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Neurological disease and opthamalogy ------------------------------------

While this is really a neurological disease rather than an ophthalmological cond ition, the effect of the neurological lesion can show up on the face and effect the eye causing deviation of the eye described as wind pulls eye and mouth into a slanting position as in Bell s Palsy or paralytic ectropion described as wind pulls the lower lid outward. In paralytic ectropion, the spleen and stomach receive wi nd and the lower lid is affected as the muscle or motor nerve is blocked. Tears th en flow due to the earth being unable to bank the water any longer and thus wate r accumulates in the lower lid, which appears soggy and rotten. The patient shou ld take the pills to improve vision (ren shen, chuan xiong, jing jie, bai zhi, chu an wu, nan xing, shi gao, shi jue ming, cao wu, gao ben, xiong huang, xi xin, da ng gui, pu huang, cang zhu, fang feng, bo he, huo xiang, quan xie, he shou wu, q iang huo, gang song) internally and the ointment to rub the wind away (mu xiang, d ang dui, bai zhi, fang feng, xi xin, gao ben, hei fu zi, mo yao, gu sui bu, chua n wu, chi shao, rou gui, zhu zhi, niu su, e zhi) topically on the affected side. For Bell s palsy causing deviation of the eye and mouth, bai fu zi, tian nan xing and ban xia are added to the pills to improve vision and the ointment to rub wind away should be used on the opposite of the slanting. Moxa is also prescribed for use on the points tai yang, jia che, er men, GB 2, LI 2 and GB 20 on the non sla nting side. Contusion This is described as an injury caused by a blunt object and is manifested as the e yelid turning purple or blue, pain, roughness of the eye, difficulty opening the eye. A poultice can be prepared from cong bai and ai ye or from sheng di and ap plied to the eye warm to disperse the blood. The patient should also internally take the powder with mo yao (da huang, xue jie, mo yao, pu xiao).

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