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Evaluation of language level English in Use Part 1 For questions 1 12, read the text below and decide

e which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. A Love of Travelling For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with whats (0) .. a !gap "ear. #n common with man" other $ritish teenagers, he chose to ta%e a "ear out before (1) .. to stud" for his degree. &fter doing various 'obs to (2) .. some mone", he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting &merica and &sia. (he more adventurous the "oung person, the (3) .. the challenge the" are li%el" to ( ) .. themselves for the gap "ear, and for some, li%e Nigel, it can (!) .. in a thirst for adventure. Now that his universit" course has (") .. to an end, Nigel is 'ust about to leave on a three)"ear trip that will ta%e him (#) .. around the world. *hats more, he plans to ma%e the whole 'ourne" using onl" means of transport which are ($) .. b" natural energ". #n other words, hell be (%) .. mostl" on bic"cles and his own legs+ and when theres an ocean to cross, he wont be ta%ing a (10) .. cut b" climbing aboard a plane, hell be 'oining the crew of a sailing ship (11) .. . &s well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the wa", Nigel hopes to (12) .. on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea. 1 A settling down 2 A achieve 3 A stronger A put ! A result " A come # A 'ust $ A pulled % A rel"ing 10 A quic% 11 A an"wa" 12 A leave B getting up B raise B wider B set B lead B turned B complete B charged B using B short B ali%e B %eep C ta%ing over C advance C greater C aim C cause C reached C whole C forced C attempting C brief C instead C pass D holding bac% D win D deeper D place D create D brought D right D powered D tr"ing D swift D otherwise D give

Part 2 For questions 13 2 , read the text below and thin% of the word which best fits each gap. ,se onl" one word in each gap. The Te&'le in the La(e -a%e (iticaca, often %nown (0) .. the !hol" la%e, is situated in .outh &merica on the border between $olivia and Peru. (he lives of the people (13) .. tools and potter" have (1 ) .. found on its shores have long remained a m"ster". /owever, scientists ta%ing (1!) .. in an exploration pro'ect at the la%e have found what the" believe to (1") .. a 0111)"ear)old temple under the water. 2ivers from the expedition have discovered a 311)metre)long, 41)metre)wide building surrounded b" a terrace for crops, a road and a wall. #t is thought that the remains (1#) .. those of a temple built b" the (ihuanacu people who lived beside -a%e (iticaca before it became a part (1$) .. the much later #ncan empire. !(he scientists have not "et had time to anal"se the material sufficientl", sa"s pro'ect director, .ora"a &ubi. !$ut some have (1%) .. forward the idea that the remains date from this period (20) ..... to the fact that there are ver" similar ones elsewhere. (he expedition has so (21) ..... this "ear made more than 311 dives into water 51 metres deep (22) ..... order to record the ancient remains on film. (he film, (23) ..... will later be studied in detail, (2 ) ..... well provide important information about the region. Part 3 For questions 2! 3 , read the text below. ,se the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the sa&e line. )al(ing *oli+a,s (he 6eal *al%ers 7ompan" offers a (0) ..-of small group wal%ing holida"s which explore some delightful hidden corners of 8urope, the &mericas and &ustralasia. (here is something for ever"one to en'o" on these holida"s, (2!) . . of age or level of (2") . . . (he brochure includes various destinations and a range of itineraries. (hese range from sightseeing tours of (2#) . . cities to undemanding wal%ing trips in unspoilt coastal and countr" regions and, for the more (2$) . . traveller, challenging mountain or hill)wal%ing expeditions. $ut it would be (2%) . . to give the impression that these holida"s .ELECT /E0A/D 12T *2.T3/4 AD5E6TU/E 1A2/

are 'ust about wal%ing. &ccording to the brochure, an (30) . . of wal%ing is often the thing that brings together a group of li%e)minded people, who share the (31) . . of good companionship in (32) . . surroundings. (he compan" believes that its tour leaders are the %e" to its success. (hese people are (33) ........ trained and are particularl" %een to (3 ) ........ that each individual traveller ma%es the most of their trip.


Part For questions 3! 2, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not 8hange the 9or+ given. 9ou must use between t9o and five words, including the word given. /ere is an example (0). 3! (he two bo"s were sitting b" themselves in the classroom. 3)6 (he two bo"s were sitting . in the classroom. 3" !# have an interview tomorrow, so # ought to leave soon, 9annis said. BETTE/ !# have an interview tomorrow, so # . soon, 9annis said. 3# (he film will have started, so its not worth going to the cinema now. P326T (he film will have started, so . in going to the cinema now. 3$ 6oberto arrived late this morning because his train was dela"ed. T2:E #f the train . 6oberto would not have arrived late this morning. 3% # had never met Pias husband before. 12/.T #t . # had ever met Pias husband. 0 &bduls mother didnt let him pla" on the computer until he had done his homewor%. :ADE &bduls mother . his homewor% before he pla"ed on the computer. 1 &lthough the police chased them, the thieves didnt get caught. E5E6 (he thieves managed to get . the police chased them. 2 7onsidering that -u%e is so "oung, "ou must admit hes ma%ing excellent progress as a musician. ACC3U6T #f "ou . "oung -u%e is, "ou must admit hes ma%ing excellent progress as a musician.

)riting 9ou read the following announcement in an international film maga:ine. .7#8N78 F#7(#;N F#-<. & recent surve" has shown us that science fiction films are ver" popular, especiall" with "oung people. *e are interested to %now wh". *e would li%e "ou, the readers, to submit articles describing what "ou consider to be the essential ingredients of a good science fiction film, and explaining wh" "ou thin% science fiction films are so popular. *e will publish the most interesting articles. *rite "our arti8le.

P&6( ;N8 1& 2$ 37 $ !& "& #2 $2 %& 10 $ 11 7 12 7 P&6( (*; 13 whose 1 been 1! part 1" be 1# are 1$ of 1% put 20 due=owing 21 far 22 in 23 which 2 ma"=might=could P&6( (/688 2! regardless 2" fitness 2# historic=historical 2$ adventurous 2% unfair 30 en'o"ment 31 pleasure(s) 32 attractive 33 full" 3 ensure P&6( F;,6 3! (all) on ;< their o9n 3" had=d ;< =etter leave=go=set off 3# theres=is ;< no=little 'oint 3$ had been=come=arrived ;< on ti&e 3% was ;< the first time (that) 0 &a+e him=&bdul ;< do=finish= complete 1 awa" ;< even though 2 ta%e into a88ount ;< how ;< shows where the answer is split into two parts for mar%ing purposes.

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