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The project European Days in Alsnmedi was funded with the support of the European Union under the

he Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Applicable to the Action 1, Measure 1.1 "Town Twinning Citizens' Meetings Participation: The project involved 639 citizens, notably 19 participants from the city of Demir Kapija (Macedonia), 15 participants from the city of Colletorto (Italy), 55 participants from the city of Nagyajta (Romania) and 550 participants from the city of Alsnmedi (Hungary) Location/ Dates: The event took place in Alsnmedi/Hungary; Budapest/Hungary and Balaton-felvidk /Hungary, from 17/09/2013 to 23/09/2013 Short description: The day of 17/09/2013 was dedicated to Welcome to our guests from Nagyajta, Colletorto and Demir Kapija The day of 18/09/2013 was dedicated to EU and the sustainable development and introduction of the nature values of Hungary. The day of 19/09/2013 was dedicated to Your voice in Europe and introduction of historical value of Hungary. The day of 20/09/2013 was dedicated to Youth and the EU and introduction of Budapest, capital of Hungary The day of 21/09/2013 was dedicated to EU and the cultural diversity and Meeting of different cultures. The day of 22/09/2013 was dedicated to the official signing of the twinning and cultural agreements. The day of 23/09/2013 was dedicated to introduction of Alsnmedi and action plans in relation to the future meeting, discussing about results and departure delegations.

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