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( A Government of Mahar8shtra Underta kin9).
NO.MIOC#1929/6664/ Mprol Industrial Area;
PJahakali Caves Ftciad, ./
A,ndheri-{E' ,llo.Y.. 400~9~.
Oat.ed::"3;6/i~.9t ~.
Sub: - c;~idelinGsgoverning: the
transfer of plots/and sheds in
It is the basic principle of transfer guidelines fixed
under varibus resolutions passed by the Corpmration that where
original allottee/sis/are holding more than 50% share in the
capital or profit IIlnd10SS8S of par tnership firm and m.ore than
~11shares in the. total pai c=-up capital of the private Limited
comparw, tha-trans fers ~hould be tree ted a~formal "tI'an~f8rs. -
Act-~~ding to- the. resoilution .No.2429,.it has l:ile'o been decided
~ :,. "0',' .;. . . .
by the B~~ardth~'t, such holding of 50% or. 51% as, the case. may be
I ' /'
should be, for a minimurn' par ' ad of 2 years from the date of
grant of the consent,and -thLt an undertaking to that effectshou,td
be obtained fr'orn ;he oric.h,:-', allotte~/se-nd transfereee/s in
the standard f'orrns .pr-esc eibed,
2. According to the undar takinoj Lf the original
allottee wi"hdraws f r o~ he ~~f t n8r s~i p or produces his shares
in the cepi.v aI orof'Lf ar.O 1.;c'3~~:J3 n O ' partnership firm and/or
reduce6 tho shar es huLd h- ~n th::: total paid up capital
of the private Limi +rid C;:;~~f-~Y '" ~,8 .. .;:::an~f..::rersand ~the
t.ransferees ere liable ~'O r", t~, the Corporation the differentia!
premium payable if the t.r8:~':i' ':1' been originally tr,eated
ElS non-formal.
3.. A ,doubt has been raised "Ihether if permission--as stated
above is granted,and if the z.l.i:Jttee and the transferrarGle -
commits .br aach of the undertaki.-:rj and if there is no change
in the rate of premium in t he pr : tLcul ar, industrial aree-, in
the meanwhile the differential O~lmium would not be payable
and therefore whether such ~~rmi~~ion should be withdrawn.
This issue has been examined and it hes been decided that ,while
obt ai ni ng an under t aki ng as ' st at ed above i n al l Cases we
shoul dobt ai ~ f ur t her under t aki ng t o be i nc. l uded i n t he
Bt sndar d f ~r ~at t o t he ef f ect t hat i n cas~t ha. al l ot t eel
t r ansf er ee~ comm~t s. bF~ach Qf t he undei i aki ~g and i f - t her e i s
no c~ange i n t ha r a' e~ o~ pr 8~i um i n, t he p; r t i cul ar i ~dust r i al
ar ea i n t he meanwhi l e_ al l ot t ee ~J i l l sur r ende~ t he pl ot , t o t he
cor por at i on.
/ 7/ )
(/ -----.-
( S. K,Jambevdekar ')7
] t . Chi nf Execu' i v~Of f i cer , MI CC.
Bomba y -?1..!.
COI'lY to :-
1 \ Al l Regi onal of f i cer s i n MI DC.
2'\fI 11 Ar ea Mana gel ' s.mcc.

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