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void DeleteNode(struct node*& node) {

if (node->left == NULL) {

struct node* temp = node;

node = node->right;
delete temp;
} else if (node->right == NULL) {

struct node* temp = node;

node = node->left;
delete temp;

} else {
// In-Order predecessor(right most child of left subtree)
// Node has two children - get max of left subtree

struct node** temp = &(node->left); // get left node of the

original node

// find the right most child of the subtree of the left node
while ((*temp)->right != NULL) {
temp = &((*temp)->right);

// copy the value from the right most child of left subtree to
the original node
node->value = (*temp)->value;

// then delete the right most child of left subtree since it's
value is
// now in the original node

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