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Dre Terada

895, Stearns .rd Kelowna, British Colombia, V1X2B6 250-765-5601 INTP

Work/Volunteer Experience
Yoshiharu Teradas Orchard (July - August 2012)

Apple Picker, tractor operator, picking apples, and putting them into crates, responsible for filling the crates, writing down which section of orchard, and what kind of apples they were, then lifting them with the tractor and stacking them into a truck to take down to the packing center

Rutland Senior Secondary Kelowna, British Columbia

Grade 10 to 12 (graduating 2015)

Rutland Middle Kelowna, British Columbia

Second semester grade 9

Okanagan Mission Secondary Kelowna, British Columbia

Grade 8 to first semester grade 9

Learned how to make homemade cookers, by coiling cardboard into a tin can and lighting it, and figured out how to re-use the burnt cardboard by flipping it over

Dissected a fish, was the only one to remove all the organs intact

Adapting to new procedures Analyzing data Analyzing problems Being thorough Checking for accuracy Collaborating ideas Comparing results Creating new ideas Displaying artistic ideas Inspecting physical objects Making decisions Organizing files


3D Modelling Animating Making art Listening to music Making music Modding Cosplay


Dan Ruggiero, Teacher Rutland Senior, 250-212-7656 Lauren Terada, Apple Picker/ Computer Programmer, Nikki Terada, RCMP Office worker,

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