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was bout the bravest thing a Hobbit ever done!

The Great Goblin and his scabby horde were all over Thistledown County and Chalkdelve was pretty much surrounded. Odo Smallweed and a few of his mates took off across land acrawlin with the vicious little gets to get help offn the Elvenking - well what had we bin payin our bloody taxes for after all! - This is how he did it...
The spe roads ed a ain gain t sa , bu fe, b u t th e go t they bbo es w are qui c ill t ry a ker - y nd a oul mbu l ma sh y ke h Ralphs Cross where ou. alf y our folk get stroppy about nowt

Smallweeds Ride...


Upper Towsley where Oin Longbeard the Dwarf had a Smithy. Dread to think what the goblins have done to im, or maybe its im thats done it to them...

There was two ways it could be done quick, by pony, or sneaky, on foot. The first rouses most every green varmint in the county, but ifn the second goes wrong and youre spotted you haint goin to live long... Base 30% enc per three hours riding, 10% per three hours sneaking, day OR night, Goblins like the dark!

Lower Towsley has a ford, at least when The Stream haint in flood. Lets hope the rain lays off...

All kinds ocritters loose in Thistledown county nowadays... 1 = An ill wind that blows no-one any good... 2 =Suspicious scuffling in the bushes, nothing to be seen... 3 = Hairs on the back of yer neck raise for no reason... 4-6 =Gang of 2-5 goblins, lootin and pillagin 7 =Hapless hobbit peasant trying to hide from the above 8 = 1-3 Goblins riding wolves, patrolling 9 = 3-10 Goblins, half with bows and crooked knives, half with spears and axes and such, may have a captive or two 10 = Giant spider, after the sheep 11-12 =Crows and ravens eatin dead folk, and spying out the living for the Great Goblin, or so they say. By night encounter bats. 13 = Pack of 2-12 wolves 14= 2-7 Goblins riding wolves looking for you! 15 = 4-24 Foot goblins as 6 above, plus 1-2 snot-goblins asniffin out your trail Roll 1d10, and add+1 per previous encounter where a gobbo escaped to raise the alarm


Sixwillow Bridge is the best way over The Stream for miles around. Odds on the gobboes are guarding


Charcoal burners camp round here. Men, but as bad as Goblins for black deeds on dark nights

The Stream


Theres a camp someplace up here, mebbe in a farm, mebbe in the woods, cant say, but this is the direction a lot of captives have bin dragged away in. Lets hope they been kept for slaves and not fed to the Troll Peony Grubwort sez she saw...

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Poachers Beck where you can find a boat hidden in the reeds. Not big enuff for a pony tho




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Market Dafton where folk haint too bright

The Elf Kings Deer Park Guarded by Brownies, Pixies and other pointy eared riff raff. The Badgers are friendly tho and might lend a hand, if you speak their tongue and bribe em with snails.

Shankss End , where the Hobbit Roads end and the Elf Paths begin. Easy to get lost in the magic woods unless you have your wits about you and know the Waymarks. Ask Old Rory Mugwort, if hes still alive.

The Elfmarch Gate

Can be reached in four days if everything goes right

Ba z drew Blatt this .

The Thornbush Inn has very deep cellars. A good place to hide, ifn you can find the draymans trapdoor and avoid the goblin gang in the taproom.



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