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1. What are the parameters & their roles considered for Analysis of an algorithm? Explain
asymptotic notations used for analysis of algorithms.
2. Discuss bubble sort & insertion sort with their time complexities.
3. Write a C program to implement binary search.
4. Write a detailed note on Abstract data type.

6. Sort the following array using selection sort. Also specify its time complexity
80, 27, 42, 14, 69, 22, 85.
7. Write an function to implement heap sort.
8. What do you mean by Divide and conquer strategy? Give suitable example for the same.
9. Give the snapshots of searching an element using linear and binary search in the given
array. 20 , 91 , 32 , 81, 75, 48, 05, 19, 08. Also comment on time complexity.
1. Write and explain algorithm to convert an infix expression to a prefix expression. Using
2. Explain the concept of circular queue with suitable example.
3. Implement a stack and its operations using a linked list.
4. explain stack with PUSH and POP operation.
5. write short note on multiple stack and priority queue
6. explain queue in brief
7. explain procedure to insert element in circular queue
8. Write short notes on any two.
i) Multiple stacks.
ii) Evaluation of postfix expression.
iii) Circular Queue.
9. Write an algorithm to evaluate a prefix expression using stacks. Explain it along with an
10. Explain polish notations. Convert the following notation to postfix using stack. Show all
stack positions

11. Write a program in C to implement a stack. You should write user defined functions for
each valid operation on stack.
1. Give suitable representation for a polynomial and write an algorithm to add two
2. Explain with an algorithm and diagrammatic illustrations how insertions and deletions can
be performed on a doubly linked list.
3. Given a singly linked test L, formulate separate routines / algorithms to
a) Insert an element X after a position P in the list.
b) Delete the first occurrence of an element Y from the list


6. Write a Menu Driven program for various operation of singly linked list.
7. What is Doubly Linked list ? Write an algorithm to reverse the links of singular linear
linked list ?
1. What is a Binary Search Tree? Explain & construct a BST from the following data:
43, 49, 09, 20, 33, 31, 02, 01, 57, 55
2. Draw the tree, represented for the following prefix expression:
i) * a b *c de
ii) B C * D E * F / K / L F
iii) * abc / df
iv) * abc df
3. What is an AVL tree? Explain with suitable example, how height is balanced in an
AVL tree after a new insertion.
4. Write short notes on threaded binary trees.
5. Write an algorithm for Postorder traversal of Binary Tree (Non-recursive).
6. Construct a tree for following pre order and inorder traversal.
Preorder : G B Q A C K F P D E R H
In order : Q B K C F A G P E D H R

8. Explain Binary tree and its types with suitable example.


1. Construct a minimum cost spanning tree (MST) for the given graph using
Kruskal's algorithm.






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