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Views Against Capital Punishment

Capital punishment has been long well-known as a legal punishment, namely beheading, hanging, and electric shock. These methods are intentionally applied to those who commit crime such as homicide and other serious cases. Although the law is eliminated in many countries, it is still done in some countries. However, I am convinced that capital punishment should be abolished due to three reasons, particularly in countries where human rights and freedom to live are constantly promoted. First of all, we by no means believes that human life is comparatively worth which cannot be exchanged. Most people are against death penalty although criminals committed a serious case that deserves killing. Taking someones life in return is d iscouraged since we are living in the world so-called freedom to live. Everyone has the right to live even though they commit such murder. Such a case, a person who is incidentally attacked by a mental illness and so the only way the victim can save their own life is by killing the attacker. Concerning this, it is fair enough that the criminals should be given chance to examine their deed and pay a compensation. In addition, if the murderer has been found guilty, the life imprisonment is rightly judged and this does mean they live in a deadly world already and it is religiously better to forgive sinners in order that the world remains peace gradually. This was supported by Aristole who pointed out that a more harmful beast was still less valuable than a murderer (Cited in Arguments against capital punishment, 2013). Therefore, with regard to living in harmony both socially and religiously, life should not be repaid by life and capital punishment is not of considerable. Second, capital punishment is the most irreparable. For some lawyers and judges who may have chance which error is possible, death penalty is considered as a dangerous punishment to the wrong person. That is, recently, according to a report on 1|Page, a 34-jailed man has been released after he was found innocent, not involving in a murder. Similarly, during 1970s, it was reported that there were around 82death-row jailers were released after they had been found innocent (Death penalty unfair to Blacks, poor, 2000). Unlike any other criminal punishment, the death penalty is irrevocable. The proponent of the death punishment would argue that the innocent person would incidentally receive the punishment. In this sense, if the innocent person had been killed by the death punishment, it would have been regretted with those who did not commit the crime. Consequently, the capital punishment in the face of the demonstrated failure of the system is unacceptable. Finally, capital punishment cost more than incarceration. Research on The Case Against the Death Penalty described that homicide trail takes much longer when the death is at issue than when it is not and it is costly (The Case Against the Death Penalty, 2012). It wastes the time on judging process, prosecution, defense, and court report and so on. It squanders both time and money. For instance, a huge amount of money and time are needed spending on the murder trial. Additionally, in the case Cambodia, Spending a lot of money on such criminal justice system would limit funds that could be used to deter and solve crime and other sectors including education, public health to name a few. For these reasons, wasting money, energy and time on such procedures will prove to be illusory. Supporters of capital punishment reason that each criminal should get what their crime deserves and in the case of a murderer what their crime deserves is death. Nonetheless, as stated previously, capital punishment is too serious for human being. It is against the human rights. Furthermore, when surveying to rank the factors reducing the rate of violent, but serious cases, the police officers graded the death punishment as the least effective after curbing drug and gun control (The Case Against the Death Penalty, 2012). It was further


reported that the governments who issued the death law deceived its own people and it was its own inability to investigate the true cause of crime. Given this to our context, most of us Khmer citizens and the government are Buddhist believers, we are taught not to kill particularly punishing life to death. Regarding this, the law of death punishment should never be considered and most importantly it should never be in any alternatives in regulating the crime law. In conclusion, capital punishment should be eliminated since life is the most valuable. Dead cannot be raised to life again, and death penalty itself is costly. I strongly believe that there are better ways to solve problems as well as to deter such crime in which we should just find them, as taking someones life is the last yet cruel options after all. Specifically, capital punishment is immoral and it violates the natural rights, human rights and freedom to live. As we are Khmer and Buddhist is our official religion, we should follow Buddhas teaching and death punishment should not be put into consideration whatsoever. Capital punishment has been long well-known as a legal punishment, namely beheading, hanging, and electric shock. These methods are intentionally applied to those who commit crime such as homicide and other serious cases. Although the law is eliminated in many countries, it is still done in some countries. However, I am convinced that capital punishment should be abolished due to three reasons, particularly in countries where human rights and freedom to live are constantly promoted.


References Arguments against capital punishment. (2013). Retrieved November 09, 2013, from Death penalty unfair to Blacks, poor. (2000, September). Retrieved November 09, 2013, from r_to_Blacks_poor_2325.shtml (2013). Retrieved November 10, 2013, from The Case Against the Death Penalty. (2012, December). Retrieved November 09, 2013, from


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