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Opportunity for linkage and additional Human use based on location.

The Montezuma Winery is part of the larger Those individuals engaging in the wine trail follow the same loop as the bike tours passing by the northern boundary of Heritage Park Biking is a popular activity around the Finger lake region of Central New York. A popular bike rout exists just outside the northern boundary of Montezuma Heritage Park. The Cayuga Bike loop stretches from Ithaca to the town of Montezuma: Route 89 north into Montezuma wild life preserve, Continue east on 31 over bay bridge South on route 90, south on route 34

Route 31

Route 90


Current Human Use Based on Human Trace

Most trash was found in the southern area of the park due to less visibility based on rolling topography and thick ground vegetation

Human Use bases on given Site Conditions

W in

r e t


ing pr



n um t u

Su m m

North South

Sound Tracing
Music was played at a constant volume as our team walked the extent of the site. Collectively we rated the sound of the music compared to the noise of

Site Lines


I-90 produced consistent noise pollution which could be heard across the entirety of the site typically less prominent in the center with the exceptions of less vegetated areas and path ways. The old reservoir on the south drumlin (see places of interest) was especially protected from the sound created by the highway. The noise created from Route 31 was less frequent, but more overpowering compared to I-90.

Highway Sound
Sound Level Opacity 8-10 7-8 4-6 1-3 100% 70% 40% 20%

Vegetation Cover
100 % 20% 0% (No tree canopy)


Full view Panoramic views Limited

I-90 sound vs. Vegetation cove


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