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Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL 1 E1

Lets listen to the story. Story 1 Kudin Goes to a Feast One day, Alim invited his neighbour, Kudin to a feast. Haji Leman also invited him to a feast. Both feasts were on the same day. Haji Leman was a rich man. Alim was a poor man. Kudin thought there would be a lot of food. He decided to go to Haji Lemans house. Kudin arrived late. Im sorry, Kudin. Theres no more food, said Haji Leman. He went to Alims house. It was already dark. Im sorry, Kudin. Theres no more food, said Alim. Kudin walked home hungry and sad. Suggested questions: 1. Who invited Kudin to a feast ? 2. Whose house did Kudin decide to go? Why? 3. What happened when Kudin went to Haji Lemans house ? 4.What happened to Kudin at the end ? 5. What kind of person was Kudin ?

Story 2 Burt and His Horse There was once a man named Burt. He had a horse named Torsy. Torsy was a strong horse. One night, there was a storm. Suddenly, all the lights went out. Burt took his torch. He went to the porch. He looked for Torsy. Torsy was not there. Burt looked everywhere. He went to the fort. He saw Torsy in a pit at the fort. Torsy was badly hurt. Suggested questions 1. What did Burt have ? 2. What is the name of Burts horse? 3.What happend one night? 4.What did Burt do when the lights went out ? 5. Where did Burt find Torsy ? 6. What happened to Torsy ? 7. What kind of person do you think Burt is ?

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL 2 E1

Texts 1. Rhyme 1

Titles Little Lazy Larry

Assessment Rhyme -stress -rhythm -intonation

2.Rhyme 2

A Wise Old Owl

Rhyme -stress -rhythm -intonation

Recite the rhymes.

Rhyme 1 Little Lazy Larry Little lazy Larry sleeps on the farm, He yawns all day and sleeps till dawn, Wheres the boy who looks after the fawn? Hes on a haystack on the farm.

Rhyme 2 A Wise Old Owl A wise old owl lived in an oak The more he saw the less he spoke The less he spoke the more he heard. Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL2 E2

Sing together. This is the way we stir the milk, Stir the milk, stir the milk, This is the way we stir the milk, To make a chocolate milkshake. This is the way we whisk the eggs, Whisk the eggs, whisk the eggs, To make a chocolate cupcake. This is the way we whip the cream, Whip the cream, whip the cream, This is the way we whip the cream, To make the chocolate topping.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB 1 E1

Read and circle the correct answers. The hibiscus is our national flower. People plant hibiscus because the flower is colourful. We can find red, pink, orange, yellow and white hibiscus flowers. The hibiscus is also easy to grow. It only needs air, water and sunlight. The hibiscus has many uses. In some countries, people make tea from hibiscus petals. The tea is good for our health. The hibiscus and its green leaves can also be made into shampoo. This natural shampoo makes our our hair beautiful. 1. What is our national flower? A rose B hibiscus C morning glory

2.What does a hibiscus need to grow ? A air B air and water C air, water and sunglight

3.Why do people make tea from hibiscus petals ? A The tea is tasty. B Te tea is good for our health. C The tea makes our hair beautiful.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB 1 E2

Read the text. Then tick () True/False. The rafflesia is the biggest flower in the world. It can only be found in the rainforest. The rafflesia has five large petals. It does not have a stem, leaves or roots. It is reddish brown. This flower blooms for just one week. The rafflesia smells like rotten meat. That is why it is also called the meat flower. True 1. The rafflesia is the smallest flower in the world. 2. The flower can be found in the rainforest. 3.It has a stem, leaves and roots. 4. It blooms for two weeks. 5. The rafflesia is also called the meat flower. False

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB2 E1
Complete the table based on the book cover.

Title of the story: Author: Illustrated by: Characters:

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DT 1 E1

Colour, cut and paste the pictures and words to make a poster.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DT 1 E1

Make the signs. Then write the words below the signs. No Entry No Parking No Smoking




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