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5 Steps for Self Instruction

Donald Meichenbaum
1 . D e m o n s t r a t e b y m o d

e l As a teacher, talk aloud about the steps your going through to reach a solution to a problem or situation 2. M o d e li n g w it h o v e rt a d u lt g u i d a n c e The student will begin to independently approach a problemor situation while saying the steps aloud to themselves. The teacher is there to

help the student with what they are doing correctly and incorrectly. 3. M o d e li n g w it h O v e r t S e lf g u i d a n c e The student now approaches the problem without the teacher. Thestudent is still saying the steps aloud. 4. M

o d e li n g w i t h f a d e d s e l f g u i d a n c e The only difference between this step and the step above is thatthe child is now whispering the steps to themselves.

5. M o d el in g w it h C o v er t s el fg ui d a n c e At this point the learner can now do at the problem independently. The student is still thinking about the steps in their head. (self-speech)

Whats the difference between selfinstruction and systems based on reinforcement and punishment?
With self-instruction, people learn to control their own behaviors without someone constantly telling them what to do or not to do. Systems based on reinforcement and punishment, are difficult for teachers to maintain. Teachers need to constantly be aware of their students behaviors and reward and punish appropriately. **One of the biggest goals of education is to teach children to regulate themselves.

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