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Written by Kimberlyn Beebe


The surface of Saturn glows a rust red. There is a small grey dot on the surface. Zooming in on the spot, it is a large building with space ships of all sizes rushing around, in and through the building. A blue glowing sign on the top says Saturn Central Port. 2 INT. CENTRAL PORT INTERNAL HALL - DAY 2

Monday Mack Shepard, an average looking human with short cut reddish brown hair and a beard, walks down the hall carrying a cash drawer and humming to himself. Several people walk by and say good morning to him and he responds with hi or a nod. Salisina, 24, Jaritisan alien, purple hair, green scales, passes by. Hey, Mack. SALISINA

MACK Hey, Salisina. Your register still working? SALISINA Like new. Thanks for fixing it. Salisina waves goodbye as she continues down the hall. A radio on Macks hip calls his name. RADIO VOICE (V.O.) Attention Mack! Attention Mack! I need you to come to my office. MACK Alright. Be there in five. Mack changes direction and heads to the offices. 3 INT. HARM CALE'S OFFICE - DAY 3

Harm Cale, heavy around the middle with glasses and a receding hairline, gives a warm greeting with a handshake as Mack enters the office. HARM Mornin Mack.

2. MACK Hey, Harm. Hows it going? HARM Im impressed with your work at the toll booths, but I think I have a new job for you that only you can do. Itll be more money and a great opportunity no human has done before. MACK Wow, thank you. You know Ive been looking for a new challenge. Ive fixed everything on the toll booth level there is. I need to work my mind. Whats the job? HARM Walk with me. 4 INT. CENTRAL PORT INTERNAL HALL - DAY - CONTINUOUS 4

Harm leads Mack through some winding hallways deeper into the port. HARM I want you to run the central port control office. It is usually done by a Valusian, but none have migrated here this year. MACK The control office? Are you kidding? HARM Carl needs to go back to his home planet so he can mate with a female and die. Oh my god. MACK

HARM I know. I feel sorry for that female, too. MACK What? What about Carl?

3. HARM Oh, Carl? Valusians live till they are two. Carl is one and eight months. He leaves Friday. The clock is ticking. Harm stops in font of a door that is labeled Control Room. He swipes the card and a light goes green. He reaches for the handle. 5 INT. CENTRAL PORT CONTROL ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS 5

Harm opens the door to the control room. Mack looks over the room, which looks like a trash dump. In the center of the room, a big fly looking alien with twelve arms is sitting in a chair while his arms move everywhere. HARM This is it. MACK Are you kidding? This is one of your pranks, right? Harm laughs so hard his belly jiggles. He hands the key card to Mack. Mack looks at it and sees that it already has his picture on it. HARM That wouldve been funny, wouldnt it? MACK Harm, he has twelve arms and all of them are working. HARM And you have two. Whats your point? Anyway, I have complete confidence in you. Harm slaps Mack on the back and leaves the room. Mack studies the movements of Carl. INT. CENTRAL PORT CONTROL ROOM - DAY (EIGHT HOURS LATER) The rust colored light fades from a small window. Mack stands in the same place where he entered. He rubs his face and looks at his watch. It says 4:30.

4. MACK Well, its time to take off. I guess youll train me tomorrow? Carl grunts and doesnt even turn around. MACK (CONTD) Alright, see you tomorrow. Carl makes a buzzing sound, but doesnt move to leave. Mack shrugs his shoulders and walks out the door. END OF ACT ONE

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