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Date : Sep, 26, 2013 Mr. Digvijay Tomar (Token No:23082020) 10-Viveknagar, Behin Me!a "ro#n , "$a!ior (M.%.

) & '('011 Dear Digvijay, )#*: +,,,e o/ 0e1igna.ion With reference to your letter dated 25.09.2013 your resignation is accepted. ser#ices of the co$pany !ith effect fro$ 2%.10.2013 after !or&ing hours. 'ur (ccounts Depart$ent has "een ad#ised to settle your accounts. (s regards the settle$ent of your )ro#ident *und account, you are ad#ised to send an application to the +,, si-ty days after the date of cessation of your e$ploy$ent !ith us together !ith a clearance certificate fro$ the .ahindra / .ahindra 0o1operati#e 0redit Society 2i$ited for any loan a$ount that $ight "e outstanding against you. +o!e#er, "efore the final settle$ent of your ).*. account is $ade "y the +,, if you !ere to secure e$ploy$ent in any other 'rgani3ation, !hich is co#ered under the 4$ployees5 pro#ident *unds (ct, 1952, then you could ad#ise the +, through your ne! e$ployer for the transfer of your ).*. account to the$ or to the ,egional )ro#ident *und 0o$$issioner, as the case $ay "e. 6indly contact Ser#ice 0entre on the su"7ect of issuance of *or$ 16 after the year end. %er/orman,e %ay: We dra! you attention to the rele#ant clause for regulating )erfor$ance )ay !hich is reproduced. 89n the case of cessation of e$ploy$ent, officer is not eligi"le for )erfor$ance )ay unless he:she has !or&ed for the entire appraisal period ;(ppraisal year is 1 st (pril to 31st .arch<. 0onse=uently no pro1rata pay$ent of perfor$ance pay !ill "e $ade to any officers !ho ha#e not !or&ed for the entire appraisal period.> ou !ill "e relie#ed fro$ the

We than& you for your ser#ices !ith the 0o$pany and !ish you all the "est in your future endea#ors. ours faithfully, 2or Mahin ra Tr#,k1 an B#1e1 3. .

D.0. To.a )r. "enera! Manager & 40 5 + min

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