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Western ,central eastern. and southern Africa. The hippos nose, ears, and eyes are on top of its head and they protrude from the water while the rest of its head and body are beneath the surface. that way the hippo can see hear and breath while the rest of its body is under water. Hippos are exhalent swimmers they can hold there breaths for 5 minutes. They can even walk along the bottoms of a river or a lake.

They also live in the Indian ocean. They live in rivers, lakes and there surrounding ding grassland.

By ;Molly

Hippos eat grass and fruit like pears, grapes, apples, ect.

Hippos can get to be over 40 years old. And 12 to 15 feet long and weighs from 5,ooo to 8,ooo pounds.

A hippo is a mammal

Baby hippos are 10 times bigger than a human baby.

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