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DAY 29

DAY 29

MORNING ______________

EVENING ______________

Entering Chaos

Entering Chaos

It seems almost an insult to Jesus enormous cost in dying for his Bride if we simply settle

The truth is, as God entered chaos to create his world and as Christ entered the chaos

for fewer hassles in our marriages instead of pursuing a terrifying and joyous passion for

of our sinful world (and the chaos of engaging intimately with his fallen people) to win

each other that somehow mirrors Christs own passion for us.

his Bride through suffering and sacrifice, so each man is called to enter the chaos of his

Nancy Groom, Risking Intimacy, p.148

Sex can be the glue that sticks us together in a marriage, or it can be the mortar in a
brick wall that separates us, and stops us from enjoying a passionate marriage.

wifes world, willing to suffer and sacrifice on her behalf.

Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church is no simple command. It
touches at the deep terror in every mans soul the terror of chaos and the threat of
exposed incompetence. Most men dont bargain on this when they marry. But the man

What is sex in your marriage glue or mortar?

who longs not only to stay committed to his marriage, but to richly impact for good the

Write your thoughts about this challenge.

woman he has covenanted to love, this man will have to face the darkness of his terror


and enter it with the intent to bless his wife, though he wont have a clue how to do it.


Nancy Groom, Risking Intimacy, p.148


Meditate on this for a while and then write down your thoughts about it.



















This is the secret of joy. We no longer strive for our own way, but commit ourselves, easily


and simply, to Gods way, acquiesce in his will, and in doing so find our peace.

Agape love is..profound concern for the wellbeing of another, without any desire to

Evelyn Underhill, QV.6566

control that other, to be thanked by that other, or to enjoy the process.

Madeleine LEngle, QV.7158

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