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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

School of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Subject: Data Structures and Algorithms

Subject Code: 18CS32

Question Bank Module 1

1. What is data structure? List and explain the types of data structure
2. Differentiate time and Space efficiency? With suitable example.
3. Analyze the time complexity of Iterative and Recursive Algorithms with a
suitable example
4. Discuss big oh(O),Big omega(Ω ) and big theta(Ө) notations
5. Write an algorithm for finding maximum element of an array, perform best ,
worst and average case complexity .
6. Explain the various criteria used for analyzing algorithms
7. Discuss various components of and algorithm.
8. What is the goal of analysis of algorithms? What do we mean by running
time analysis? Discuss with suitable example.
9. Discuss Merge sort, Quick sort and Selection sort algorithm.

Question Bank Module 2

1. Convert the following expression in to postfix. (a + b*(c - a) - d).

2. What will the expression evaluate? 6 3 2 4 - + *.
3. If the sequence of operations –push(1), push(2), pop, push(1), push(2), pop,
pop, pop, push(2), pop are performed on a stack, what is the sequence of
popped out items.
4. Give the pseudo code for array implementation of Circular Queue. .
5. How does a queue work? Explain the array implementation for inserting and
deleting an element in a queue.
6. Write a program to push and pop n elements using LIFO property in arrays.
7. Write a program to perform insertion and deletion in a Queue using arrays.
8. Write a program to perform creation and display using doubly linked list.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
9. Write a program to perform insertion and display using singly linked list.

10. How does a circular queue works? Explain the array implementation for
inserting and deleting an element in a circular queue.
11. Write the programs for Linked List (Insertion and Deletion) operations
12. Evaluate the following prefix expression using polish notation " ++ 26 + -
1324" (Similar types can be asked)

13. Write an algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression. Execute your algorithm

using the following postfix expression as your input : a b + c d +*f .
14. Implement a Queue using a singly linked list L. The operations INSERT and
Question Bank Module 3

1. What is Binary Tree? Explain Representation of Binary tree. Also explain

different operation that can be performed on Binary tree.
2. Explain Inorder, Preorder and Postorder Traversal operation on Binary tree
with example.
3. List the types of Binary Search Tree. Explain Insertion and Deletion
Operation on Binary Search Tree with Example.
4. What do you mean by Searching? Explain Sequential search and Binary
search with help of example.
5. What is Hashing? Explain Different Hash function method in detail. Explain
each one.
6. Create a Binary Search Tree for the following data and do in-order, Preorder
and Post-order traversal of the tree. 50, 60, 25, 40, 30, 70, 35, 10, 55, 65, 5.

7. What is a Binary Search Tree (BST)? Make a BST for the following sequence
of numbers 45, 36, 76, 23, 89, 115, 98, 39, 41, 56, 69, 48. Traverse the tree in
Preorder, Inorder and postorder.
8. Make a BST for the following sequence of numbers.
45,32,90,34,68,72,15,24,30,66,11,50,10 Traverse the BST created in
Preorder, Inorder and Postorder.
9. Explain the operations of insertion of nodes into and deletion of nodes from,
a binary search tree with code.
10. Mention Different types of popular hash function.
11. Explain Insertion and Deletion Operation of Binary Search Tree with
12. Explain the techniques for Collision avoidance and resolution in Hashing
with example.

Question Bank Module 4

1. Write an algorithm to merge two sorted arrays into a third array. Do not sort
the third array.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
2. Write an algorithm to sort a given list using Quick sort method. Describe the
behavior of Quick sort when input is already sorted.
3. Sort the following list using Heap Sort 66, 33, 40, 20, 50, 88, 60, 11, 77, 30,
45, 65.
4. Sort the following list using Heap Sort
66, 33, 40, 20, 50, 88, 60, 11, 77, 30, 45, 65.
5. What is quick sort? Sort the following array using quick sort method.
24 6 47 35 10 90 82 31
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
6. Discuss Merge sort with suitable example and pseudo code.
7. Discuss Insertion sort with suitable example and pseudo code.
8. Discuss selection sort with suitable example and pseudo code.
9. Discuss heap sort with suitable example and pseudo code.
10. Give the main property of a heap that is implemented as an array.
11. Write an algorithm for heap sort and Convert the following array to a max
heap 16,4,7,112,19

Question Bank Module 5

1. Discuss following with reference to graphs. (i) Directed graph (ii) Undirected
graph (iii) Degree of vertex (iv)Null graph (v) Acyclic Graph
2. What is Graph? Explain matrix and linked list representation of a graph. Also
give the application of Graph.
3. Which are the two standard ways of traversing a graph? Explain them with an
example of each.
4. Discuss the different Graph Traversal Techniques with example.
5. What is Minimum Spanning tree? Write the Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm
for finding the minimum spanning tree.
6. Formulate an algorithm to find the shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm
and explain with example.

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