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This story explains the unusual life that teens have in Rome compared to Peru, United States and other countries. Lucius is a young who is 17 year old who has to meet very serious work, and is linked to arranged marriages, coming-of-age festivals and the communal baths. His brother just turned 15 years old and this means that he is maturing. Half of the children in ancient Rome die before reaching adulthood, so this is a very important milestone. Lucius looks his brother to remain in his new robes at the altar of the house with their protective deities while placing his bulla, an amulet of protection. This shows us that life in different countries is very different , for example in Peru , children are accustomed to spending most of their time playing and chatting on social networks, while in Rome everything is different , adolescents are used to carry an adult life and see that what they will make in their future. I believe that a child and a teenager should enjoy life but in a good way, and I think in Rome is very strict, children and adolescents should be able to act as the person they is and not be swayed by the customs of their country.

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