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Modifications/ Accommodations

1. Number of Test Questions 2. Number of Chapters 3. Number of assignment questions Input 1. Change Presentation 2. Technology 3. Audio/Visual aid

1. Test Time 2. Study Preparation 3. extend time on assignments Difficulty 1. Omit Story Problems 2. Use lower grade level terminology 3. Simplify directions/ Provide cues Alternate goals 1. Adapt goals while using the same material 2. Provide rubric of new material 3. Provide different grading standard

Level of support
1. Tutor 2. Initiative 3. Interpreter Output 1. Adapt to Learner 2. Verbal techniques/Oral Report 3. Use projects

Participation 1. Hold Globe 2. Read a Poster 3. Pass out papers

Substitute curriculum 1. Designed for a student with severe disability 2. Offer instruction and material 3. Different Grading rubric

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