terminated 'oy death or voluntary ra,ithdrawatr *r expr.llsir:n. Pv Mernber w'irEtse continuing meirib*rship n'i:uk{ be inimical to the best interests of the Carpwatt*n ffiay bs expell*il tr-:y the aftirrnative rrote cf a majority *f"the directrirs af ihe Carpr.:ration.
kt-gtgffig*l".Y$.{9" $nly &$emt}*rs in gr:r*el stancting shatrl be eligible to r;q:te at the C*rp*rati*n's me*t;flgs, *r to serr'* in anJ' of its siected or appcinted trrositi*rts or fts a elrairpcrs*n cf a c*mnlitt*e. Each i!.lember shall be *ntittred to #i1e {l} ticte *n eash matter subrnitted to i\,{einbers{w a*ti*n. V*ting shall be in persr:n anly. *ith*rby a vciE;e vr:te r:rb-v rvrilien l'rallot at a me*ting" and v*ting hy proxv shall nct ir* permitt*ri.




&.l.eggelffgedfryg" fhe anntsal rneoting of the l\'{emb*rs of the Cr:rp*rati*n *f af?icers anel directr:rs anrl ibr such r:thcr business a$ r:rarr.' pr*p*rtry c.*lrre belbrc tire meeting shall bc held *il such daJe as shall be fix*d trr:n: time t* lime bv th* R*ard *f,l]irectors. su$h *r*etir:g tc L:e at such tim* and nt sucli place ffs the tl*ar<l *f Sirsct*rs sirali rletemnine.

far tlie eleeti*n


&gg.qd"qS:.ft{e_e_{i.*"g9. ;Lt ieast six {'6} regular nxasitngs *f the ivfern}:ers-of tire C*rporation srliaXl be hekl duri:ng*achfis*a\ year Gn such iiates as shall i:e deterrnined b1' cf th* Bcilrd *f,$ir**tcrs.


-Smtjge-.${.j"b$"e*j,e$gs. \\iritten n*tiee crt me*ting *{ales, tln:es arrd plac*s shall be furnis.he*'tr t* aell h,'iembefls rif,th* {J*rporati*n n*t less tiran t*n {i0} **r ur*re than sixty {6*} days prior tt: e:a*h rn*eting, anrl t* a1l parents $f students *rf the Schclcl, to the


Sehool pri**ipx.l, anrJt* the facr"rlt3'*f the Schacl"

?.6 S{ffi3g#_?j S_dj"q$ffijg$S$. Ten (lii} &fembens pr*sent at ftn-y* meeti*g *f'h{embers duly heletr shnll e**stitute a qliorum fbr the transaetion r:{'Lrusin*ss at sl}il:h ln*etirry" A ma,jorit-v of the hternbers pre$ent aL any meeting rnay adj*urn thc:ne*{ing frcm Xin:q: Xc time, rnl:eth*r *r not th*y sanstitute a quoflln. and any business 't+kie,h could have been tra*sa*t*d at any rneeting m*-v be tsken ar an1"*urutnent thersrf rvithout th* necessitS'*f ner.v n*tice *l'the adj*urn*d
&f.-g--rnah-Agg. The a*t tzt a majorit3, cf lulembers presfint at any meeti*g *1' shall be th...' a*t * th* fu{enlbers of the Carp*rati*n, uttl*si; a great*r prcporti*n is required by law or by the Corporati*n's Certificate *f lncorporation,





A &{e*-rb*r in g**d *wding shall be iir ccmpliacc*'r"ith the Eylar.vs af iite Corporaticn and shaltr not be in default in ttrre peyment cf, dues or other
&fle,e:Sgs:gAl# $*t;affSSqg.


aeeounts payable.

in a i:*si[i*n vihish rv*gld giv* the appear*noe of, repres*nting the Corp*ration or impl5' ihat the Corpcraticlr endorses a payticglar pr*du*t, service ct issue zvilhalrtthe express endsrsemefit orfierffiissian cf the ?Joard of llirectr:rs.



h,.'femi:er sha}i place irirnself,or herseif

Ag{'r'scE,E s

managefi anct J*netucterl by th* ts*ard *f ,Dil-e*tsrrs r.vhich may authcrize anel direct tire Cgrporatio6 tc exercise all such pow*rs a*d clo all sne,h things as me.v be *xercisecl cr d*ne h-1' tlre Ccrpcultiou bu{ subjeet neverthel*ss i.o the provisions of the {lcrp*ration's ilertlllcate *f .luccrpoiaticn. th*s* tsylaws, the ]ar.vs *f the State cf" {}tnn*cticrlt and the larvs of tlie Lrllited


SgH,pSq _AS$*


llhe prop*rty and affairs clf the C*rpoi'ation shal1 Lre



3.? S"S S.,{


tlniy a &,fem}:sr in g**d

stnnding shaltr be eligi.Lrle


sel-l'e as a

dir*ctq:r af the Ccrporation.

.StCSf:qe[" ]nrliviciuale shall bs el*etcd h{*m.b*rs r:o }ater than June cf each year.

ta the Fcard cf Directors annuall-v



clirect*rs, the u,v*r.d#r:re; directcrs anel the elected Clifectsrs" as fi:llows:



Fcsrd of t]irectors s]rall be ccmpo*ed of tr.vo designal.icris


esic{ent{s}, Imrnediate Past Fresidenti's}, First Vic* President{s}, Sect;nel Vice Fresident{s), SecretarV{ies}, Treasurer{s). and Fal'ents' C*uncil llepresentatives shall i:e the *"r-fficjc direetors while h*lcling such nt}-ices. Such er*cflicio tlirectors shall he countecl in dstermirritg lhe preser]oe of a qr-roi-l-im fol- the trensaction of business at rneetings of the Board *f Directors. Any ex*ffici* di'rector shall csase to trre a director *f the Cgrpcration immediately and zutoma,tic.all-tt upon ceasing to h*ld tlie office from w,lrich his or fuet ex-rffici{} *tat&s c{erives, ivithaut the ir*ed tst anv actian by the Corporation ar its Men'li:ers cr clirectors,

{.a) Ezl}ffi4e*PJ[get!]re The persoris rvho lierve in t]:e offices r:t':

e.x-a.l!irit> rlirectors pr*victed fur gndel subsection {a) above, the Members of the Corporatio{t ffi.ay *lect up tc fif}een i 15 } 'ltrre eiected directors tnay inciude a6ditieinai directors eachyear pricir tr: the end af June. individuals scrving in facultir pcsitians at lhe Schooi, or individuals vvtro may agree to


Elgtt^d_Di1g! In adclition to the

chair comn:ittees of the Board.

f.cllcra'irrg y*ar

t'L<twev*r,'tf *arlier, a dsreatnr's ternt shall end upon his r*signatiun, or rernoval as provided in these &ylavvs.

3SS'gA=,pfl..*S_{Sge. Llacrh clirecteir s}:a11 tak* tlf,1ice a{ the beginning C*rpr:ration's flscal y*"ar an Jlrly and shaltr serr,'e {i:r at*rt\i. of,*ne y*ar untii Julie 30





of t}re

rlr her &*ath,

suctrr plaee

r:r plac*s r.vithin

&{}*qffLffgggfuSg, The &$arsl mav hotrd iis n:e*tings. annual, reguiar or special, at *r with*ut the Stat* af C*nnectisut as it may fior* tim+ ts tiilt*


{a} eeggdeg.Sgeg!!ffi. Regriar m*ettngs *f the Board of ilirsctors shatri be h*ld at I*asr frv* {5) tirr:*s betv.r*s* th* n:crit}is cf Septernber and {vne *f each year on sn*lh dates :ind at si-lci"r times as shall be spe*i{i*d in a resclXr-rtir:n ail*pted by the i}r:ard *f fl]irectors tir*n in *ftbct" *r if th*re shall r:*t h* nn1.' snc,h r*s*l1:tiqrn th*n in eff-*r;|" as shail be sp*r-.ified in a trr:tice ot'such mecting.
S*ggkLe.q,eeg{Str. Special m*etings *f the S*arel of Sire*tr:fs shaLl tr}e held r,vhenever calloej b-v the Fresielent cr i:1; at l*ast trvo {.2} erf th* cljreet*rs then in otfice.


{e} RqpjS"g" r\t ieast trvo {2} days' rvritl*:n. *ral r:r *lectvoni* ir*tic* *f ea*h speoial meeting stating fhs tinte and piac* tlf the me*ting shall be .gir,*n t* each clire*tor by tlie,Precident rlr the Seeretary. or in the ease cf a speeial m**tingthatlzas been ealieel Lr-v the *keet*rs. by th* direct*r s eatrling the me*;ling, Except as other,vise provided in these Et-vtraw*$ or as othr:rrvis* r*e1uir*ci bv the t\ct, nsitller th* trusiness trl i-re transactsel at. ncr the pliipo$e of any special rnee,ting *f'the Bcarrtr af l,jirectors ne*d ire specified in tli* rioti*e or rvaiv*r o{'notice of sur-,h m**tin,g.
atteilrlanse cf a elir*eior at any m*'*ting witirourt protesting prieir to *le er:mene::c*firent cf th* meeting the lactr; ol'prcper fl*ticf sirall be -hy him *r her of ncti*e *f such rn*eting^ *eern*d tr: tr* a rvaiver



Tr1?'"v p"ertic,itrsatein a mseting *f the tscarrl oi$ir*ctor"s by use erf a ceini"ereltc* tctreplrerne qrr sin'lilar c'Jrnrnunt*ations equipment wilish allows all per:sons pafti*tysating in the rn*ettng siifiuitaneauslSr t* hear *ash other and t$ e*mffiltnicate r,vith on* another.



*ne *r more r.Jirectols

If the total numb*r a{'direct*rs {brrth ex-u{ticio atrd *lected} is sev*il(7) cr less. than n luajority olthe nunrber *f clir*ctors then in offioe shall ,:*nstitute a r{u{:}ruffi f*r th* transarl,;t*n of business. If the tctai nr"rmber of dirertq>rs {b*th *:<-eiflicio and elected) is eight Lrn more, then the greater *f tlve {5} r}ir**r.ors *r one-third {113; of the


dirsf;tilrs then


ct$ce shall ecnstitute a Lllror lrffi fur the trafls*ctisli-l of brisiness.

A n:a,jority cf the direr.t*rs prsent at en-v rneeting of'the Board of Direcfors, including a meeting at ra'irich a quorufit is nct pr*sent thereat. ma-'y-adiourn the mee.ting lo anrither time and pla**. Natise *t any adjourned meeting need n*t
A"djSCag:ElSg$t. be given uniess the meeting shail have been aEiicurned fi-:r ffiCIr* lhan three {3)



The act cf a majority af the riir**t*rs pre$enl at nny rneeting at ra,hieh a qrlor$m is prese*t at the time af lhe act shall be the aet of the N}*arri *f,.Directars, unless the rrcte of a greater or Less*r proi:r:rtion is ottietrn'is* required b-v the Act. {f all the dire*t*rs s*v*rallv r:r calle*tir'*iy e*nsent in lvr:iting to afty aftiCIn takeil *r t* be taken bY th* Cnrporaticn, sl:eir acticti: shall be the acl' <lf the Boarci *f Flirectars r'rrith th* same t*rce and eff"ect as th*ugh it h*ri ireen authorie*il at a duiy called and heXd meeting r:f the tri*ard tif Directors.
&{*g,grypLg}{ &gtq&g.




'tr'he Ficard of Direetars nra-\' riesignute trvo *r mcre i*dividrials to c*nstitut* a comn*ttee, as the Boarri of Direct*rs &t&,v dectn fieeessarY ar advisabtr*. Comniittee$ rnay ocnsist o{' ciire*t*rs and r:sn*directors. A e*mmitt:e that dtres ns}t sr:nsist s6iely af direet*rs is nct abl* to exercise the authcrity of the Bcard af Ilirect*rs anr{ shail act in an advis*ry cai:aeity anly. Conirnittees e*nsistilrg s*lely af directors shall have anei ntay exercise al1 slich authcrity of, the tsoard cf *irectoi's as $hall be prcvi*tred iil tliese E_vlarvs cr in res*lutioris *f appoitdtrrelrt, ex*ept that no such cctnmrittse rt*uil ha"* any pi]1li*r or aurthgrit.v pr*hibitect tl-V larv a;r as t0 the fb!}*re'ing.



the tilling



in the ts*ard of }irects}Is ot ail}' cf its

{ii) {iii}

the ameneiment rif th* Ceirtificnte of lncorp*ratian; lhe aeioption, atnsnditient or repeal

these B-vlarvs,


amendmept Or repeai c:f any res6lrtticrr


the Bqlard- o1'

the apprr:val cf ri plan c1'msrg*r, a saie. iease, excirange ur other rlisposition of iill or s*bstantiatly all of' th* prCIperl3- crf the C*rporation err of a 1:rcp*sai tr-r riissclve the Ccrporation; or


ffiart*rs ceininritted by these Bylalt's or a resoiution *f"the trioard of Direct*rs to another committee of the Board of'Ilirectors.
actirsn o$


Except as pr*vicied in these Bviaws, ur*mbers of eommittees shall be appainted at afty meetilrg of the Board cf Directars. 'fl:* term of afTice s:f a cotni"llittee member shall be detefi11ined hi'tiie Board of tr)irect*rs. t\4emlrers ofla committee ma\t be renroved at any time by the Boarrl of Directcrs.
S$ru$Aligg_eorufi$te_C. Easir vear in February, the Bcard of Direct*rs may appaint a Naminating Ccmmittee of at least ttree {3} membsrs. The Nominating Canrmiitee, if any, shall be respcnsible for nominating at least orie eligible persan f,ar *ach cf$ce positian. and shall pre$ent a slate of canilidates to the Board of Direetors and t* the Members at a rneeting to be helcl before the end of June in each year. At such meeting- fufther ncminations tr:r r:tfrce p*siticns rna-v Lre made from the floor. More than oile person may be nominatecl fcr the same of.fice pasiticti, in lvhich case the noiriinees




mey be pr*$*nted as ffCI**ffic*rs. C*-ofli,;ers in anv p*siticn shali share the d$i*s cttsu*h p*siti*n, anri each such cllTicer: sliall s*rve fts a dire*tor *f the C*rtrtoratian and shali have the riglrt to vste oir rnafters br*ught befilre the R*ard. Eaeh n*minee must cons*rrt tr: serv'e in tlie of ce for rvhieh he or she iras bcen nominateei. T'he slaie af candtdates shall be rep*rted t* the &,{emtrrers at ifiast t*n i10i clays pri*r to the an*ual *lectians. &g.q$g$*Sgg" Anv direct*r of the Corp*riiti*rr luay resign at any time bil giving rvlitt*n n*ti*e t* tire Fresident *f the C*rp*rati*n, In the eveilt *f a r*signa{inn cf a eiir*c{or rvi'thout written noticr*, the Pr*sid*nt shali ccnfirru such r**signsficir irt nriting. $ri*h resignaticin shall take effeet at tiie time sp*cifiedther*in" Unless otherwise specified th*rein, th* a*eeptanae of su*lr r*signati*n sliali nclt bo ne*essary to rnake tt e{t**tl*. An.v dirsctor vuho fails t* altenrl three {1i} or mcre c*nsecutive regulal meetinS;s of the }3oar:d *f l}irectors filav- u!:s11 11t* *{dnnative v$te {:}f th* Rtard of J}irectcr:s, b* deemeej tc hav* r*signed as a ditect*r.


:\ny direct*r rnay bc rernov*<l f?*lrq the Boarel *f'l}ire$t*rs rorith *r without cause by a rnajori{y vs1* cf tirs eiiieetcrs pre$snt at a nieetittg at **hic,h a r;u*rurn is pres*nt. Such n*ti*I1 iiiirry bc tsk*n aI arr_v anrrual rneeting, a*y r*gular 3ng*lirg ol ally speeial me*fi*g. prcvirlecl that riu* **tie,e ol'lhe pr*tr:osed removaX shali have b*en d*ly gir,*n. Sucli


rcmoval tna5'




**:ccnlptrished with or u,'ith*ut cau$e" but the ctire*t*r invalveei shail L:e given an be pr*sefil and io be heariJ at th* rn*-reting at rvhich liis or h*r remaval is

3.lX "1iepA.*.g,lgg" {li t}re e\,'efit a direr:t*r ce&ses ta be in *ffrce *r a direct*r err *ffreer pr:siti*n is vacant fbl *no1!'eas#nl the l3oard *f ilirectors shaii have the porver to tiltr the va{)afic.y, and th* persCIn *lectsii to llll sri*h vs**ncy -shall ]rcld ot'fice fe\r ths unexpired p*rti*r: *f the te{iu of his *r]:er pr*dec*ss*r.

&g&-4$r{" [ikg#g:] "{,}{ S{fu,fg" T}:e officers of the {.r*rp'sreAirsn shali inelude. *ne oi" n:ore Fresidents, one *r n:cre Vice ]llesidentg, one or more Ireasurets, $11* or nl*re Secr*tari*s. l"rj.: to thre* (3.1 Representatives to 'T'he &.'1*r:r** Ilublic ,5*hr:r:1 lsarents' Caun*ii, fnc. {lhe "Par_*_t1$-_{.1_0-u$_qi1"}, ths linnieeiiate Fast l}'i;sident{si and such *ther *tfieers fts the $oarei rf llir"e*tors itlfi!" deen: nsoessary *r arivisabie f,cr the et-ficie*t *peration *f ths Corp*rati*n's atTairs. Eaieh *{lit:a p*sition rnay he h*ld i:rv n:cre thari *ne p*i:son. "X'h* *fEcers *i the Corporaticn shaltr be *l**ed. by ttrle &,.fernhers *a*h y*w prior tr: the snd *f June, i:-v a rirajorit-v vnte cf the &,f emlrers present at a me*ting la'hieh n*tice iras been S5iven *f'suctrr annuatr ele*ti*ns. Each t*rm cfl oftic,e shall begin on July 1 and *xtend to and *xpire on June 30 of the fl*ll*iving year. Itorl'*vei'. if'e&r'iier. an ofTrcer's terrn sirail end upcn iris or her rJeath, resignati*n ar {etno'nal as prarriried in these Rytrara,s, }i* otEcer shall serve for mol* than trxr* {2) *ans**\)tive t*rms tn tha safrat p*sitl{}il. Eaah **tgoing otrfrcer shatrl el*liv*r to tfie sur$ess$r iit snch oiEee all xlaterta,ls related tr: their positi*n by the b*ginning of the new cfficet's t*rffl.


The Freside*t sirall be the *hiet-*xecutive atfieer *f,the Cotp*rati*n Sub-ject t* the control of the Board of' llirectrirs, th* Ilrasident shali, in g*nxa.I, supen'ise and f;ontrotr aii the busifiess *rti atfiairs of tlie {Jorporati*n and shall have the p*ra'er ta sign, acknowledg* and eieliver *n behaif *f tlre Carp*rarti*n all decr<{s, ilgtreeffie$ts and other fbrmal instruments. The Fresident sliail pi:eside at *ach meeting of the Board *f Direq:tars and of the }*,fembers. 'The President sirall ses th&t all oreJers anri res*truti*ns *f,the B*ard t:f Directors and of the eommittees af th* E*arel of $irectcrs ale carried into efHest" ln gtnera| he *r shs shal.l perf*rrn all duries tn*identtothe st{t*e srf Prcsident and such other cluties as maY k*tntircetrs tims i:* xssigned tc the Fresident by these HvLaw's ar b-v tiie tr3card cf'$irect*rs. The tr:t-.sition and ribtrigations *f the .Fr*siclent may be share{i hy two individuals as C*-Presidents. Ln the eveff thal th*re are Cr:,.lrresiderits. {i} any nati*e i equired ta be given ta thsr Fresid*nt sliall be r]eemed tc b* given if prr:virie<i t* eithels{ th* f,l#-Presidenfs and iii'} any reference in these }3,vlarvs to the Presirient shallb* deerned tei be a reference tr: th* Co-Presid*nts"


}SCg. }"rced$gt$." Each Vice Fresident, if. any, sliall have such genernl responsihiXities as mnv be assigneri t* him ilr her, ti'om time ta tinte" h.'- the Board CIf'Ilirectors or the PresiEient. and he ai she shall perf*rm atl such cther *uties as fi-*nr tiilre t{r time may b* aseigned t* irim or her by the B*at'd of Firectcrs cr the llresirient. ,& the recprest *f ths Fresident, * in case of his or her absenee or inability t* act" atsy Yi*e Pr esident designa{:eil by the I3*ard oli tlirectors or b;v ttre Fresident shall perf'omr fl:e duties *f the llresident, anc{ rrrhen s* acting sh*ll have ail tire 'po\\iers of, anrl be smbject tc aii tire restrictions up*11, the Pr*side*t. The Iloarci *f Directar$ may designate Vi*e Fresidents i* areler of ar.rtharity either b3' title" such as First Vice Fresident and Second \"isre Fresident, or by res*lulion"


anv, shatrl have charge anci cnstody * E{e8gg}""e1:. "['he Treasnrer. respgnsibtre lcr all the fune{s and secarrities af'the Corporati*n; he ar she shalX keep ibll ancl acc:urate accounts of assets, iiabilifies, receipts and disbr.rrsements and *tirer transacti*ns ai the Corporation in books bebnging to the {l*rporation; nnd hs, or she shall deposit all nr*teervs and crthor vali;alrie eftbcts r:f thc Carporation ilt the narne o{' and fo rhe creclit af tha Corpora.tion irl suE:ir banks or oth*r d*pcsiiories as rray be designated hy the Bcard of Directors. Th.e Treasurer



shall pr*pare an annual budg*t for the Corporaticln" tc i:e approved by Lbe, Baarri *f Dire*tors. FLe clr she shall disburse or oversee {he ciislrulsemE:nt *f the funcis oi'the Corpora.tion as ma.v be ordered by the tsoarul of Directors, taking 1lroiler voucliers fbr elishursemeuts. and shall r*nder to the Fresi{trent and tr: the direst*rs at the rneetings of the tsoard ofl Directors, or w}renever tlt*y rnay require it, a statemefit cf all his cr I:*r transactions as 'J"i'eaffirrer and an asJcount r:f ihe tmancial sanditiarr cf the C*rporation. The Treasurer shall be respansible fclr overseeing the C*rpcratian's annuai Form 990 filing rryith the Interi:al R.evem"le Sen'ic.e ancl sueh other tllirrgs as may be required uncler llie Cslde or by the State cf, ilannecticut. .Each such iiling sirail Lre revielved b3, theFresiel*.nt and the Treasurer and be rep*rted to the Br:areJ *f llireq:tars. In ge*eral, tlie Treasurer shail perform aii the drities incident t* th* aflce of Treasurer and such athet duiies as nlay from tiltre to time tre assigned tc the Treas$rer bl' thc Board clr by the

$Sprgtary, The S*cr*tary sliall serve ail iiotices tbr the Corp*ra:ti*n that have b*en authoriz*rl lry tlie Board of Direetars; keep the minutes af the n'lee;lings of the tsaard cf .Llirectors; i:e the custodian of, the corporiife recoi'ds anri of the seal clf ths Corporation. and, in



Eet\ffiel, psrforffi all tire iiuties incidefit t* the ofllce *fl$ecre.tar-v anel such ather duties as i?'cnr tinre to time may be assign*c{ by 16* Rcard *t L}ir**t*rs or thn Presid*nt. The peisition and r:biigaticns of the $**retary ma--v be sbar*d' by t",v* individuals, :vlto rnxry be r*fci:red t* as the Recr:rding S*cretary *nd th* C*rr*sponriieg Secretary. In the ev*ttt that the *{?i** nf.'l'l*asurer shall not iiav* heen tilled by the B*ard *f .Dir**tors" ths See..retaq,v sXrall perlbnn the cluties inciei*nt t* ttrre *dlice $f ['reasuret.


serve as the Corp*ration's iiais*n to the Farents' Coun*il, shali attcnd the rfte*t;fiEi$ of the Far*nts' Ca$ncii, ancl shaltr repcrrt cn su*h rne*tings ti: tlte Corp*rati*n's Eoarcl of,llirect*rs and llt[elribers. Xn aelditian t* t]i*se tr*-viara,s" th* Fareiits' C*uncil Representatirres lvitrl be exp*cled tt: abirle hy the b_i,*laws arrd the gsv*rnan+e eir:oum*nts *f tlie Farerits' C*uncil.

ffqq",eg{$j_e#.s{gffi}-&..e$.reeexlfatl-r,:eg. T'he Fai:ents' Council Represerttatives *;hall

4.3 {rymedqa&*fuW-'Kg$$.ij&*$. The individi"rai r.!'h$ ser?ed as the Coi:poration's flr:esident immedrately trsri*r ta the current ,llresident's t*rrn shali serve in tb-e capat'tty *f lrr:mcc$iate Fast Fresident. 'I*his $rfirsCIn shail i:e an ex-r:ftlcio ffiirec;t*r during the terrn fcrr rruhich he or sh* serves as .Irrlrnediat* Fast Fresident, *nd rryill act as an advisor ta the eurretlt Fr*sid**t of tl:e C*rporation ane'l tc the Boarel cf- $ireutars as n*{:essax'y. Iir the *vent of a tie vote b-v the dire*tors, the dinrueeiiaf* Past Fresident shall cast the deciding vote.
The &*ard *f &irect*Ts nlay fr*m f.iine to time :tppoint such ath*r *ftricer$ as the Boarri *f .$ii:ect*fls rnav d**m ii*cesissrr\' *r aeivisabie lrir the effrcierrt each *f ll,h*m shall hald offi** fs.:r suchperi*d, have such ':perati*n *f the ilr:rpr*ration's.tffairs, p*l Eoard $f DiresJtors njay J: *il: time tt: time deterfirine. th* {irrm duties as such auth*rity and
#g{ap$" *{,ffigp-g"g.


,KgW-*eg.I*g{ {}f.figeq3. Xrc*sp**iive af term of ofiiee. bul sub-iect to ar:1"',vritieir *antract riglrts. any *ttir,er Df the Ccrp*rati*fi rnav be reincv*d r.vith *r rvithcut oa$$e at any X.ime


by the E*a.r-d

*f .!jir*ct*rs.

$${X*gg" Any eif'f"ic*r *t"th* {J<lrp*rati*fi !'ray r*sign his *r ir*r office *t cny tir:ie by giving r.r'ritten n*tise theresf to tlie President *f the Corpor*ri*n or to the Boarsl r:f lliree,tors. Sueli resignati*n shaltr take effbct at i.he, time specifieii tlierein" *r i{ cfl tir$e is sg:*:cified therein, at the time *f tht tt:*eiyst there*fl, a*d the 'd{sepL&fic{: there*f shstr} not b* necessiiry tc mak* it efflective.


}h*ept ns $fliens'ise provid*d iu tl:ese Sylarvs. if the ofEce ai'ttre Preside*t, the Treasurer, the Se*retary *r arly *th*r: clTleer appawfi.ed by th* Fresi*trer:t. any Vic* B*ar:d crfl *irertors beeon:es va*ant elu* to $*atb" r*signatiot\, t:*rnl:v'&I, llr tbr an-y cther rflason, tlre I'acancy may \te filied tbr tli* une.xpired terrn ther*cf bv tlie B*arci of $irectr:rs.



ASA'F{CLE 5 LS_&HS--f;ffi




i'{r: l*ans shali be sontxafte{i on b*half cf t}re Corp*ratir-rn and no errid*nces cf inri*bteclness sj:all l-r* issued in i{s nam* udess auttrrori.r.ed by a resolution ot' the



B*ard of f,)irectors. $uch att+,h*rity ma.y be gen*ra! cr confined tc speeific instai:ees.

cheeks, dra{ts or orders far ttre payment of, nroney, n*tes, bills ctf *.xchange and other evideirces of i*clei:tednsss issued in th* narixe of the C*rp*rari*n shall tre signed cr endcrseel r.vith tlte signatu]:es *r facsitniie signatur*s ct' such cf?ic*rs $ ef1ents *f the Corpcration as the R*ard *f fljrectors shall ti-orn time ta time designate 'tsoarcl at frireet*rs. ffs the Fresiilent shall by nanre ar tttle, or in li*u *f any ar,txc;n by the




einpl*-ved shilll l-re depclsitetl ltorn tiftre to tirn* to the eredit of the C*rporction in such ba*ks. trust compani*s or otlrer cleposit*ries as th# Boarcl ol'Ilirewtors {llav se}ect or- in lieu of'an-v acti*n b-v the strard *f Ilirectors, as the 'Jlr*as*rer may s*iect.



AII funds of the il*rp*rati*n not othcrrvisci

A&'IrlcH.,{s {;

{:s-Kqs&&-EE&qa-$}Kss-&"N!}."s},N4ry[:]4tu"S3"&3S*h'{F;ryq$'i {gegga";ats*&Sgti:f&5. ire Cr:iporation shall keep at its principal place cf t)usiness a fl{3tr}V of its Certificate of trnccrp*ration anei any amendments t?ieret*; its tr}tla'uvs" including all amsnrtinents theretc), *ertified try the Secrecary; anel an originnl rlr a oCIpy of the minutes t;1'the mectings of the tr]oard of Direetors and an1' coitrmittees of the Foard n{ Direrctars; ancl a lis't or rr:cord contailing tl:e names and aclc{resses cf members *f, the tr}card *{'l l}irectors ancl atrY


er:rnmittees sf thr, B*ar"d of Directors" trvel'u'* (12} l:lCIilths, tlle Corp*ration shali preFare a baiance shest showing its financial c*ndition as of a date not rnor* than tcur (4) n'i*nrhs prior ther*to and a statsment *f receipts and clisl:urseffientli r,vith r*spect tcr "the balance sl"leet. statement af its r:rperatians fer the tr.velve {12i months preceding such date, rec.eipts and disbursemsnts, ancl atirer corporate resords shail be deposited nnd retaitied at the principal <lffice of the Corporatian.


At intervals o{'nt'rt nrore than

sff s_ffi

L{Am*g"g r&.f_}-w $Isnig

H#,iSS. Any natiee required or perrnitted to be giveu under these }3yla*'s iti rvriting shall be cleem*ri t* have b**n delivered if delivered in pers*n *r if sent by linited States



msil. or'*rnight d*liv*ry, t*legraph {'oharges prepaid}, telex, tbosirnile, fbx *r email ancl atlclr*ssetl such per's$* et the adelress sir*rvn ar: the r*er:rds of the Coip*rati*n cr the address supplied by irirn ar her lei th* Ccrp*rati*n f,or the purpose *f notice. If such nctice is serd 1t'1 *tatl, it shali he <lsenisci t* lmve beeir given to ttrie [lsrson *ntitlecJ th*r*ta w]ren dep*sit*cl in the Unit*d States



may be amencled *r rep*aled b), the afflrurative vclte r:f trv*-thirds o{ the cJirectors ivho are plesent. iit any msetifig of the Bcarri uf Dir:ect*rs iit lvhich a qusruffi is presenl, pr*vieled that th* notic* *f sucJ: meeting sXiall set .f.rrth the g*nerai nature CI{the pr*posed ac.l.i*n.
,&g}lp-ggs$E:lt_s-. These Bylar.r's
.sS,qSM{"gg _p_f_-{:o_$$rae{$.. T'he Board of {}irert*rs ft1a-v a*thorize a:ry *f}i*er cr eiffrcers and en_y iigent or agents to enter intc an-v **ntraet or *xecute any instruunent in lhe na*re otl ar:rJ on l-:ehalf ot; th* C*rporati*n. anil sn*1"1 authority ;6ut h* gener*l *r trin'liteel f* spe*iiied instanc*s. No $11?cer" ageirt *r emplcyee shall huv* a*y* pi)ri,'er *r auih*rit;* tr: bind *r chligate fhe Corporatitx by any commitrnerlt, contract *r efi$iagqrnlent, or lc pl*dg* its credit or renrie:: it liatrrle tt>r any pr$il*se or in any am*wni unl*ss duly a*th*riz*d by the. B,aard *f Dir'*ct*rs.



'fhe Corporatiuxx mriv Lray coilipsnsati*n to nily ilerssn iexeept a g$\'err1il1ent ofticial), *ven if sueh p*i"s$rl is aisE; a clilect*r or cl'the Carpcrati*rn, firr personal services {in*luding, but **t iiruiteel ta, educati<in, *rtistir;" legal" cl*risal* and investnwr*" rnarsagement services') that arc reascnable anei ri*ress ary t* t:arry *ut th*. plrrptrses *fl the Carpara'irion, 'and rna.r-" reim?:nr'Fe afiy such, p*rtt:n ior extlenses inerirree! in


C-qrRpe,ff_q"e{gg$. {gf_ $$,{q3_tgg..

c*mecticn with the renelitiCIn of such s*n', pi'cvideri tliat the arlx$unt *f such ecmpensn.ticn,s:r rei*rburser:rent is reasernabXe and nc:t ex**ssive. T"h* tsoarrl otr Dir"ect*rs shali stretenriinc th* anr*unt *f e;*mp*ns*ti*n cr r*iinbursemellt that shatrl be pilid


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