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1 SEMESTER III PAPER 12 12MIB301 GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT UNIT I International strategic management distinguishing characteristics of international strategic

ic management difference between international and domestic strategic management concept of environment characteristics of environment environmental scanning search and analysis. UNIT II Corporate strategies mission vision analyzing industry and competition internal appraisal of the firm competitive advantages core competency internal analysis turnaround liquidation combination strategies experience curve or learning curve SWOT analysis UNIT III Global strategic management phases of global strategy difference between international strategy and domestic strategy drivers of global strategic perspective global strategic development. UNIT IV Strategy implementation concept steps in strategy implementation factors causing unsuccessful implementation of strategy organization structure for strategy implementation forms of organization structure relating structure to strategy. UNIT V Strategy evaluation and control requirements of effective evaluation strategic control types of strategic control process of evaluation setting performance standards evaluation techniques for strategic for strategic control problems in strategic evaluation

Text Book: International Strategic Management R. M. Srivastava Himalayaya Publishing House Reference Books: 1.Strategic Planning formulation of Corporate Srategy Text and Cases, V. S. Ramasamy & S. NamaKumari, Macmillan 2.Strategic Management Francis Chrunilam, Himalaya Punblishing House 3.Busness policy and Strategy L. M. Pasad, Sulta Chand Co. 4.Corporate STRATEGIC Management _ R. M. Srivastava & Divya, Nihgam Pragati Prakasan 5.Business Policy & Strategic Managemnt Agarwal, Ban Erjeed Nair 6.Global Strategic Management Kamel Mellahi J. George Frynas Paul, Finlay Oxford Press

DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT UNIT - I SECTION -A I) CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER: 1. The strategist has a basic understanding of his own_______________________________ a)competitive advantage b)political c)social system d)all the above. 2) International strategic management is rational process of managing _______________________ a) International business b) domestic business c) A&B d) global business. 3) International strategic management requires _________________________ a) creative planning b) analysis c) rational approach d) none of the above. 4) International strategic management is composed of ___________________________________ a) Strategic planning b) implementation c) control d) all the above. 5) Strategy at the corporate level is called ______________strategy. A) Corporate b) retrenchment c) business unit level d) combination. 6) Business strategy also known as _____________________ a) Strategic business b) business unit level c) growth strategies disable d) combination. 7) The factor in the environment may be ________________________ a) Event b) trend issues c) expectations c) all the above. 8) Environment analysis must be in ______________ process. a) continuous b) systematic c) adoch approach d) none of the above. 9) publication as sources of information can be classified into______________ categories. a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 10) ETOP related to ________________ a) Environmental analysis b) internal analysis c) industry analysis c) none 11)International strategic management is a systematic and _________ approach a. rational b. irrational c. strategic d. none

12) The multinational and global corporation are _____________.

a. govt organizations

b. SBU

c. sez

d. none

13) The information systematically collected for environmental scanning is known as _____. a. strategic evaluation b. strategic implementation SECTION - B 14) a. How would you define the term international strategic management ? or B .what are the distinguishing features of international strategic management? 15)a. what do you know about the global environment? What are it distinguish features? or b. what is bench marking ? 16) a. Mention some of the salient characteristics of business environment ? or b. differentiate between internal environment and external environment ? 17) a. Give some examples of threats and opportunities of a business ? or b. How should a multinational corporation scan economic environment of potential host countries? 18) a. What is the relevance of analyzing culture environment in multinational strategy making ? or b. How can religious beliefs affect the international business decisions ? SECTION - C 19) a. Distinguish between international strategic management from domestic strategic management? or b. discuss the dimension of international strategic management? 20) a. discuss the approaches to international business environment ?or b. discuss some techniques of international environmental search ? 21)a. How bench marking can be used for environment scanning ? or b. What aspect of the culture environment should a multinational enterprise analyze? 22) a. differentiates between multinational corporation from international corporation ?or b. discuss the various aspects of environmental scanning necessary for identifying opportunities and threats in company environment? 23) a. Bring out the limitations of environmental analysis? or b.Firms which systematically analyze and the environment are more effective than those which dont? c. process d. none.

UNIT-II SECTION -A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. Mission has ___________orientation and relates the organization to the society in which it operates. a. Internal b. external c .both d. none of the above. 2. Organizational values are the next major constituent of _____________ a. Mission b. vision c. beliefs d. ambition.

3. To be india s most successful and most respected IT company whose statements this __________________ a. TCS b. Infosys c. HCL d .Wipro

4. Vision is the _____________ of the business. a. Aspiration b. ambition c .object d. Aim 5. Good vision are _____________ a. comparative b. original c. unique d. all 6. Industries can be meaningfully classified based on their ____________ a. Environment b. capital investment c. location d. structure 7. ___________ in the industry very depending on the segment ,model and sizes a. Profit margin b. profitability c. liquidity d. capacity 8. There are forces that shapes competition in an industry as per ___________these A .porters b. Kolters c. Drucker d. henry fayol 9. ___________assessment forms the first part of internal appraisal. a. EPOT B. SWOT C. strength-weakness d. industry. 10. competitive advantage is closely linked to _____ a. strategy b. tactics c. method d. competition. 11) The purpose of mission statement is to get __________ a. profit b. public image c. human resource d. none

13) The growth potential and the profitability of the industry are two major determination of _____. a. high market share b. industry attractiveness c. profit d. competition

14) Organization adopts _____________strategy focuses on its existing line of business.

15) Competitive advantage appraisal needs a sharper focus than ____________. a. analysis b. stable c. tactics d. none

16) vision will be created by _______. a. conceptual plan b. idea c. strategy d. none

SECTION - B 17. a.What do you understand by corporate mission? b.Explain the reasons and need for mission. 18. a. Define and distinguish mission and vision. b. What should be the contents of the mission statement of a strategic organization? 19. a. Describe the relevance of industry and competitors analysis to the strategic choice process? b. Describe the essential characteristics of a mission statement. 20. a. Explain the reasons for pursing stability strategy. b. Explain the types of retrenchment strategy. 21. a. What so you mean by industry attractiveness? b. Explain the various approach for competitor analysis 22. a. Explain the general features of the industry. b. Explain the various approaches for competitors analysis. 23. a. Explain the importance of internal appraisal. b. Explain the term competitive advantage. SECTION - C 23.a.Bring out any two companies mission and vision statements and comments. b.What is diversification strategy? Why is strategy adopted? 24 a.What is meant by core competency of firm? What factor determine it? b.What precautions are taken before going for diversification? 25a.Explain Michael porters theory of competitive structure of the industry? b.Explain growth as strategy is to define the various growth strategies a firm may think. 26a.The purpose of strategy is to define the nature relationship between a firm may is environment Elucidate. b.Discuss the relevance of industry and competitor analysis to the strategic choice process. 27A.Explain the competitive advantage. b. Explain the turnaround strategy in detail.

UNIT -III SECTION A I) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER : 1) The term global strategy has been in use entry since the late _____________ a. 1950 b. 1996 c. 1970 d. 1940 2) Firms that manufacture and market product or service in several countries are called_____________ a. Multinational firms b. global firms c. global company d. national firms. 3) Moving from a domestic or international strategy to a global strategy is not an early process and creates various strategic_____________ a. Challenges b. management c. implementation d. environment . 4) Globalization is escapable a multi faced ______________ a) Process b) formal c) operation d) economic. 5) The external business environment has a major impact on the strategic a. direction b. face c. driving d. benchmark. 6) Born global firms are generally small and medium high-tech firms using well know________ a. Technology b. science c. computer d. production 7) Licensing does not mean duplicating the ___________in several countries. a. Product b. service c. goods d. material 8) multinational must develop an _____________ strategy and execute it very carefully. a. end game b. company c. international d. office 9) Horizontal relationships are formed between rival firms selling the same or similar goods and ____________ a. Services b. service c. firms d. material 10) Management must own when to give the strategic alliance another chance and when to _____it. a. graceful b. terminate c. clear d. distribute. 11) The internet is a powerful medium for reaching and servicing customers around the ________. a. firm b. world c. area d. organization ___________of a firm

12) The global product mandate has several implications for the multinational ________ a. SBU b. firm c. internal environment d. none

SECTION - B 13) a.Discuss the phases of global strategy b. Explain the industry globalizing drivers 14) a.Discuss the PERT analysis b. Economic environment discuss. 15) a. What problem do manager face in conducting a global five forces analysis? b. Explain the market segmentation analysis. 16) a. Explain the strategic group analysis. b. Discuss the benefits of NGO-business partnerships. 17) a. How identifying the key stakeholders of the multinational firm? b. What are the problems do manager face in stakeholder mapping? SECTION - C 18) A.What is the difference between market segmentation analysis and strategic group analysis. b.Identify a born global firm and discuss its international process. 19) a.Explain the selection and managing partners. b.Identify and briefly describe the role of subsidiary-level manager. 20) a.Explain the three different types of subsidiary level strategy, and discuss some of the pitfalls associates with each types of the generic strategies. 1) 2) 3) 4) Discuss the vertical integration. Explain the outsourcing and types of outsourcing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing? Explain the diversification and industrial diversification.

b.Explain various types of diversification.

UNIT-IV SECTION - A I) CHOOSE THE CORRRECT ANSWER 1. Mc.kinsey and company a consulting firm in _____________ a. USA b. USSR C. London d. India

2) There are ____________ types of linkages between strategy formulation and implementation. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

3) The role of _________________ in implementation and other aspect of strategic management is quite crucial. a. Leader b. manager c. managing director d. director.

4) ___________is necessary for effective performance and information system design. a. Motivation b. money c. proper direction d. climate

5) There are ____________ basic issues involved in information system design. a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

6) There is close relationship between an organizations strategy and _____________ a. structure b. leadership c. organization d. climate

7) There is ______________ of structure and strategy. a. dependent b. interdependence c. independent existences

8) A simple organization has only _____________ levels. a.0 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3

9) ____________organizational structures is used to facilitate the development and execution of various projects. a. Matrix b. functional c. SBU d .divisional

10) Resources management require manager to allocate ___________ a .People b. Facilities c. Equipment d. All the above.

11) Implementation may be regarded as a more important stage than that of choosing to ______. a. plan b.strategy c. equipment d. none

12) A ____________strategy changes involves a major reorganization with in the firm. a. radical b. radial c. facilities d. none

SECTION-B 13). A. What is meant by strategy implementation? b. What is 7s model? 14) a.Explain the signification of organizational system. b. What is divisional structure of organization ? state its features. 15)a. Explain the process of strategy implementation. b. How can structure be related with strategy implementation? 16) a. How the organization process affect strategy implementation. b.How the culture influence the strategy implementation. 17)a. Discuss the role of leadership in implementing managerial strategy. b.What are the different forms of organization structure. SECTION-C 18)a. What are the activities involved in strategy implementation? b. Analyse the relationship between strategy formulation and implementation. 19) a.Trace out the relationship between structure and strategy. b. Describe the role of leadership in strategy implementation. 20) a.What is 7s model ? illustrate and critically examine the same. b. Discuss the role of organization structure in strategy implementation. 21) a.What are the various limitations of functional structure? b. Discuss the relationship between the strategy and structure of organization 22)a. Discuss the various issues involved in designing divisional structure. b. What are the basic approaches of organizational design?


UNIT- V SECTION-A I) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1) Implementation control aims at __________________ the process of various activities undertaken to implement a strategy. a. Monitoring b. evaluating c. determining d. implementation 2) A strategy may be valid only as long as the planning premises remain _________ a. Valid b. static c. stable d. constant 3) Organization operates in a relatively stable environment may we ___________ a. strategic momentum control b. strategic leap control c. system modeling d. strategic field analysis 4) PERT means ______________ a. programme evaluate and review techniques b.programmed evaluation and techniques c. programme evaluation and review techniques d. programming evaluate and review techniques. 5) ROUA Means ____________________ a. Returned on value added b. Return on value addition c. Returned on value addition d. none of the above 6) Strategy review and control can be divided into separate identifiable but mutually ____________ steps. a. Interrelated b. quantitative c. Dependent d. Independent.

7) There is always need for ____________ criteria for strategy review and control. a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. good d .none of the above

8) There are ____________ aspects of quantitative criteria which manager should take into account. a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6

9) Strategic evaluation requires the analysis of factors environmental as well as internal ________________a. Strength b. weakness c. strength and weakness d. none of the above

10) Control and evaluation processes help strategist to ____________ the progress of a plan. a. monitor b. evaluate c. control d.check.


11) Strategy review and control can be considered as the last step of ____________. a. strategic choice b. strategic management c. evaluation d. none

12) Standards should not be two general or inexact but must be ____________as for as possible. a. perceive b. written c. implied d. noine

13) A company can compare its current performance with its __________ performance. a. past b. competitors c. present d. none

14) Goals and standards may have been taken to make them more ____________. a. appropriate b. challenging c. idealistic d. none

15) Control in formal organization is accomplished through the _______________ a. vision b. mission c. open loop control system d. none

SECTION-B 16) a.Where is the need for strategy evaluation? b.Where are the barriers in evalution and control? 17)a. What are the requirements of effective evaluation? b.What do you mean by preventive control? 18) a.Discuss the major elements in the strategic review and evaluation process. b.Critically examine the basic principles of strategic evaluation. 19) a.Write an explanatory note on evaluation and control? b. Define strategy review and control. 20) a.What do you understand by strategic evaluation and control? b. What are the characteristics of effective evaluation and control system? SECTION -C 21) a.Explain briefly the different approaches to strategy formulation. b. Discuss the major elements in the strategic review and evaluation process. 22)a. Explain the essential features of an effective evaluation and control system. b. Analyze the various types of strategic control and critically examine the suitability of each type 23) a.Analyze the differences between strategic control and operational control and illustrate the same. b. Discuss the evaluation techniques for strategic control. 24)a. Explain the factors which effects choice of strategy. b. What alternative would you suggest to bride gap between standards and performance? 25)a.What are the problems in strategy evaluation ? b. How would you assess the effectiveness of enterprise?




1. The term global strategy has been in use entry since the late _____________ a. 1950 b. 1996 c. 1970 d. 1940 2. Firms that manufacture and market product or service in several countries are called_____________ a. Multinational firms b. global firms c. global company d. national firms. 3. Moving from a domestic or international strategy to a global strategy is not an early process and creates various strategic_____________ a. Challenges b. management c. implementation d. environment. 4.___________is necessary for effective performance and information system design. a. Motivation b. money c. proper direction d. climate 5. There are ____________ basic issues involved in information system design. a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 6. There is close relationship between an organizations strategy and _____________ a. structureb. leadership c. organization d. climate 7. There is ______________ of structure and strategy. a. dependent b. interdependence c. independent existences 8.There are ____________ aspects of quantitative criteria which manager should take into account. a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 9.Strategic evaluation requires the analysis of factors environmental as well as internal ________________a. Strength b. weakness c. strength and weakness d. none of the above 10.Control and evaluation processes help strategist to ____________ the progress of a plan. a. monitor b. evaluate c. control d.check. 11. Implementation control aims at __________________ the process of various activities undertaken to implement a strategy. a. Monitoring b. evaluating c. determining d. implementation 12. A strategy may be valid only as long as the planning premises remain _________ a. Valid b. static c. stable d. constant 13. Organization operates in a relatively stable environment may we ___________ a. strategic momentum control b. strategic leap control c. system modeling d. strategic field analysis 14. PERT means ______________ a. programme evaluate and review techniques b.programmed evaluation and techniques c. programme evaluation and review techniques d. programming evaluate and review techniques. 15). ROUA Means ____________________ a. Returned on value added b. Return on value addition c. Returned on value addition d. none of the above 16. Strategy review and control can be divided into separate identifiable but mutually ____________ steps. a. Interrelated b. quantitative c. Dependent d. Independent. 17. There is always need for ____________ criteria for strategy review and control. a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. good d .none of the above 18. There are ____________ aspects of quantitative criteria which manager should take into account. a.2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 19. Implementation may be regarded as a more important stage than that of choosing to ______. a. plan b.strategy c. equipment d. none 20. A ____________strategy changes involves a major reorganization with in the firm. a. radical b. radial c. facilities d. none

13 SECTION B (5X4=20)

Answer the following 21. a. What do you understand by corporate mission? OR b. Explain the reasons and need for mission. 22. a. Define and distinguish mission and vision? OR b. Describe the essential characteristics of a mission statement? OR 23.a. What problem do manager face in conducting a global five forces analysis? b. Explain the market segmentation analysis. 24. a. How the organization process affect strategy implementation. OR b.How the culture influence the strategy implementation. 25. a.What do you understand by strategic evaluation and control? OR b. What are the characteristics of effective evaluation and control system? SECTION C (5X7=35) Answer the following 26. a. Bring out any two company mission and vision statement? OR b. Explain the reasons and need for mission. 27. a. what is diversification strategy and why it is used? OR b. Describe the essential characteristics of a mission statement? OR 28. a.Explain the three different types of subsidiary level strategy, and discuss some of the pitfalls associates with each types of the generic strategies. 5) Discuss the vertical integration. 6) Explain the outsourcing and types of outsourcing. 7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing? 8) Explain the diversification and industrial diversification. OR b.Explain various types of diversification. 29. a.What is 7s model ? Illustrate and critically examine the same. OR b. Discuss the role of organization structure in strategy implementation. 30a. Explain the factors which effects choice of strategy. OR b. What alternative would you suggest to bride gap between standards and performance?

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