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MiLisha Shackleford Gail Richard Composition I Connection Essay, Rough Draft September 9, 2013 A Troubled Angel As tears of hurt

rolled down my cheeks, I thought back to the times that we were kids. We played together, took up for each other, and you even tried to protect me from all the monsters in the closet at night. You were more than just my cousin; you were my brother that I will never forget. With us being only a year apart, we clung together as a team. He adored me so much, he would always ask when I was coming back over or when would he see me again. I loved being around him because no matter what situation he was in, he was always so happy and laughing. As we grew up, we kind of went our separate ways. While I was glorified for my good behavior and good grades, he was not. Society labeled him as a thug, like any other young black male that wore baggy clothes but, to me he was much more cherished.

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