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Data structure using C

Question Bank
Unit-1 Indian Knowledge System
1. Explain the procedure to create binary numbers by Acharya Pingala.
2. How to create a table having n syllable?
3. Create a table for a metre having 1,2,3 and 4 syllables developed by Pingala.
4. Write a procedure to create a table of numbers using n syllable.
5. Write the steps to create a table of numbers called Meru Prastar.

Unit-2 Introduction to Data Structures, Array and Linked List

1. What is Data structure? Explain Classification of Data structure.
2. What do you mean by Array? Describe the storage structure of array.
3. How many type of Searching algorthms in array ? Explain with examples.
4. Write Linear searching algorithm in array.
5. Write Binary searching algorithm in array.
6. Explain Insertion Sort with suitable example.
7. Explain Selection Sort.Construct selection sort :42, 23, 74,11,
8. Write Bubble sorting and Insertion sorting algorithm in array.
9. Write Selection sort algorithm in array.
10. What is Linked list? How many types of Linked list?
11. Explain how to represent singly linked list with help of diagram and
12. Write and explain algorithm to insert element at the beginning of singly
linked list.
13. Explain algorithm to delete element from singly linked list.
14. Explain how to represent Circular linked list with help of diagram and
15. Explain how to represent Doubly linked list with help of diagram and
16. Write and explain algorithm to insert element at the beginning of doubly
linked list.
17. Explain algorithm to delete element from doubly linked list.

Unit-3 Linear Data Structures - Stack, Queue

1. What is stack? Expain Linear and linked representation of stack.
2. Which are the operation in stack? Explain any two operation of array stack.
3. Write algorithm of PUSH, POP operation of Linked stack.
4. Write PUSH,POP algorithm of array stack.
5. Explain how infix expressions are converted to reverse polish notation.
Illustrate your answer with suitable example?
6. Explain how infix expressions are converted to polish notation. Illustrate
your answer with suitable example?
7. Write Evaluation of postfix expression with example.
8. Evaluate the following postfix expression.
1 2 3 + * 3 2 1 – + *.
9. What is queue? Write an algorithm to insert(Enqueue) and delete(Dequeue)
an element from a simple queue with array .
10. Write an algorithm to insert(Enqueue) and delete(Dequeue) an element from
a simple queue with linked list.
11. Explain circular queue? Write an algorithm to insert and delete an element
from a circular queue.
12. Write Applications of Queues.

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