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THE MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY ACT, 1971: Some situations were in pregnancy may be terminated by a registered medical practitioner.

1. Continuing the pregnancy involves a risk to the mothers life. 2. Continuing the pregnancy could cause great damage to the physical or mental health of the mother 3. The pregnancy caused by rape 4. If the child is born it could be gravely deformed. 5. Any method of family planning adopted by the couple has failed. 6. The life of the women is in dangerous considering her situation and environment. REGISTERED MEDICAL PRACTIONERS OPINION: If the length does not exceed 12 weeks the pregnancy may be terminated according to one registered medical practitioner opinion. If the length of the pregnancy exceeds 12 week but does not exceed 20 week not less than two medical practitioner is required. CONSENT OF THE GUARDIEN: The pregnancy of the women who has not attained the age of 18 years or of lunatic or attained the age of 18 then lunatic the pregnancy may be terminated with the concern with the right of the guardian or parents. The pregnancy shall be terminated only with the concern of pregnant women. If the abortion has done without the concern of r=the pregnant women, it is illegal and offence under the IPO. PLACE WHERE PREGNENCY WERE TERMINATED: 1. 2. 3. 4. A hospital establishment or maintained by govt. A hospital or clinic authorized by govt. The service is free in govt. hospitals and all the documents are kept confidential. Getting aborted by mid wives or nurses is illegal.

QUALIFICATION OF A PERSON TO TERMINATE PREGNENCY: It is a registered medical practitioner who is being authorized to terminate the pregnancy under certain situations and who possess any recognized medical qualification as defined in the Indian medical council Act, 1956 and whose name has been entered in the state medical register and has experience in gynecology.

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