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1. Write an algorithm for performing polynomial addition, taking array as data structures for
representing them. Trace the above with suitable example.
2. Consider a two d array A[20][50] which requires 4 bytes of storage. Let the base address
of data is 2000. Determine the location of A[10][10] when the array is stored as
1. Row major order
2. Column major order
3. Differentiate linear and non-linear data structure? How will you specify the time
complexity of an algorithm?
4. What is the difference between single linked list and doubly linked list?
5. Write the advantages and disadvantage of linked list over arrays.


1. Differentiate between stack and queue .

2. Write an algorithm to convert infix expression into postfix expression.
3. Define recursive procedure. Give an algorithm to print N of Fibonacci numbers using
recursive procedure.
4.   What do you mean by Queue? Explain insertion & deletion on queue.
5. Write short notes on
1. d-queues
2. priority queue


1. What is tree? What are its key properties?

2. Explain representation of binary tree in memory
3. Write an algorithm for traversing a tree in postorder.
4. Explain preorder traversal algorithm of binary trees
5. With reference to binary search tree . explain the following terms.
A. Level
B. Depth
C. Degree
D. Degree of node
E. Forest
F. Path
G. Edge
H. Terminal nodes


1. Explain with example the linked list representation of graph.

2. What is topological sorting? Explain its algorithm.
3. Discuss the methods of traversing a graph. Explain depth first and breadth first traversing
4. What are graphs? Explain the applications of graphs.
5. Explain the following
a. Path matrix
b. Adjacency matrix


1. Write algorithm for binary search & explain it.

2. Sort the following list in ascending order using selection sort: 77 33 44 11 88 22
66 55
3. Write an algorithm for merge sort with all subprocedure and assumptions stated.
4. Sort the given sequence using quick sort 44,33,11,55,77,90,40,60,99,22,88,66 In
increasing order.
5. Discuss the insertion sort algorithm with suitable illustration.

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