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William Dock Walls

47 West Polk Street

Chicago, IL 60605

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Governor Pat Quinn

Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706


Governor Quinn,

On Friday, you acknowledged that your campaign aide, Holly Copeland, made calls to Special interest
groups and improperly offered "face time” with you, directly in exchange for campaign donations.

In fact, Holly Copeland contacted Trade Associations that have funding requests or legislation pending
in Springfield and informed them that she would arrange a meeting with you if they would contribute
$15,000 to your political war chest. Obviously and clearly, the expectation is that if they pay that much
for a meeting with you, you will support their efforts, irrespective of the merits.

Although this political fundraising scheme may not be illegal, it is immoral. This reprehensible activity
has degraded your presumed moral authority and thereby jeopardized your ability to pass the proposed
Illinois Reform Measures. Governor Quinn you cannot lead with unclean hands.

This activity has cast a cloud over your administration. This is a continuation of the blatant quid-pro-
quo, pay-to-play, politics that led to the impeachment of disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich.
This type of immoral activity not only poses a dangerous threat to our Reform efforts but also to our
democracy. Therefore, on behalf of many of Illinois citizens insist that you demand the resignation of
Holly Copeland.


William Dock Walls

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