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ln l.e with lhe complEnce ,equnemenl ot Nepal R.stra Bank, Bankrng Oiiene and PurEhmeni Acl, .

.s well as olhlr Slatutory/

R69ulalory/ Bank's lnlehal Policy R.quiroment, l/We haGby declaro the following:

lM/. o. a member of My/ Our lam y is/a€ not a diector oI NIC ASIA Bank or do nol have any ruthodly to nomi.ate and
appoinl a Dteclor in NIC ASIA Bank.

2 A Di€clor ot NIC ASIA Bank orlamily member ol such Dr.dor iyare nol a mana96r. parln.r, agani or guaranto, nordo thoy
have any dned lnancial interesi in the respedive fim/comp3ny oMed by Me/Us

3 A Orcctor ol NIC ASIA Bank or member ol such Dnedols lamily rsJara not a shareholder holding moc than 10% share3 of
My/Our Frm/ company availinq loans lrom NIC ASIA Bank nor do they have any financial intercst rn lhc .ubFcl

a Dnedor of Nrc aslA aank or member ol such Dkecro.s family rs/are nol a guar.ntor to dedit facilities being avriLd by
fie./us liom NIC AS|Atunk.

5 UWe or My/Our lam ly is/are not a promoler, promoter sharehold€r or a sharoholder holdng more than 1% oltho totalassued
shares ol Nlc AsA aank or Shareholde. having ,rnancial ni€rest in the bank as per existing law or Managing agent or lsh.d
pany or CEo/sratuiory AudivLega Adviso/EmpLoyee ofN CASIA &.*.

UWe or My/Our tamily iyare .ol 3 lamiy momb€r o. clo66 ElaliveJ rffil {am fni.64t niF q-d tfr {q- q qn, qr! !'rlt,
ffi t
r, !Hi, ntrd arJ rrtr{ rtul m r+ !r{ r,rr, 6.r q&, m !F! ,R r+. {fi iHt {Ht Tr{1, itd{ !d tqq d) ol
Employee/CEo/Onado/Promolor at NIC ASIA Bank.

7 A shareholder of Nlc ASIA B.nk holda.g mo.e rhan 1% of the tota i6sued shares or an gmploy€€ ol th6 Bank is/are not a
shsreholder holdrng morE than 10olo chares oi lh.lim/cornpany o*ned by mo/us availing dedit lacililies frorn NIC tSlA &nk
nordo lhey have aoyvotrng nghl and linancialinteresl in lhs subl€d nm/@mpany.

8 The to3n berng avarled by me/us Ls nor berng e{ended aqahst assets omed by a promoter o. di.6clor or CEO ot
NIC l'slA Bank or a memb€r oflhetr iamily or sha,es ol NIC ASla Ban*

9 Connrmaton on beow mennoned

a lam nota oredor/CEo o. nol at On'e. evei,[4anager al Level ol any Bank and Financrallnstitulons
b lam a Directo/CEo orat Officor laveuManagerial level of any Ba.k and Financlal instilulion and loan avail.d by ms in my
name ls only urde, Educalion loan, Hn6 Purcha$/Aulo loan Holsing loan a.d Consum./Oomestic Applianes loan
(!rE4 mi.ri {F. a)
c. I Em at Ollic€r leveuManagenal leveucEo ol lic€nsed Sank and Finanoal lnsdutions bul I do not hold more lhan 50% ol
sha/es n the F rm/Companyor lnsritution whrch 6 avaring orproposed ro avalcredt limits/facalitiEs lrofi NlCAS|ABank

10 l/w. anvare nol lEred in lh6 NIC ASIAs apprded vallator l$t

11. l/W5 ada.e nor convrcted by a courr olan o,iense involving morsl turpiiudo, cvl and criminal ofien@ 8nd senionc.d in
Gspect thereof. and a p€riod of le. years has not elapsBd iiom iho expiry of lhe sentencs or is nol an entiiy having major
fnancial inteEr ol such pe,son

12 l71/\/e orthB nm/onircompany's bank accounl rs.ol !.der liaeze slalus bywhalsoever roason

13. Audiror of my/oor Frn/Company b nor lhe shareholder holding 1% or more shaEs of NIC ASIA or a proprbtor/ PafieBhip
fim ot 6uch shareholder
Section 5 Finan€ial Details

5r.teme.t of Frnan.ialPosition ol

aitete I liability Position

saling/Curr.nt A/C Fi.ed

AS|A Banl (Limit) oeposits at NIC AS|A Sant

b..k'finan.. companiet


Oths a55etr (pb. specily):


Tot.l A5icts:

I hereby.erirty thar lhe i.,ormatio. provided abole is irue and .ore(t. I am ready to provide i(wocabte guaranre td the to.n
bcitrq laken Irom you by the appli(antG) .. lrhallexecure the letter ol
slr.ntec i. Bank\ {ormot o .. ....... Loan ro rhir (rhse).ppli.ant (r)irapp'oved

signalurc ol 6u.ianlor
Name a.d Se.l ol the Guarantor
Section 6 - C.edit lnformation
Provide th. detaitt orcredir ia.iiitres wirh orhe. ban(r4inancralinrfturronr:

Nah. ol other Banki/ Ior.l Limitroutst.dd,n6

Flt trom lvhere credit Date..
r(sh.dd h.
rha^ t.n
nr lBrhsd ,."hftd)
cun- sc: ^orotds
Ott.r info.
t. ....... ... ...... E.nlqfi
. Workng capital Loan5

. Non tunoed rd.Ltris

2. ........ . .. .... ..Bdar(/Fl

. workns capiGlLo..s

. Non funded Fa<riries

t. ... ................,,., 3a.t/.i

T#Fh*::11;:j,:rx.r.r,,$.Tr ::::,:T:::H: fl .r:.,T j:-.[ ffi ::"1 ?,n o,-,

SectionT-Detailsof Guarantor (s) tro bec omplcted by individual
guaranto,s a5 appiopriate corpo.ate guarantors) firm,
Guaramee shoirtd be bbded by resolution ot Board o,

Relalion ol the Apptr..nV

IoJe W.rd No.
riour€ No, Dinri<t

f.mily Tree ot appta<ant



l I

tq ot,'io,t.l,,
4t cnari m qi{qr t{fufc-s,
nrqr{rqiqa, derddri,

prq +E$r frct{ E;i .rt !., ioi.) qn rci d1{Alc-{c, Erffi Yrq.rfi I 3FsrcrJiftri {ryi r]ii {+{66
q,,6rdrdri qr'r ?i+i (Sr qr dr .r-qrfqa *-;rqr (qr4rr rri ++ {cer itr rlr4i q,d r qqift (Et{rn gtfir
q{dqrFni 44{+fll1r{ Rnri aFrnrrerr qrrqitrl i ffiki q,;i r

{fFF, :nq, d. :qEr dflr{

irnar .ql.g fn,-aq_ar{,Fn k.q . { 'rr {el I ',

q5{fr<a 6<4r( fiadr 6{4rd

Fq;iE 6{EFr

rlnr 6r 'd{r a{r€-flri' .rfi +64r6iqrn * .ff"'t *f

lD Y,'c;

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