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Audio Vocabulary Unit No 53

Congratulations, you have finished 52 lessons successfully and you are about to do lesson No 53. If you have done all previous lessons carefully, you must have made a huge step by now. It is a great feeling to make such progress in so little time, right? Stay tuned and have fun with my latest German vocabulary lesson!

Do this lesson (the play button is further below) and then repeat the other lessons one more time: Repetition Units

Please Read This First: How to learn German effectively 1. Listen a few times. 2. Repeat after the speaker. 3. Make sure that you imitate the pronunciation of the recorded speaker. 4. Go on to the Question and Answer Game. 5. Try to answer the questions in the pauses. (You may look at the answers) 6. After a few times don't look at the answers anymore. 7. Repeat this lesson every day until we publish the next lesson.

. <<< Click the play button and listen (Wait until you see the button Sometimes it takes a while) Tip: Try to imagine the situations in your mind. It will help you to remember the words! If you think this lesson is a little too advanced for you, keep this in mind: Even the most difficult lesson is easy after some repetitions!

New vocabulary with example sentences.



der Geburtstag / die Geburtstage Wenn dein Geburtstag im November ist, dann weit du, dass deine Eltern den Valentinstag so richtig genossen haben.

the birthday

If your birthday is in November, then you know your parents really enjoyed Valentine's Day.

der Schatten / die Schatten Frchte dich nie vor Schatten. Sie bedeuten nur, dass irgendwo in der Nhe ein Licht scheint.

the shadow Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.

die Fahrt / die Fahrten (Die) Liebe bringt die Welt nicht zum Drehen, aber sie macht die Fahrt sehr viel angenehmer.

the ride

Love doesn't make the world go round but it makes the ride so much better.

die Trne / die Trnen Eine Trne besteht aus 1% Wasser und 99% Gefhlen.

the tear A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.

die Dit Der schwierigste Teil einer Dit ist nicht zu sehen, was man selber isst, sondern zu beobachten, was andere Leute essen.

the diet

The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat. It's watching what other people eat.

die Zunge / die Zungen Als du klein warst, bedeutete jemandem die Zunge herauszustrecken, als ob man ihm den Mittelfinger zeigt.

the tongue When you were little, sticking your tongue out was like giving someone the middle finger.

das Fleisch, das Bier Was braucht man zum Grillen? Mnner: Fleisch und Bier! Frauen: Decke, Servietten, Korkenzieher, Sonnencreme, Alufolie, Salat, Besteck

the meat, the beer What do you need for a barbecue? Men: Meat and beer! Women: blanket, napkins, corkscrew, sunblocker, aluminum foil, salad, cutlery

Question and Answer Game . Listen and try to answer the questions

Don't worry if you can't answer right away. After some repetitions it will be much easier!

Wann weit du, dass deine Eltern den Valentinstag so richtig genossen haben? Wenn dein Geburtstag im November ist. Wenn dein Geburtstag im November ist, dann weit du, dass deine Eltern den Valentinstag so richtig genossen haben.

Wenn was im November ist? Dein Geburtstag Wenn dein Geburtstag im November ist.

Sollst du dich vor Schatten frchten? Nein, vor Schatten sollst du dich nicht frchten. Vor Schatten brauchst du keine Angst (zu) haben. Sie bedeuten nur, dass irgendwo in der Nhe ein Licht scheint.

Bringt die Liebe die Welt zum Drehen? Nein, die Liebe bringt die Welt nicht zum Drehen.

Aber was macht sie dann? Sie macht die Fahrt sehr viel angenehmer. (Die) Liebe bringt die Welt zwar nicht zum Drehen, aber sie macht die Fahrt sehr viel angenehmer.

Besteht eine Trne aus Coca Cola? Nein, doch nicht aus Coca Cola. Sie besteht natrlich nicht aus Coca Cola.

Aus was besteht eine Trne dann? Aus Wasser und Gefhlen. Genauer gesagt (to be exact) aus einem Prozent Wasser und 99% Gefhlen. Eine Trne besteht aus 1% Wasser und 99% Gefhlen.

Was ist bei einer Dit schwieriger - zu sehen, was man selber isst oder zu sehen, was andere Leute essen?

Ich wrde sagen zu sehen, was andere Leute essen. Es ist viel schwieriger zu beobachten, was andere Leute essen.

Macht man eine Dit, um abzunehmen oder um zuzunehmen? Um abzunehmen Eine Dit macht man, um abzunehmen.

Was macht man, um weniger zu wiegen? Eine Dit Eine Dit macht man, um weniger zu wiegen. Eine Dit macht man, um abzunehmen.

Ist es unhflich (rude) jemandem die Zunge herauszustrecken? Ja, das ist unhflich.

Was ist unhflich? Jemandem die Zunge herauszustrecken.

Und ist es auch unhflich jemandem den Mittelfinger zu zeigen? Oh ja, das ist auch unhflich. Das ist sogar ziemlich unverschmt.

Brauchen Mnner viele Dinge zum Grillen? Nein, Mnner brauchen nicht viele Dinge zum Grillen.

Was brauchen Mnner zum Grillen? Fleisch und Bier. Mnner brauchen nur Fleisch und Bier! Das ist alles!

Brauchen Frauen auch nur Fleisch und Bier zum Grillen? Oh nein, Frauen brauchen nicht nur Fleisch und Bier zum Grillen. Sie brauchen viel mehr!

Was brauchen denn Frauen zum Grillen? Frauen brauchen eine Decke, Servietten, Korkenzieher, Sonnencreme, Alufolie, Salat, Besteck und noch viel mehr. Do not forget to repeat! Repetition Units (Repetition is very important) Don't forget to repeat all units you did in the past! Write the new words in yourvocabulary book or get the download versions of the previous lessons.

You need about 2,000 words to speak a language fluently. I will teach you more than 2,000 words over time. Deutsch lernen kann jeder, alles was man braucht ist Spa! In order to learn German effectively you have to repeat this lesson every day for at least three days. By the third day (or sooner) you will be filled with joy and excitement, because you will be able to answer the questions yourself and that is a great feeling. It is like talking in German. Of course it is a long way to speak German fluently but with each lesson, you will gain more confidence and understanding of the German language. And to save the new words of this lesson in your memory you have to repeat this lesson again tomorrow, after 3 and after 5 weeks. Write these new words and the example sentences in your vocabulary bookor even better get the download versions and repeat the older lessons easily with your mp3 player. If you don't repeat you will forget that is a fact!

Learn German as a foreign Language In order to learn German as a second or third language, repetition is necessary. And in order to speak German as a foreign language fluently, you have to know the 2,000 most important words of the German language. And it is also very essential to practice a second language every day.

I know from our own personal experience that practicing a foreign language every day is hard to fulfill. But if you find a way to learn German just 10 minutes every day, it is very effective in the long run and it will help you more than 3 hours once a week. So with this in mind, I created something really powerful for you. I created this site here with a selection of the most important German words. Only seven German words are displayed for a few days, then I will show you seven new German words. Your task is to listen to the seven German words as often as possible at least once a day.

Ever thought about moving to Germany? If it is your wish to move to Germany one day and work in Germany, you need to speak German fluently. Even if you speak English perfectly, you won't get very far. A lot of Germans speak English but not everyone. You can earn a lot of money with a good job in Germany, but you have to invest some time before and learn the language. If you are young, it is quite a good idea to be an au pair in Germany first. There are a lot of programs that provide young woman and men the opportunity to live with a host family for some time as an au pair. It would be your job to take care of the family's children. You would also assist and help the family with the household. The payment is not very high at that time but you would be in the country, would learn the language and you would be able to look for a great and better paying job. The pocket money for an au pair in Germany is only about EUR 300 (about USD 420) per month. But you don't need money for housing and food. The best possibility to get a job as an au pair is this: You are 18-25 years old. You have some child care experience. You have a basic knowledge of German (basic knowledge is enough). You are able to spend 6-12 months in Germany. Get some information and think about it.

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