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ASSIGNMENT: 01 CMP-201: Data Structures using 'C'

Q1. A two dimensional array X[5][4] is stored in a row wise in the memory. The first element of the array is stored at location 80. Find the memory location of X[3][2] if the each elements of array requites 4 memory locations? Q2. Consider the array NAME Mar y Jane Dian a Susa n Kare n Edit h

(a)Write the Algorithm to delete an element from an array and also delete jane from the array NAME. (b) Write the algorithm to INSERT an element in an algorithm and also add ABC into the array NAME. Q3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of array, link list, stack, Queues?

Q4. Write the dynamic algorithm and program for push and pop operation in stacks? Q5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using pointer. How the concept of pointers is useful in the implementation of data structures? Q6. Write the program and algorithm for creation, insertion and deletion in a circular linked list? Q7. How do you represent Polynomials? Explain in brief? Q8. Consider the following infix expression Q: Q : ((P+Q)*S)^(T-U) Translate it into postfix expression? Q9. Consider the following arithmetic expression P, written in Postfix notation: P: 12,7,3,-,/,2,1,5,+,*,+ (a) (b) Translate P into its equivalent infix expression. Evaluate this postfix expression.

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