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Parimal Prasoon

B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
VIT Bhopal University
Hi, I’m Parimal Prasoon
I am Parimal Prasoon, a computer science and engineering undergrad at VIT Bhopal
University and incoming Software Engineer at Bank Of America. Programming has been
my hobby since grade 6, when I was introduced to the concept of web servers thanks to
an online game called Runescape. Since then I started building simple things for fun
using code.

I am really interested in how things work under the hood. This is why most of my
projects revolve around understanding the fundamentals of any piece of software, and I
end up coding it from scratch. I am also interested in blockchain and concepts of
decentralization, artificial intelligence and programming competitions. I love open
source software, and have been using Linux as my only OS for 4 years now.
● Projects
● Internship
Contents ● Achievements
● Roles and Positions

● Course project built for practical experience of Artificial

Intelligence class taught by Dr. Pon Harshavardhan.
● Implementation of algorithms taught in class, namely
Minimax as well as Alpha-Beta pruning.
● The UI was built using existing libraries for chessboard,
and move generation was also done by existing
libraries so the focus could lie completely on the
algorithm part.
● It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Minimax
algorithm generates a tree of scores for each move and
selects the best possible move from the recursion.
● Alpha-Beta algorithm further optimizes the algorithm
by cutting off tree branches which are not needed for
further evaluation.
● Course project built for practical experience of Data
Structures and Algorithms class taught by Dr.
Sountharrajan S.
● The code is written in C++ and the graphical user
interface is built using SFML (Simple and Fast
Multimedia Library).
● Each grid is assumed to be a node in a graph, and
every surrounding grid is assumed to be connected
using an edge.
● Right clicking a grid marks it as a disconnected node.
● We can mark a starting point, ending point, make
nodes disconnected and run Dijkstra's algorithm to
find the shortest distance between the two points.
● Updated the project with A* pathfinding algorithm
taught in Artificial Intelligence class by Dr. Pon
RAW to Bitmap
● The project was built for Google Summer of Code 2019
Proposal for the Open Source company Apertus.
● Cameras generate a RAW file which is a binary file of
hexadecimal values representing values of the
intensity of light.
● The project was to take this RAW file as input, apply a
demosaicing algorithm (either Linear interpolation or
Bilinear interpolation) and generate a bitmap file.
● The project is built using the C++ Programming
language and uses the CMake script to generate build
● It also uses Dynamic Linking in C++ to reduce
executable file sizes.
SQLite Clone
● The project was built for better understanding how
databases work at a lower level as part of the
Databases course taught by Dr. Sountharrajan S.
● Programming purely in the C programming language,
this is just one file which follows the REPL
(read-eval-print loop) principle.
● Uses B+ trees for efficient searching and insertion.
● Also has persistence to disk as well as cursor
abstraction for tracking rows.
● Is essentially a SQLite clone with limited operations.
● A personal blog/portfolio website built using the
Django framework.
● The frontend is built using Bootstrap framework.
● Built custom Django models for user, posts and
● Added custom field editor for writing posts.
Search Portal
● Final year capstone project, built under Dr. K
● A complete search portal with a default web
crawler as well as a personal web crawler for each
● Users can either use the common web crawler for
search results or run the crawler on specific sites.
● Search results can also be blacklisted, which is
unique to each and every user.
Internship at
Kwikpic ● Built Django middleware for restricting
access to internal views.
● Implemented communication between
microservices using Redis
● Created Django REST API for Kwikpic
Certification Program verification.
● Integrated feature to download images
from Dropbox folders programmatically
using Python.
● Built Docker container for Django,
Gunicorn and Nginx, deployed on AWS ECS.
1. Secured rank 1 in college in the contest
organized by Codechef for awarding
Codechef Certification Scholarship.
2. World rank 223rd out of 6000+ participants in

Achievements 3.
May Long Challenge, 2019 on Codechef.
World rank 543rd out of 20,000+ participants
in August Long Challenge, 2019 on Codechef.
4. Was highest rated programmer in college on
Codechef from October 2018 to December
2020. (Current rank 2).
5. Reached semi-finals in Techgig Code
Gladiators contest.
Roles and positions
Contest Organizer Software Engineer Intern
VIT Bhopal Codechef Chapter Kwikpic
Aug 2018 - May 2019 Jan 2021 - May 2021

Technical Content Intern Software Engineer Bank of America
Dec 2019 - Feb 2020 June 2021 - Present
Thank You
Parimal Prasoon

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