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The main image of the film poster is a low angle shot.

This creates a sense of power and authority on the characters behalf, and enhances the idea of threat as a theme in the film.

Sin City

The colouring used in the poster is evidently dark and morbid. This highlights the dark themes in the film and this is done to perhaps represent sin as a dark and sinister attribute that affects many peoples lives.

It is evident that there are five characters present on the main image, but significantly Bruce Willis character is placed clearly in front and larger than the rest. This signifies to the audience that his character has a high sense of importance, and potentially the storyline of the film revolves around him.

The poster adheres to the film noir genre, due to the greyscale colouring and the weather choice of rain. Rain is a connotation of sadness and anger, another implication of various themes in the film.

A mirage of a figure is played as a separate layer over the cape of Bruce Willis character. This heightens the idea that this mysterious figure has perhaps more power and importance in the film than Bruce Willis, as he is placed over him.

It is clear that the films title is on a diagonal and placed in eye line with Bruce Willis. This symbolises the distortion in Sin City and how the characters compete against the norm.

It can be argued that the size of the gun Bruce Willis is holding has been enlarged and emphasised to replicate the violence in the film, and the violent acts Bruce Willis performs.

The typography is bold and comic-like, suggesting the idea of the film being like a cartoon and action books. The red colour connotes violence and danger, enhancing the themes of death.

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