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STRENGHTS Strength 1 - our group consists of strong and creative members which make it easier for us to communicate more when it comes to ideas as it can improve our production. - Strength 2 cast and crew members were very reliable into turning up on time to our production dates, both cast and crew remained patient and professional throughout. - Strength 3 our film is simple and only requires 3 actors this means that the cost will not be much making our production allowing it to be a minimum budget. - Strength 4 we are filming our production at one of our group members house which is easily accessible for both cast and crew. - Strength 5 - key skills within the group such as U air being creative, !nuka being good at editing and "iba with her filming skills. -

WEAKNESSES Weakness 1 the camera equipment was new and different to what we have used before in !# media, it took us some time to be able to use the equipment properly. Weakness 2 as we are filming in someone elses house we need to remain e$tra careful while filming as we do not want to damage or break anything. Weaknesses 3 time management while filming at times we may need to film longer than e$pected which will affect the family members in the house we are filming in. Weakness 4 final cut pro is confusing software which will take quite a bit of time to get used to, our editor has only used in once during !# and may have forgotten how to use it this may take to get used to again. Weakness 5 as a group we have roles and if someone doesnt do their work it affects everyone in the group specifically their grades.

OPPORT NITIES O!!"rt#n$t% 1 we were able to use a software called photoshop which will allow us to create our posters to a higher standard. O!!"rt#n$t% 2 we were open to new equipment which we didnt use before however this was a benefit as we could film to a higher standard. O!!"rt#n$t% 3 software programmes such as apple %ac&ooks, and new cameras will have a higher quality on our final piece. O!!"rt#n$t% 4 softwares were upgraded allowing our editor to edit to a high standard having an impact on our final product. -

THREATS Threat 1 other members of the class may need to use the camera equipment at the same time as us. Threat 2 our film is short and simple however it is e$pected that filming may run over time which will affect both cast and crew members the reason why we may go over time it is because we want to get the film to a higher standard. Threat 3 actors might not turn up to film shoots on the day so it is vital we get back up actors or if something bad was to happen to our actor'actresses with a sensible e$cuse. Threat 4 actors may not be available to come to shooting dates. Threat 5 (he location needs to safe in order for us to film and for cast to act) health and safety may be an issue as it can cause harm.

Hiba Butt

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