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English Terminology

Term Abbreviation Definition

A short way of writing a word or group of words.

For example: BBC is short for British Broadcasting Corporation

Mr. is short for mister

Abstract Noun

An abstract noun is the name we give to an emotion or idea; something which is experienced as an idea and not as something we sense through touch, sight, hearing etc.

For example: doubt, size, history

See also concrete noun.


The way in which people in a particular area, country or social group pronounce words.

(Also a symbol used on the letters of some words borrowed or adopted into English from other languages, to show you how to pronounce it. For example: fianc).


A word formed from the initial letters of a group of words.

For example:

UNICEF stands for United Nations International ChildrEn's Fund

Radar stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging

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