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Life Coaching 101 Video

Hi, Im Christy Whitman from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy and there is no better time than right now to become a life coach. Aside from the fact that you can easily make a 6 figure income, you get to do it while helping others achieve their goals. Im going to teach all the insider secrets to becoming a successful life coach. Right now for FREE. Over the next week or so, your going to learn everything you need to know about: How to be a successful life coach and not just a friend who gives good advice. How to effectively coach someone without feeling like a therapist How and where to find clients that will gladly pay you several hundred dollars or more for your services. And youll learn the exact step-by-step formula that Ive taught for several years, to hundreds of others, who have since created their own successful coaching businesses and how you can too. All for free!

If youre ready Then lets get started.


Life Coaching 101 What is a Life Coach?

Life Coaching is a professional service providing clients with feedback, insights, and guidance from an outside vantage point. The profession of coaching is similar to the practice of a physician, attorney, or psychologist. The major difference is that coaching is an ongoing collaborative partnership built on taking action. In this powerful alliance, clients find themselves: Doing more than they would on their own Taking themselves more seriously Creating momentum and consistency Taking more effective and focused actions Becoming more balanced and fulfilled People hire a coach when they are making a career transition, starting a new business, feeling dissatisfied, re-evaluating life choices, or simply looking for personal and professional breakthroughs. Coaching is action-oriented. Its also about moving forward, not dwelling on the past. It doesnt matter how clients got where they are or who is to blame for how they turned out. Coaching is about where an individual is right now, and where they would like to be. With a coach as their guide, clients are able to define their dreams, recognize whats holding them back, and move forward with great momentum and clarity of vision.

Coaching is an ongoing partnership between coach and client designed to improve and enhance the clients quality of life.


How did coaching become so popular? Why is coaching so popular? The benefits of coaching are far-reaching and extend to individuals from all walks of life. At one time, only a select few professionals, executives, and politicians had coaches. Now, most people can enjoy the benefits of having their own coach. The market for coaching clients is vast. This massive market phenomenon might best be compared with cell phones. When cell phones first came out, years ago, only a select few individuals had them. It was like an exclusive club with very few elite members, some of whom waved their cell phones about like status symbols. Now, everyone from kids to senior citizens has his or her own cell phone. They are now commonplace and an understood necessity for work, play, and safety. It is estimated that there are only about 20,000 full-time coaches practicing worldwide. The majority of them (about 15,000) are found in the United States. Compare this to the legal profession: according to the American Bar Association, there are more than 1 million practicing attorneys in the U.S. It would appear that there are far more potential coaching clients than individuals needing legal counsel. The demand for coaches continues to grow as coaching becomes known to more and more people. So why has coaching become so popular in the last few years? Why didnt it exist before? Will the need for coaches continue to increase? At the turn of the last century, we were dependent upon one another for our very existence.


In spite of our pioneering spirit or maybe because of the enormous risks we were taking in blazing trails across this new country we needed each other for our most basic of needs. As we skip through the subsequent decades and observe the morphed changes of society, we notice a gradual disconnection of the tight bonds previously necessary to survive. The traditional family unit shrinks from the supportive environment of multigenerations living under one roof to the scarce reality of single parents barely able to make ends meet... both financially and emotionally. Coaches and mentors are stepping into the roles previously held by trusted family members and the elders of our tribe. As a society we seem to be realizing that we are not meant to do this alonenor can we. Another reason for the popularity of coaching is how it is perceived. Psychologists have long been the answer to the question, Who can I talk to about this? Having no available or trusted family counsel, it became commonplace, even popular, to seek therapy. Women accustomed to communicating well and reaching out for help seemed comfortable receiving support in this way. Men, on the other hand, did not find this to be the most desirable solution. Seeing a therapist to straighten out ones life was the equivalent, for most men, of stopping to ask directions on the freeway of life. It either wasnt going to happen, or if it did, no one was going to know about it. Coaching appeals to people because it facilitates a confidential relationship with a trusted professional without any social stigma attached to it. Admitting you need help, showing vulnerability, and revealing that life has gotten out of control is tough for most of us. Maybe we dont feel crazy (yet, anyway) but it sure would be nice to talk with someone who could help us get our lives back on track.


An article in The Washington Post talked about the many who are skipping the shrink and hiring a life coach instead. Patrick Williams, former psychologist and founder of the Institute for Life Coach Training, estimates that 80 percent of those seeing a therapist have no mental disorder. Coaching does not wallow in the past. It is not about how you got to where you are, or whos responsible for how you turned out. It is about where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there quickly. Coaching is about taking action, and many times all someone really needs is an accountability partner in order to live the life he or she has always wanted. You are needed in the coaching profession because our society needs help, and it needs it in a unique and specialized way. Life coaches are more than friends with whom to share problems. They are a sounding board for solutions to the challenges we face on a daily basis. They are mentors in some cases, cheerleaders in others. They are part consultant, part family.

Coaches unleash the power of partnership. Should you be a Coach?

YES! Being a life coach is rewarding! Mentally Emotionally And very rewarding FINANCIALLY Lets talk about that last one for a minute There was a study by Price/Waterhouse/Coopers that was commissioned by the ICF, and they found that coaches earn an average of $207/hour.


Full-time coaches earn an average of $82,000 per year. This study encompassed both ICF and non-ICF coaches, surveying almost 6,000 coaches worldwide.

There is a huge demand right now for coaches.

Coaching is becoming even more mainstream. People are understanding that if they want to improve their lives, have accountability, and get to the next level, that having a coach is going to help them do that. There is a huge demand right now. So if you want to make great money doing what you love, being a coach is right for you.

Delivering and Getting Paid

How do you deliver and charge for coaching? Coaching fees and the structure of how you meet with clients can vary. Typically, most coaching is done on the phone at weekly intervals, either three or four times a month. These calls usually last 35-45 minutes, and sometimes an hour. In addition to the weekly calls, some coaches plan to also field unscheduled short calls and email inquiries. The fees for this service range from $250 to $400 per month, per client. (Executive coaches can command $1,500.) The amount you decide to charge will depend less on how long youve been coaching, and more on the types of clients you work with and what you can do for them. You can look forward to earning $100,000 and up when serving some of the specialty niches.


Your financial success will depend on your ability to take consistent action, and your willingness to treat your practice as a business. The field of coaching is in its youth, and it is growing rapidly. Considering that just about everyone can benefit from having his or her own coach, the number of new coaches needed over the next few years will multiply drastically.

How do you know if you would be a good coach? Would you be a good coach?
Almost anyone can be a good coach. With a little training, guidance, and commitment, you can achieve your goals of being a wildly successful life coach. To be a good coach, you will also need a strong, ongoing commitment to your own personal awareness and growth. As with all other types of coaching, you need to possess and continue to develop coaching skills and tools. Most good coaches have these traits in common: A huge love for and desire to help people Superb listening skills (both for the spoken and unspoken) A willingness to consistently stand in truth A strong blend of loving-kindness and the ability to compassionately call clients on their stuff The gift of recognizing and articulating clients strengths A large capacity for non-judgment A positive orientation to life Empathy Strong business skills If youre the person people instinctively come to for help and support, or for a shoulder to lean on, youre probably already coaching at a certain level.


You may be saying, I know I could be good at this, and Im convinced I will be a great coach one day but how do I get there from where I am now? Youre already taking the first step by watching this video. Make sure you watch the other videos in the series as they will teach you more specifics on exactly how to coach, and how to find good paying clients. After watching the videos, if you feel you need more training, consider registering for the Quantum Success Coaching Academy (QSCA) fall semester. Registration opens on September 13th and classes start on October 6th. In the meantime, watch all of the free videos in this series, and take notes on all of the information.

And remember...
As a coach, you can honestly have the lifestyle youve always wanted. This may sound like pie-in-the-sky and it would be except for one thing YOU are in charge on this one. YOU decide the life you really want and how much youre willing to put into it. Plus, you cant beat the benefits of being a life coach Being your own boss Working from home Setting your own schedule Determining your own fees Choosing your clients And changing peoples lives forever Another advantage is that you can ease into coaching by doing it part-time at first. You dont have to quit your day job (nor is that recommended), and you can gradually get a good feel for the profession.


Consider that coaching may just be your calling in life like it is mine. Take some time to imagine what your life would be like if you were a successful life coach. And make sure you watch the rest of the videos in this series. They will teach you exactly how to achieve that goal. Well, thats it for todays video lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. Dont forget to download your 1st coaching tips PDF below and keep an eye out for my next video where Ill answer the number 1 question that keeps most people from choosing to be a coach. You dont want to miss it or any of the other videos in this series for that matter. Thanks for watching and Id love it if you took a second to leave me your feedback below.

Thanks again and Ill see you in a couple days.


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