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It can be argued that as the audience you are initially drawn to the shadows of the suspects.

It is clear that these shadows have been stretched, and this has been done to enhance the idea that the suspects problems and egos are much larger than their actual identities and will create a foreboding for the storyline of the film.

The Usual Suspects

Dark lighting is used on the main image on the poster, which gives a feel of just the torch of an interrogation room as the only source of light. This emphasises the storyline of the film, that the five men are in trouble with the law and therefore everything will relate back to the crime they have committed.

At the top of the poster all of the actors names are listed, suggesting that each of the suspects are equally as important to the film and contribute evenly. This is rare for the advertising of a film, as usually there is a well known or more popular actor who would be recognised as the selling point for the film, and would be listed on their own. By having all of the actors listed emphasises the plurality of the title itself. It is evident that the five men are stood in front of a police line up. This, as said before, is another constant reference to the crime and deviance theme throughout the film. The typography of the films title is plain, bold and in serif form. This highlights the bold themes in the film and potentially the bold and deviant nature of the five suspects.

The title of the film placed in front of a plain black background adheres to the genre of film noir due to the monochrome yet classic nature.

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