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Take this book as a sign from God that He loves you. Expect a special touch from God. Read the message carefully and absorb every word. When a powerful thought strikes a chord in your heart, pause and meditate on it before you go on. Try to nish the message without any interruptions or distractions. Follow the instructions as closely as possible. Determine to attend the next Miracle Service at Lighthouse If you need further assistance, call in and request to speak to a pastor.

Mark 5:25-34 (KJV) 25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. 28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. 30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? 31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? 32 And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. 33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. 34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. Isnt this a very wonderful miracle? You have just heard the Miracle Words of Jesus Christ. What this lady experienced can be your same experience today. You can experience the same touch of God. And you can be healed in exactly the same way. I was in Semarang for a series of healing meetings. While I was preaching on these Miracle Words, a certain lady was in the audience. And she too had an issue of blood. She was also dying of that disease. When she heard the Miracle Words, she believed with all of her heart. And a miracle of God came upon her life that night. Later, she came to the platform to tell everybody that she was healed by Jesus Christ, the greatest Physician that the world has ever known. In this book, I am going to teach you the 5 Miracle Steps To Your Healing ve simple steps, which you are going to take, in order to receive the miracle you need. Please read 1

every page slowly and with understanding, allowing Gods Word to be sowed and planted deep into your heart so that it will germinate into a wonderful miracle. If possible, read this message aloud. Concentrate and dont rush. Today is your day with God. Youll never be the same again after reading this book. I promise you, as Gods servant, that your life will never be the same again. Youll be a new person in Jesus Christ today.


I want you to know that you are not reading the words of a man this minute. I am teaching you from Gods Holy Word and these are Miracle Words that can usher in a miracle into your life. That woman heard the Word of God, just like you are hearing the Word of Almighty God right now. The Bible tells us that this poor woman suffered from a dreadful disease and calls it an issue of blood. She was bleeding constantly; and every day, life was ebbing away from her. This went on for twelve long years. You may be suffering severely too. And just like this woman, it is not because you want to be sick. Something had happened in your life and you became sick. You did not consciously choose to be sick. Perhaps, unknowingly youve opened yourself to the attacks of the enemy of your soul. And the devil had put that sickness into your body. It could be the neglect of your physical wellbeing that has led you to this present condition. Whatever the case may be, remember that God is very forgiving, compassionate and loving. He longs to touch and heal you. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came into this world for a specic purpose. And that purpose is to destroy the works of the devil over your life. But I know some of you did not know that sickness comes from the devil. And because you did not know, Satan had taken advantage of you. And like this woman, the sickness became worse and worse by the day. But the Bible says, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. You are going to know the truth. And you are going to be set free by the truth. Praise God! That woman went to all the doctors in town. And the Bible says that she spent all that she had. She spent every penny on medical bills. And then the Bible concludes that she was nothing bettered but rather grew worse. That lady tried everything in the world to become well. She tried all the methods invented by men. But she became worse and worse. Yet she was hoping against hope. However, that day, she lost all hopes because every doctor told her, Lady, Ive tried all I possibly could and theres nothing else I can do. I did everything I know how but yours is a hopeless case. Im sorry. Go home and prepare to die. Can you see this lady in your minds eye? She was walking slowly along the street of old Jerusalem with absolutely nothing to hold on to. She had no more money because she had spent it all on medical bills. She probably had no one to understand her as she had become a burden to others. She had no comfort or relief of any kind because her condition was deteriorating. And she had not a glimmer of hope because every doctor gave her up to die. 2

She had reached the end of the rope. And she had come to the end of herself. She had tried everything in the natural and every natural means had let her down. Now she was ready for the supernatural. Perhaps you are in the same position right now. You are totally disillusioned with the arm of esh. Youve come to the end of yourself. Now you are ready for Gods supernatural touch. Can you see her walking slowly along that road, going home to die? But our merciful God arranged a meeting for her. She had a divine appointment but she did not know it. She had never heard of Jesus. She was so engrossed with her physical need that she totally neglected her own spiritual need. As she was walking home to die, she heard a loud commotion. Every person seemed to be following a Man called Jesus. And she asked around, What is going on? And somebody said, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Saviour and Healer, is passing our way. I want you to know that Jesus Christ is passing your way today right now. Wherever you are, as you are reading this book, you are having a divine appointment with the universes greatest Physician, Jesus Christ. Praise God! For the rst time, this lady heard the name JESUS. And she asked, Who is Jesus? You see, she was so busy pursuing a cure that she had not heard of Jesus, the Healer. She had no time for spiritual things. But God had arranged a divine appointment for her. I know that you may think that you just happen to read these pages. But I want you to listen very carefully now. Jesus Christ made this appointment with you. A friend may have placed this book in your hands. But from the foundation of this world, Jesus Christ had already sealed this appointment so that you are now reading this God-given message. And because Jesus Christ has made this possible, He must have a wonderful purpose for your life. He must have a miracle in store for your life. No, you are not reading this book by accident. God has arranged for this book to be in your hands today. Something wonderful is going to happen to you. Hearing the Word of God is the rst step towards your miracle. Just like this woman, you are hearing the same Word of God. She heard that Jesus came down for the expressed purpose of destroying the works of the devil over her life. She heard that Jesus Christ loves her affectionately. And she heard that Jesus Christ is the greatest Physician that this world has ever known. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That day she heard the Word. Today you have heard the Word too. That day she believed. Today you also believe. That day the supernatural faith of God came into her heart. And today, the same supernatural faith of God is ooding your heart and your life. And by Gods grace and power, youll never be the same again because you are hearing the Word of God the same way she heard the Word of God. The Word of God is both the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God. I want you to listen carefully and understand this. The Word of God is both the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God. In Johns Gospel we are told, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God .... All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And that Word from the beginning, 3

that Word that was before the beginning, that Word that made that beginning, that Word that has no beginning ... that Word became esh and dwelled among men. From His glory in Heaven, He came down to this world. Dear reader, I present to you the greatest Personality that has ever lived upon the face of this world, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. So when you receive the Written Word of God into your heart, you also receive the Living Word, Jesus Christ, into your heart. You have heard the Word of God. You have taken the First Miracle Step to your healing. There are four more steps to go.


You know that woman heard of Jesus for the rst time. The doctors gave her no hope. But when she had heard of Jesus, hope and faith sprang up in her heart. The doctors said, Go home and die. The Word of God says, Receive Jesus Christ and live! She heard the Word of God, she believed the Word of God and she received the Word of God into her heart. Thats the Second Miracle Step. God has made it so simple that every poor, simple soul, and every little child, can come to God and receive Jesus Christ into his or her heart and become born again into the Kingdom of God. This is the greatest miracle of all the salvation of the sin-sick soul. Before we go to Miracle Step Three, I want to give you the opportunity to have all your sins forgiven and cleansed. Let the Almighty God come into your heart and life so that you can prepare to receive your healing today. Let Him heal you inside out. I want you to know that God is speaking to your heart right now. And before we go to the third step, I invite you to pray the most important prayer of your life the prayer of salvation. Perhaps, you are going to pray this prayer for the rst time, so Im going to guide you along. Pray this prayer after me, repeat it out loud: Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me of all my unrighteousness. I believe and trust You. And now I open up my heart and receive the Written Word of God and also the Living Word of God. I receive Jesus Christ into my life. And I receive Your peace and Your love. Now I become Your child. From this moment onwards, I will live for You all the days of my life. I thank You for saving and cleansing me. In Jesus name. Amen. Its settled! The rst two steps have already been taken. Three more steps to go.


That woman in the Bible heard and believed Gods Word. Then she received Gods Word into her heart. And out of her heart, she spoke the Word of God. What did she speak? She spoke what she heard and believed. She spoke faith. She spoke salvation. She spoke healing and deliverance. She spoke what she heard from Jesus. She spoke the Word of God. The doctors said, You are going to die. Gods Word says, You are going to live. Im glad that she did not speak what the doctors spoke. But she spoke what God had said. And in the middle of that big crowd, she opened up her mouth and she said, If I may touch but the hem of Jesus clothes, I shall be w-h-o-l-e. 4

One day, Jesus told the disciples, Verily, I saith unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shalt not doubt in his heart those things that he saith, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Note that the words say or saith appears four times. Yes, you can have what you say. If you say, I dont believe in Jesus. I dont believe what I read is true. Im going to die. Youll have what you say. Its much better to say, I believe in Jesus. Im going to put my trust in Him and Im going to be healed. Jesus says, You shall have whatsoever you saith. Now I want to give you the opportunity to speak health into your own life. I want you to say something with all of your heart. What are you going to say? You are going to say what God says. God is not saying you must die. Jesus says, Ive come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly. And right now, you are going to say that! You have already taken 2 Miracle Steps to your healing. You have heard the Word of God and also received the Word of God. Now you are going to speak the Word of God. This is the Third Miracle Step. And I want you to say it like you believe it. Follow what I say. And I am going to say it according to Gods Word. And I want you to open your mouth and say aloud: Im led by God to read this book. And God is not only right by my side, He is in me. He loves me very much. And Jesus has died for my sins and sicknesses. Therefore, I am confessing the Word of God. Today I receive my healing and I shall be w-h-o-l-e. It is so simple, isnt it? You have already taken 3 Miracle Steps. There are just two more to go.


That lady said, If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole. She said it, she believed it and she acted upon it. What would happen if she had persuaded herself: I better not touch Jesus clothes. Its too crowded. Its too troublesome. Im too shy and unworthy! And theres too much pain in my body. If she had said that, she would not have acted on what she said. And if so, she would not be healed. Instead, she would have gone home to die. She said it, she acted upon it. With all the pain in her body, she pushed her way through the crowd of people. And she touched the clothes of Jesus. She acted on what she said, and she had said according to the Word of God! In a moment, I am going to give you the opportunity to act on Gods Word. If there is a sickness in your body, touch that affected part of your body (or place your hand over your head) and say with condence and authority: You foul sickness and disease be destroyed out of my life in Jesus name! By Jesus stripes, I am healed! Quickly, do something you formerly couldnt do. If you have a defective eye, cover the good one and begin seeing from the other eye. Do the same to that bad ear. Begin to hear from that defective ear. If you couldnt move a certain part of your body, begin to move that part by faith. Keep acting on Gods Word by acting well. Keep believing. Keep speaking positively. Let positive words ow like a torrent from your lips. And keep acting well by doing what you formerly couldnt do. Thats faith. You have already taken 4 Miracle Steps. There remains only one more step to take. 5


Its very simple. All you need to do is to open up both your spirit and your mouth and by faith say, Lord, I receive my healing. Its done. I am healed! Just receive it in your spirit. One day, Jesus said to His disciples: What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe ye receive them and ye shall have them. You may ask, How can I receive something not tangible? How can I say Ive received my healing when I dont feel anything? Am I lying? Am I fooling myself? Heres the secret of spiritual logic. If you have some kind of feeling that youve been touched by Gods hand, praise the Lord for it. Keep on acting well. On the other hand, if theres no such feeling, raise your hands to God and say, Praise God, I live by faith and not by sight or feeling. Gods Word says Im healed. I believe and receive it. Its settled in my heart. Im healed by Jesus stripes! Keep acting by the truth that God has touched you. Thats faith pure faith speaking and acting. Some healings come instantly, others come progressively. Whichever the case, keep taking the 5 Miracle Steps until youre totally healed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep hearing the Word of God. Keep receiving the Word of God. Keep speaking the Word of God. Keep acting the Word of God. Keep receiving Gods healing.

There was no magical power in the Lords garment. That lady wasnt healed by it. It was her exercise of faith that made her well. The moment she touched His clothes by faith, Jesus could feel the power of God going out of Him to heal her. The release of Gods power was in response to her faith. He turned around and asked, Who touched me? Puzzled, His disciples said, Everyone is touching You! But Christ knew that it was not a casual touch like that of the common crowd. It was a special touch a touch of faith. That lady came with a determined heart and mind, and she grabbed the power of God by a point of contact. It wasnt so much the clothes of Jesus but her faith in action that healed her. Jesus claried, Woman, thy faith hath made thee whole. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith is a fact and fact is an act. Faith is acting out Gods Word. If you have taken these 5 Miracle Steps, which the woman with the issue of blood had taken, you should receive a touch from God. That touch could be: an instant relief and healing, an improvement or a progressive healing or an assurance in your spirit that something wonderful has begun in your life. 6

Whatever you have gained, hold tightly and build on it by repeating the ve steps over and over again. Yes, you can live in divine health. Whatever you have received from God, I love to hear from you. Not only do I look forward to rejoice with you, but also I like to agree with you in your prayer for total wholeness. May God bless you richly with His love peace joy wisdom and total healing. Amen.

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