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Observation Assignment Shelander Site Location: The Normandy Location Description The Normandy is an Alliance vessel that is many

stories tall and consists of many decks, each of which have their own fig red worlds! Since the fictional character " am sing as a view#oint for the observations does not have access to the ma$ority of these %beca se of her #lace on the

Normandy&, we will foc s solely on the command deck where access is most # blic and b sy!
'ere is an e(am#le of what the interior of the command deck on the SS) Normandy looks like! )ery modern and

chic! This is the o tside of the second iteration of the SS) Normandy %at this #oint, it is controlled by *erber s!

Observation Assignment Shelander Site Location: The Normandy

Background Information This s#ace is for those who are not familiar with the +ass ,ffect niverse! So, the story goes like this: "n -./0 *,, h mans discovered a 1+ass ,ffect relay1, which is essentially a faster2than2light highway that allowed h mans to connect with the rest of the intergalactic government%s&! ' mans created the Systems Alliance %or $ st Alliance for short& to nite all h mans in this strange new gala(y! Some time after this, an Alliance vessel d bbed 1Normandy1 was tasked on its ina g ral mission to investigate an ancient #lanet named ,den 3rime! "t was it this #oint where *ommander She#ard and her crew discovered a warning from the 3rotheans %a #revio s race that is now e(tinct& abo t the rea#ers! 4#on f rther research, it is discovered that the rea#ers are an ancient race of artificial life that eradicate all advanced biological life to make way for new, ncivili5ed races to advance! As this being the main story, there are also several galactic dis# tes that ca se *ommander She#ard to get involved! These incl de the 6eno#hage %a chemical com#o nd that is designed to e(terminate a race of overly aggressive monsters called the 7rogans&, Asari %a race of all females, that re#rod ce thro gh to ch& $ sticarism, and even 8 arian #ilgrimage %a 1coming2of2age1 e(#erience that all 8 arians m st go thro gh at a certain age, where they break off from their home fleet&!
This is an e(am#le of a 9ea#er! This #artic lar one is named 1Sovereign1 and is the first 9ea#er that the c rrent cycle has enco ntered! They defeated, b t only barely!

Figured World The fig red world of the Normandy is one that evolves from a vessel which enca#s lates the efforts and #ersons of those brave eno gh to vent re dee# into o ter s#ace to e(#lore the efforts of civili5ations #ast, into a last stand: a bastion of ho#e against the final assa lt of the rea#ers, an ancient a tonomo s collective of mechanical s#ecies who ndergo a cycle for e(termination of highly evolved biological s#ecies! "t is firstly a military vessel: a member of the Alliance Naval ;leet! Therefore, the original reg lations and disco rse of this fig red world are ones of which that are ty#ically a##ro#riate for a military setting! This incl des #ro#er recognition and res#ect towards members of a certain rank, c stoms and co rtesies, and an a ra

Observation Assignment Shelander Site Location: The Normandy of #rofessionalism! To be more s#ecific, a member of a lower working class rank wo ld be e(#ected to render a sal te to members of a command a thority rank before beginning of a conversation as well as kee#ing conversation to a work2based re#ort, rather than s#eaking on a friendly basis! Later on, the Normandy becomes destroyed, reb ilt, and re2# r#osed for an anti2 rea#er task force and henceforth changes the fig red world of the vessel in a n mber of ways! ;oremost, the members of the vessel are not always military, which can ca se a chaotic environment, not to mention the fact that on n mero s occasions certain #ersonal act in very ina##ro#riate ways! This incl des, b t is not limited to: inter#ersonal relations, disres#ect of command a thority, dissent, command a thority acting on #ersonal reasons rather than d ty2 inclined reasons, and more! This is what " will be foc sing most on, beca se " believe the Normandy itself %not commander She#herd&, is the main character of the story of +ass ,ffect, and is a #erfect fig red world to research and re#ort on the dynamic of certain artifacts, actors, and not to mention the fig red world itself! Actors *ommander She#ard: *ommander of the Normandy, 'ero of the Alliance, S#ectre, and <arrior! Ashley <illiams: ' man Alliance Soldier aboard the Normandy! Liara T=Soni: Asari 9esearcher aboard the Normandy! 'ighly trained in 3rothean history and biotics! 7aidan Alenko: ' man Sentinel and Systems Alliance +arine aboard the Normandy! Trained in biotics! 6arr s )akarian: ;ormer *2Sec Officer, *o ncil=s to# S#ectre, now serves *ommander She#ard aboard the Normandy as a master of arms! Tali=>orah: 8 arian ,ngineer aboard the Normandy! Shy, doesn=t show face %#art of 8 arian c stoms and dress&! ?eff +orea %?oker&: ;light Lie tenant and #ilot of Normandy! ,(cellent #ilot, arrogant, and @ ick witted! 4rdnot <re(: 7rogan Aattlemaster aboard Normandy! Arrogant, aggressive, concerned abo t geno#hage and trying to create a f t re for the 7rogans! Admiral 'ackett: To#29anking official of Alliance Navy! 3revio s commander of the Normandy! Artifacts She#ard=s ;ish Tank: *ommander She#ard loves to collect fish, # t them in her tank, and never feed them! "t=s almost sadistic, if yo ask me! ,B": After the Normandy was recreated, the shi# contained an A" named ,B"! This has been a focal #oint for ?eff +orea as he felt like he didn=t have f ll control of the shi# anymore! 9eactor: ;ocal #oint for a lot of the ,ngineers! They always feel like it can be better, and ends # as a to#ic of im#ortance with all of the technical crewmembers aboard! 6eno#hage: A to#ic that has s#lit a lot of crew members and #oliticians! Those for it agree that the 7rogans are too violent of a #eo#le, and need to be weakened greatly if they contin e to be a #art of the Alliance! Those against it agree niversally that it is more or less genocide and sho ld be abolished! Discourse Communities

Observation Assignment Shelander Site Location: The Normandy ,ngineering: +ost of the engineering and technical folk stick together in the technical bay, with the reactor and all of the other sensitive electrical e@ i#ment! They comm nicate sing more technical lang age and do not tend to Cact o t=! These crew members stick closer to their comfort 5one than the others! C+ilitary= military: This incl des those who are and embody the military conce#t! 6 ng2ho wea#on slinging br tes! They s#end a lot of time lifting weights in the cargo bay and can be seen comm nicating in Clooser= ,nglish! *ommand Staff: The high ranking officials! They s#end a lot of time in the briefing room with other high ranking officials, foreign dignitaries, and civilian cons ltants! Literary Practices
1. Act al military members of the Normandy %d ring the #eriods in which it is act ally a

military vessel& are seen rendering classical military c stoms! This incl des sal ting higher ranking officers, starting andDor ending statements with sir or ma=am, marching, briefing, debriefing, cleaning wea#onry, etc! 2. Non2military members s ally act as advisors, and as so can be seen occasionally disres#ecting others in a way that act al military members wo ld never do! ,motions are ty#ically more am#lified and these members do not filter what they say nearly as m ch as literary #ractices from military members! 3. 3olitical Officials D ;oreign Bignitaries are cons lted from time to time aboard the Normandy, s ally regarding some iss e that goes beyond the command of the Alliance Navy or *erber s! These Cactors= are s ally the most nfiltered and least co rteo s of g ests aboard the Normandy! Observations ENOT,E " have taken a #ersona of an in2game $o rnalist to make sense of these observations within the conte(t of the story! F;or this #art, see this 49L:

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