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Defining Essentials in Your Signature Program and it’s Outline

Now that you have taken the time to get clear on your ideal client and how your passions,
gifts, and life experiences have equipped you as a Spiritual Life Coach, it is time to bring it
all together and complete your Unique Signature Coaching Program Outline.

Name of Your Signature Coaching Program: __________________________________________

What are the top 4 benefits that clients will experience by working with you?





What are 3 struggles your potential clients dealing with, that you can help them with?




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Identify a minimum of 4 stages you will be guiding your clients through. Here is a general
overview of how I lead my clients and how you can lead yours in a similar way.

* Create and define your own unique stages that compliment your type of coaching and leadership style. *

First stage- Clarity and Understanding

This is where they are at when they begin working with you. Typically this is
clarifying where they are at and where they want to be. Where is the gap?
What are the blocks, patterns, and existing beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors delaying

Second Stage- Receptivity

This is the first required spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical place you are
leading your clients into so they can be ready to receive your coaching and begin to
progress. The phase in which you help them become ready and available to the
progress and changes that are about to take place with coaching.

Third stage- Implementation

This is where you help them create the plan/ map to get to their ideal outcome, and
how to begin to implement for rapid success. Defining the necessary routines,
actions, mindset, emotions, expectations, and spiritual practices to lead with .

Fourth stage- Outcomes manifested

This is when the actions are proactively and consistently being taken, commitment
is being reinforced, outcomes are happening and progress is clearly seen and

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Stages to Your Signature Coaching Program

First stage-

Second stage:

Third stage-

Fourth stage-

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There is an estimated timing that we have to predict that it will take for our clients to
progress through the stages. Everyone’s unique needs are different, but if you were to
estimate timing for a client whose diligently following steps, and is effortlessly moving
through the stages, what would that timing look like? And what would the timing look like
if it’s a client that needs more support and requires more attention?

For example, my clients have booked me for 2, 4, 6, and 12 month packages. Depending on
their needs and ideal outcomes.

This will be something you may be modifying along the way, but for now, using the stages
that you identified for your program:

1. What is the minimum time needed for a client to successfully move through your
Signature Program stages?

2. What is the maximum time needed for a client to successfully move through your
Signature Program stages?

3. What other timing options fall in between these two?

4. What timing is your ideal?

5. Based on your ideal, minimum, and maximum timing, list your top 3 options:

(Example: 2, 4, 6 month)




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Time to finalize the coaching packages you will make available for your clients?


• I offer 2 and 4 month coaching packages.

• We meet for one hour sessions per week. 8 weeks for the 2 months and 16 weeks for
the 4 months

• Included: Recorded sessions and Voxer support between sessions.

I offer…

We meet…


Complete these two sentences:

I am launching a Spiritual Coaching Program to help…

This coaching will be ideal for this type of individual or someone whose looking to…

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