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3 kitchen appliances for staying healthy

Coach Jonathan Wong has a Doctorate of Science in Holistic Medicine and is the author of "The Happy Body - Getting to the root of Y !" fitness# health and producti$ity"% He is also the founder and C& of Genesis Gy' Singapore (t'), which aims to provide the best personal training andfitness ser$ices in Singapore% The $ie*s e+pressed ,elo* are his o*n% Eating at home is well known to have many positive effects -- social and emotional, as well as physical -- because you'll be able to control everything that goes into your food preparation. Here are three kitchen appliances that can make cooking at home even healthier and more enjoyable. 1. Safe cookware It's true that you won't suddenly have heavy metal poisoning when you eat from a non-stick pan. ut to!ic burdens can add up because we live in a to!ic world, as "r #ark $chauss talks about in his book which I reviewed here. $o, choosing cookware that does not add to this load is a good idea. I reccommend a set of glass containers to store hot food in, as glass is free from chemical to!ins found in plastics. %hey are also easier to clean if there is oil on them. & good set lasts pretty much forever as long as you don't drop them. 'or pans, I like cast iron pans. %hey are easy to clean, have no to!ic coatings and actually get #()E non-stick over time* +retty cool and well worth the money. &gain, you buy these once in your life and never again. &n added benefit is that they are rather heavy and give your forearms a good workout* http,

A few months ago (Dec 2011), I bought a set of cast iron cookware for my homeand wrote about it. After 5 months of use, here is my short re iew! Pros: "ero added #o$$utants into your food. %he #an is so$id and has not coatings which can $eak harmfu$ chemica$s and hea y meta$s into your food. Also there is nothing to scratch off or damage on the surface Durab$e. Its a #iece of we$$ machined iron. It would probably stop a small caliber bullet. &asy to c$ean (if you do it right). %he #an needs to be hot ('ust after you finish cooking). %hen #ut a bit of water in, and a$$ cooking residue from oi$s to sticky cheese comes off easi$y ( 'ust $ike a tef$on #an. When the pan is cold, its hard to clean. )etains heat incredib$y we$$. *ou can turn off the fire sooner than you think because the #an stays hot for a +,-. time. /oo$ $ooking. A bit o$d schoo$, but I $ike it. Cons: 0ea y ( 1o its a bit more difficu$t to hand$e when cooking or washing but hey, at

$east your arms get stronger so 'ust toughen u#! -o insu$ation on the hand$es ( they get rea$$y hot and you need a c$oth to hand$e the #an.

, era$$, these are #ieces I use to cook with a$most e ery sing$e day. And they are so we$$ bui$t I can rea$$y see myse$f using them fore er. A good dea$. 2e can organi3e a mass order for .enesis .ym #ersona$ training and fitness bootcam# c$ients4

2. A slow cooker

2es, people in $ingapore are busy, and finding time to cook can be a challenge. $o a slow cooker can be a wise choice. %hey are not e!pensive 3456-4.667 and allow you to dump food in at night and have it ready for breakfast or to pack to school or work. &lternatively, you can dump food in when you wake up and have food ready to eat when you get home in the evening. %here are many good recipe websites for slow cooked food. 8hoose recipes that suit your activity level and carbohydrate needs. 3. A good blender (ne of my nutrition mentors, anti-cancer e!pert 3who also happen to have written the forward formy book7 "r ob )akowski recommends at least 6-8 servings of fruit and veggies to get the amount of plant nutrients re uired for deto!ification. %hese servings will also contribute valuable anti-o!idant effects. 'rom the thousands of initial consultations that all clients who do personal training at 9enesis 9ym go through, I would say that only about .6 per cent of them meet these re:uirements for fruit and veggie intake. (ne easy way to get all these nutrients in would be to invest in a good blender. & "uicer gets rid of all the fiber and nutrients in the skin of the fruit or the pulp of the vegetable. $o I much prefer a blender which grinds everything up, retaining all the nutrients. Add a bit of ice and water #which gets blended up too$ and %ou have a great smoothie. &% famil% has had a good e!perience with this model #Naturai P-10 Nutrient Blender /watch!"#B$%dg&'"()s*

but any professional blender would be well worth the investment because it won't fall apart with the first carrot that happens to be a little too hard for cheap blender blades and motors. Imagine a day where you have ade:uate fruit and veggies in a smoothie, ready to eat meals from a slow cooker, and glass containers to bring it out with you. 9etting into great shape would be pretty automatic if you did these things consistently.

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