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The Element of Laughter By Stoneth

And your total comes to $47.63. W ll that !e "a"er or "last c#$ Why are you as% ng me that# &ou already 'ra""ed my grocer es n "last c.$ ( meant your "ayment method) s r.$ *harl e +ust stared at the cler%) dum!founded that she 'ould e,en say such a th ng. What that e,en su""osed to !e a +o%e# A l ttle cler% humor) s r)$ she sa d. *harl e sa d noth ng !ut reached nto h s 'allet) and "ulled out a de! t card and handed t to the cler%. -nce the trans t on 'as f n shed) he "ut h s card a'ay) gra!!ed h s grocer es and 'al%ed out the large automat c doors) a greeter 'a, ng to h m as he 'ent out. .erha"s on some other "lanet th s 'hole e/change 'ould ha,e made th s mundane tas% of grocery sho"" ng more "leasant for *harl e) !ut t d d noth ng to m"ro,e t for h m. The dr ,e home 'as no !etter. 0e got a t c%et for chang ng lanes n an ntersect on e,en though t 'as to a,o d a s'er, ng car. There 'as an acc dent further along the road ' th delayed h s tr " home and he got rear ended !y a car that ran off ' thout e/chang ng nsurance nformat on. Bel e,e t or not) th s 'as rather tame n com"ar son to the da ly trudge of h s dead1end +o! "unch ng nformat on nto s"readsheets and data!ases all day. 2ay!e f he actually had a degree n soft'are eng neer ng he could ha,e mo,ed u" n ran% to the "os t on of code mon%ey. E,entually *harl e made t to h s a"artment com"le/ home) got h s ma l from the small !o/) and 'ent nto h s home on the second floor. The ns de of h s a"artment 'as a mess) much l %e h s l fe. Wra""ers and em"ty !o/es l ttered the floor and many tems la d ha"ha3ardly ' thout log c or reason. (t loo%ed l %e the result of an earth4ua%e. 5es" te th s) *harl e "ut a'ay h s grocer es and then loo%ed through h s ma l n ho"es of anyth ng that m ght !r ghten h s day. B ll. B ll. 2us c clu! mem!ersh " offer. B ll. 6e'sletter. *ou"ons. B ll. Ban% statement. 0ey) 'hat7s th s#$ *harl e e/am ned the letter that 'as addressed to h m from a certa n "rest g ous com"any that "u!l shed amateur 'r t ng. *ould th s ha,e the good ne's he 'as loo% ng for regard ng h s latest su!m ss on# *ould th s !e the s l,er l n ng of the dar% cloud o,er h s l fe# *harl e o"ened the letter and read. 5ear *harles Summers. Than% for your su!m ss on 8 !lah) !lah) !lah 8 here 'e go 8 'e regret to nform you 8$ 0e d dn7t need to read the rest of the letter. 0e tossed t as de and let out a s gh. (t seemed to h m that noth ng 'as go ng r ght. 0e had no real d rect on n l fe) no reason to sm le) no reason to laugh. And to ma%e matters 'orse) t 'as 9r day and h s !oss had as%ed

h m to come nto 'or% the ne/t day. Any sem!lance of a 'ee%end !rea% 'as gone. Suddenly there 'as a %noc% on the door. 2ay!e t 'as a none/ stent fr end com ng to hang out ' th h m. 2ay!e t 'as a mem!er of some rel g ous cult com ng to s"read the r message. 2ay!e t 'as a g rl scout com ng to sell coo% es. 2ay!e t 'as a re"resentat ,e from the (nternal :e,enue Ser, ce. (n any case) t had to !e !etter than 'hat 'as n the a"artment. *harl e 'ent for the door and o"ened t. Su") *huc%;$ (t 'as Bu33) *harl e7s ne/t door ne gh!or. 0e al'ays seemed full of fun deas) or at least easy to "lease. Lord %ne' he certa nly generated a lot of no se from h s s de from 'hat sounded l %e "art es. .erha"s he had someth ng fun "lanned ton ght that 'ould hel" ta%e *harl e7s m nd off h s m sera!le l fe. 0ello) Bu33. What7s u"#$ L sten) *ha3. ( 'as "lann ng a l ttle 0alo mult "layer gam ng "arty for ton ght and ( 'as 'onder ng f 8$ &es) Bu33#$ 8 f you ha,e any s"are .a!st on you that ( could !orro'# ( don7t 'ant to 'al% all the 'ay to the 7 Ele,en from here at the moment.$ -h)$ sa d *harl e n a tone that e/"ressed utter d sa""o ntment. (t 'as an e/"ress on that seemed com"letely lost on h s ne gh!or. 6e,ertheless) *harl e 'ent to the fr dge and returned to the door hold ng a s /1"ac% that had !een ch ll ng for 4u te a'h le. ( don7t ha,e any .B:)$ sa d *harl e. But you can ha,e th s f you7d l %e. ( really don7t need t r ght no'.$ Bud L ght# :eally scra" ng the !ottom of the !arrel) eh# Than%s all the same.$ Bu33 too% the s /1"ac% and !egan to 'al% !ac% to h s a"artment. *harl e thought at f rst t m ght !e a good dea to as% Bu33 f he could +o n h m for the "arty. But n the end he thought !etter aga nst t. *harl e closed the door and loo%ed !ac% on h s a"artment. (t 'as full of stuff) !ut de,o d of l fe) much l %e h s l fe. 0e dec ded that he m ght as 'ell enterta n h mself for the rest of the e,en ng) so 'e 'ent to room and turned h s com"uter. The 'e!s tes he , s ted and the games he "layed that e,en ng d d l ttle to ta%e h s m nd off h s l fe) ho'e,er. At f rst he thought of +ust call ng t a n ght unt l he heard a %noc% at the door. *harl e got u" and dec ded to see 'ho t 'as. Ans'er ng the door he sa' a l ttle g rl n a un form hold ng a !o/. 0ello) s r. Would you l %e to !uy some coo% es#$ as%ed the g rl. &ou %no' 'hat# *oo% es sound really good r ght no'. (7ll ta%e one.$ *harl e reached nto h s 'allet) "ulled out a fe' ! lls and e/changed t for the coo% es. The l ttle g rl sm led and than%ed h m) turned around and 'ent on her 'ay. That7s 'hen *harl e not ced someth ng ,ery nterest ng. -n the !ac% of the g rl7s ,est 'as an mage

of a fr endly loo% ng " n% "ony. (t seemed a strange th ng for someone n the scouts to !e 'ear ng as he couldn7t th n% 'hat "oss !le a""l cat on or mer t t could ha,e. 6e,er the less) the g rl soon d sa""eared out of s ght and *harl e 'al%ed !ac% nto h s a"artment ' th the !o/ of th n m nts. 0e o"ened the !o/) too% out a coo% e and ate t n one ! te. 0e couldn7t hel" !ut g ggle to h mself. (t lasted only a m nute though and then he s ghed) loo% ng at the chocolate co,ered treat. ( ' sh ( had a "ur"ose n l fe) someth ng that n,ol,ed ma% ng others ha""y.$ *harl e "ut the !o/ do'n and dec ded to turn n early that e,en ng. 0e 'ent to h s room) la d do'n on an unmade !ed) the humm ng sound of the com"uter lull ng h m to slee".


*harle 'o%e u" somet me later feel ng 4u te refreshed. (t 'as sur"r s ngly !r ght 'h ch 'as nterest ng cons der ng that the ' ndo's n h s room let n l ttle f any natural l ght. 0e reached o,er to h s !ed "ost to h mself u") only to real 3e that 8 he 'asn7t n h s !ed. That7s 'hen *harl e o"ened h s eyes and found h mself outs de lay ng on a " le of lea,es. 0e a""eared to !e on the edge of an e/"ans ,e forest. Whoa 8 'hat ha""ened# 5 d ( get drun% and not real 3e t#$ he thought to h mself. -h good) you7re a'a%e)$ sa d a ,o ce. *harl e turned to the source of the ,o ce and sa' someth ng he d d not e/"ect. (t 'as a small horse a!out three to four feet n he ght ' th a yello' coat) and a " n% mane that flo'ed do'n to her hoo,es. 6ot only that) !ut she had ' ngs. Wo') those must !e some coo% es to tr gger a dream th s 'e rd)$ sa d *harl e. -h) and he tal%s too#$ sa d the "ony. Well of course ( can tal%. 0a,e to adm t t s 'e rd hear ng t from a horse)$ he re"l ed stretch ng. -h) 'ell 8 (7m sorry)$ sa d the "ony shuffl ng her hoof. (t7s +ust that an mals are my s"ec alty !ut (7,e ne,er met a 8 er) 'hate,er you are. ( couldn7t %no' ahead of t me f you could tal% or not. 2ost of my an mal fr ends can7t s"ea%.$ Well (7m not an an mal) (7m a human !e ng)$ sa d *harl e 'ho got u" at th s t me and !rushed h mself off. And 'here ( come from horses don7t tal% 8 e/"ect for 2 ster Ed) !ut that hardly counts. Am ( dream ng#$ Well n dreams you can7t get hurt other' se you7d 'a%e u") r ght#$ 0mmm) good "o nt.$ *harl e " nched the flesh of h s arm. (t hurt and he certa nly 'asn7t 'a% ng u".

( guess th s s real)$ he sa d. Th s s so 'e rd. ( 'ent to !ed and ( 'o%e u" here. So 'here am (# (s th s l %e the "lanet of the a"es#$ Th s s .ony, lle. That s to say) the outs% rts of .ony, lle n E4uestr a. =ust !eh nd you s the E,erfree 9orest. We7re not far from my home. 2y name s 9luttershy. 5o you ha,e a name#$ &eah. (t7s *harl e Summers.$ Well) *harl e Summers8$ =ust *harl e ' ll do.$ -%ay) *harl e 8 "erha"s you should come nto my house for the moment. &ou loo% l %e you could use someth ng to eat.$ ( 'ould l %e that. Than%s) 9luttershy.$ *harl e follo'ed the yello' "ony nto her moss1co,ered home. The door) the house and e,eryth ng ns de seemed a ! t smaller n "ro"ort on to those used !y humans so *harl e had to !end do'n a ! t to get ns de. (ns de there 'ere all manner of ! rd houses and houses for other small an mals. There 'as also a ta!le ' th a do ly and some lo' stools. 0a,e a seat)$ sa d 9luttershy. *harl e nodded and sat at the stool) adm r ng the loo% of the "ony7s home and ho' "eaceful t seemed. 9luttershy d sa""eared nto the % tchen. A ra!! t a""eared shortly after emerg ng from one of the many small houses. (t stared at *harl e and !egan eat ng a carrot. Be ,e'y ,e'y 4u et. (7m hunt ng 'a!! ts)$ sa d *harl e +o% ngly. The ra!! t fro'ned at *harl e and thre' the uneaten half of ts carrot at *harl e7s head. 0ey; (7m sorry. ( d dn7t %no' an mals here could understand 'hat ( say.$ 9luttershy returned shortly after'ards ' th a "latter of all % nds of th ngs. -%ay) no' ( 'asn7t sure 'hat sort of th ngs humans eat)$ she sa d) so ( !rought ,egg es) fru ts) hay) oats) 'orms) and some "astr es.$ Er 8 (7ll ta%e some "astr es and some fru ts for no')$ sa d *harl e hel" ng h mself to some. So 'hat7s ' th the ra!! t#$ -h that7s my !unny fr end Angel. 0e may seem a ! t m sch e,ous or cunn ng) !ut he means 'ell)$ sa d 9luttershy. -h) ( see)$ sa d *harl e as he ! t nto an a""le. By the 'ay)$ sa d the yello' "ony) you can go ahead and ta%e off your clothes.$ *harl e almost s" t out h s a""le. What d d you say#$ as%ed *harl e aston shed.

Well you7,e !een 'ear ng them for a'h le and no!ody here 'ears clothes for long f they really ha,e to. ( +ust thought you m ght !e more comforta!le ' thout them.$ *harl e loo%ed do'n at h s sh rt and +eans and loo%ed at 9luttershy. She of course 'asn7t 'ear ng clothes) !ut she 'as a "ony. Than%s all the same)$ sa d the human) !ut (7d l %e to %ee" them on. 2ost humans 'ear clothes almost all the t me.$ :eally# Why s that#$ ( don7t %no'. ( guess soc ety tells us that nud ty s someth ng to !e ashamed of) so one must al'ays !e clothed to !e soc ally acce"ta!le.$ So ( su""ose th s means you don7t ha,e a cut e mar% e ther)$ sa d 9luttershy. A cut e 'hat#$ A cut e mar%)$ sa d 9luttershy sho' ng *harl e her flan% 'h ch !ore three cyan !utterfl es ' th "ur"le ' ngs. (t7s a mar% ng on a "ony7s rear that sym!ol 3es 'hat ma%es that "ony un 4ue and s"ec al among others.$ -h. 6o)$ sa d *harl e. 0umans don7t ha,e cut e mar%s) and e,en f 'e d d) ( don7t th n% (7d ha,e one. 6oth ng ma%es me s"ec al or un 4ue.$ (7m sorry to hear that)$ re"l ed 9luttershy. So) *harl e. &ou say you 'ent to !ed and 'o%e u" here#$ &es. (t7s so 'e rd)$ sa d *harl e. (7d ne,er heard of someth ng l %e that ha""en ng !efore. ( certa nly d dn7t go out or ha,e com"any last n ght. ( ga,e all my !eer to Bu33 so th s sn7t the effect of a hango,er. (t7s l %e ( 'as % dna""ed 8 or a!ducted 8 or +ust mag cally s" r ted a'ay. >od) ( ho"e noth ng got ta%en out of me 8 or added n. ( +ust ' sh ( %ne' ho' and 'hy (7m here.$ &ou %no' 8 um 8 ( ha,e a fr end 'ho m ght !e a!le to hel".$ :eally# &ou do#$ &es. &ou see ( ha,e a fr end) a un corn named T' l ght S"ar%le 'ho stud es mag c. So f you got here !y mag c means) she m ght !e a!le to hel". Want to go see her#$ &es) of course; Let7s go at once;$ And so the t'o of them 'ent out of the house on the r 'ay to .ony, lle n search of T' l ght S"ar%le and ho"efully some ans'ers.


9luttershy and *harl e 'al%ed to'ards the l !rary n the center of .ony, lle. *harl e 'as dra"ed n a cloa% and try ng h s !est to a""ear as f he 'as 'al% ng on four legs. S nce no one n .ony, lle to 9luttershy7s %no'ledge had e,er seen a "ony) he d dn7t 'ant to cause a "an c. They also 'ent !y a less common route n order to dra' less attent on to themsel,es. When they f nally reached the l !rary) 9luttershy %noc%ed on the door. S" %e ans'ered the door. 0eya) 9luttershy. What7s u"#$ sa d the !a!y dragon. (s T' l ght home# (7,e got a small "ro!lem.$ &es) she7s n the la! at the moment. Though 8 'ho7s that#$ as%ed S" %e loo% ng at the cloa%ed f gure. That 'ould !e my small "ro!lem. *an 'e come n#$ &es) of course;$ 9luttershy entered the l !rary follo'ed !y *harl e under the cloa%. 0e had to !end do'n a ! t to f t ns de. &ou can ta%e off the cloa% no') *harl e)$ sa d 9luttershy. *harl e nodded and too% off h s cloa%. The l ttle dragon stared ' de eyed at the human and had o!, ously ne,er seen one !efore. Whoa 8$ sa d S" %e. S" %e) th s s *harl e. *harl e) th s s S" %e)$ sa d 9luttershy. 6 ce to meet you)$ sa d *harl e. 6 ce to meet you too 8 'hate,er you are)$ re"l ed the !a!y dragon. (7m a human. 6ot that t means much s nce as far as ( %no' (7m the only human n E4uestr a)$ e/"la ned *harl e. What are you do ng n E4uestr a then#$ as%ed S" %e. That7s +ust t)$ sa d 9luttershy. We don7t %no'. 6o' can you get T' l ght#$ -h; : ght. 0old on a moment)$ sa d S" %e. And ' th that he d sa""eared nto the !asement and rea""eared a ! t later ' th a "ur"le un corn. Th s had !etter !e m"ortant) S" %e;$ sa d the un corn as she emerged from the door that led underground) ( sa d no 8 oh my;$ T' l ght S"ar%le stood s"eechless as her eyes la d u"on the creature n front of her. 0 there)$ sa d *harl e shee" shly.

Than% you for see ng us) T' l ght)$ sa d 9luttershy. Th s s *harl e Summers. ( found h m +ust outs de my home th s morn ng. 0e has no dea ho' he got here and he7d l %e our hel". (7,e ne,er seen anyth ng l %e h m !efore.$ (7ll say)$ sa d T' l ght. S" %e; 9etch me that !oo% on myst cal creatures.$ &es) ma7am;$ sa d the !a!y dragon. S" %e !egan to "eruse the shel,es of endless !oo%s 'h le T' l ght a""roached loo% ng n a'e at the creature. ?*harl e7 s t#$ as%ed the un corn. &es) ma7am)$ re"l ed *harl e. ( found the !oo%) T' ;$ sa d S" %e 'ho a""roached hold ng an old tome. Than% you) S" %e)$ she re"l ed. She le, tated the !oo% out of the dragon7s hands us ng her un corn mag c and !egan to fl " through the "ages 'h le turn ng to *harl e) And 'hat e/actly are you#$ 0uman) ma7am)$ re"l ed *harl e. 0uman) eh# 0mmm 8 har"y) h ""ocam"us) h ""ogr ff) ho!go!l n) hydra 8 no"e) noth ng a!out humans n th s !oo%)$ sa d T' l ght lett ng the tome fall. (t seems l %e he7s come from another 'orld. 0e says 'here he comes from "on es don7t tal%. 5oes that hel"#$ as%ed 9luttershy. .on es that don7t tal%# That7s +ust cra3y)$ sa d S" %e. 0mmm) ( su""ose ( could try scry ng h m)$ sa d the un corn. 0old st ll for a moment.$ *harl e nodded and stood st ll 'h le the un corn closed her eyes. 0er horn glo'ed n "ur"le l ght llum nat ng the mmed ate s"ace and then d ss "ated. Well 8 one th ng7s for certa n)$ she sa d. 0e7s not from around here. But my mag c sn7t strong enough to tell from 'here. Th s s o!, ously not a mystery (7ll !e a!le to sol,e on my o'n. S" %e) ta%e a message.$ Sure th ng) T' l ght;$ sa d the eager l ttle dragon as he got out a " ece of "archment and a 4u ll. 5ear .r ncess *elest a. We ha,e a small "ro!lem do'n here n .ony, lle. ( ha,e encountered a lost creature %no'n as a human. We ha,e no dea ho' he got here) 'here he7s come from or ho' to get h m !ac% to h s home. ( %no' that your mag c s far greater than my o'n) so any ass stance n th s matter 'ould !e greatly a""rec ated. &our fa thful student) T' l ght S"ar%le.$ -nce the l ttle dragon 'as f n shed) he rolled u" the "archment) !reathed green f re t and t d sa""eared a'ay n a "uff of green smo%e. *harl e 'atched n aston shment. 5 d he +ust destroy your letter#$ he as%ed.

6o) s lly)$ sa d T' l ght. S" %e7s green flame can trans"ort letters all the 'ay to my mentor and so,ere gn .r ncess *elest a !ac% n *anterlot.$ Ama3 ng)$ sa d *harl e. 2oments later the dragon loo%ed l %e he 'as a!out to ,om t. 2uch to *harl e7s aston shment) the !a!y dragon let out a !elch of green flame that mater al 3ed nto another scroll of "archment. The dragon "luc%ed t from the a r and !egan to o"en t. (s that a letter from the .r ncess#$ as%ed *harl e. &es t s. We can send letters !oth 'ays through S" %e)$ re"l ed the "ur"le un corn. So you7re l %e a l , ng fa/ mach ne) huh S" %e#$ as%ed *harl e. What7s a facts mach ne#$ as%ed S" %e. (t7s a 8 ne,erm nd. (7m %ee" ng you from the letter.$ S" %e nodded and o"ened the scroll) clear ng h s throat !efore he read. 2y fa thful student T' l ght S"ar%le. ( am a'are of the human7s "resence here n E4uestr a. ( can ndeed get h m home) !ut t ' ll ta%e some t me. 0e ' ll need to stay n .ony, lle for a fe' days. 0umans don7t e/ st n E4uestr a) !ut ( ha,e a solut on. Enclosed s an enchanted nec%lace for h m to 'ear. -nce 'orn t ' ll g ,e h m the llus on of !e ng a "ony so he can tem"orar ly stay n .ony, lle and nteract among the local res dents ' thout dra' ng attent on to h mself. E/"ect another letter lett ng h m %no' he can return n a fe' days. S ncerely) .r ncess *elest a.$ S" %e "ulled out a nec%lace from the letter that !ore a red +e'el. So f ( 'ear that ( ' ll loo% l %e a "ony#$ as%ed *harl e. Accord ng to th s letter) yes)$ sa d S" %e. S" %e handed the nec%lace to *harl e 'ho e/am ned t a ! t !efore try ng t on. A "uff of smo%e came and d ss "ated the moment he "ut t on. Where a human once stood) a 'h te "ony 'as n h s "lace. *harl e !l n%ed and loo%ed at h s 'h te coat and then at h s forehead. Whoa 8 th s s so ! 3arre)$ he sa d. ( loo% l %e a "ony !ut ( st ll feel l %e a human. And 8 ( ha,e a horn. So that means (7m a un corn# >reat; (7m *harl e the @n corn; 0ey) do ( ha,e one of those 8 cut e th ng es on my rear#$ *ut e mar%)$ sa d 9luttershy. *harl e loo%ed at h s flan%. So my cut e mar% s 8 seeds#$ he sa d. 2ustard seeds) from the loo%s of t)$ sa d T' l ght. Well that does that mean#$ as%ed *harl e. ( ' sh ( %ne')$ res"onded T' l ght.

-%ay) so ( l ,e a fe' days as a "ony and go home. Th s 'on7t !e so !ad.$


The un corn d sgu se 'or%ed !etter than *harl e could ha,e ho"ed. The llus on of h s un corn form 'al%ed and e/"ressed emot on much as f he 'ere a real "ony. And 'hen he " c%ed u" an o!+ect ' th h s hand) the llus on of the nec%lace made t a""ear as f he 'as mo, ng t ' th h s un corn mag c. ( +ust ho"e no one e/"ects me to do real mag c 'h le ( loo% l %e th s)$ sa d *harl e hold ng a !oo% ' th h s hand 'h le the nec%lace made t a""ear as f t 'as !e ng le, tated. ( dou!t t)$ sa d 9luttershy. And not e,ery un corn s e4ually as s% lled n mag c so you should !e f ne)$ sa d T' l ght 'ho 'as th n% ng of t'o certa n un corn !oys 'ho one t me let loose an ursa m nor. So 'hat should 'e do no'#$ as%ed *harl e. Well ( ha,e to head o,er to S'eet A""le Acres to " c% u" some a""les)$ sa d T' l ght S"ar%le. 5o you 'ant to come ' th me#$ (t m ght do you some good to get out and see ho' 'e l ,e)$ sa d 9luttershy. -%ay) sure. (7d l %e that)$ sa d *harl e. And so *harl e headed out ' th T' l ght S"ar%le out of the l !rary and nto .ony, lle. W th h s un corn llus on) *harl e 'as more conf dent n !e ng around the "on es) !ut he st ll had th s fear that someone 'ould see through h s d sgu se. As they 'al%ed) the land soon !ecame more rural and co,ered !y farmland. The +ourney 'as rather "leasant) es"ec ally ' th com"any l %e T' l ght S"ar%le. Th s land s so !eaut ful)$ sa d *harl e. (7m glad you th n% so)$ re"l ed T' l ght. L sten 8 ( 'as 'onder ng 8$ A!out#$ A!out cut e mar%s. 5o all "on es ha,e them#$ 6o. All "on es are !orn !lan% flan%s. (t7s only 'hen a "ony d sco,ers h s or her s"ec al talent or un 4ue 4ual ty that the r cut e mar% a""ears. (t7s a sort of com ng1of1age e/"er ence for many foals)$ e/"la ned T' l ght. What ha""ens f your cut e mar% turns out 'rong#$ as%ed *harl e. What do you mean#$ as%ed T' l ght.

Welll 8 let7s say as a foal you learn that your s"ec al talent s !allet so you get a cut e mar% that reflects that) !ut then you come to really d sl %e !allet as you gro' older. What ha""ens then# 5oes your cut e mar% change#$ 0mmm 8 'ell) ( su""ose that7s ent rely "oss !le)$ sa d the "ur"le un corn. (t7s not %no'n to ha""en often. Why do you as%#$ ( 'as +ust cur ous and !es des 8 ( got mustard seeds.$ (t7s +ust an llus on. ( dou!t t means anyth ng.$ A!out that t me they reached S'eet A""le Acres. (t 'as an a""le farm com"lete ' th a !arn and orchards of a""le trees as far as the eye could see. (n one of the f elds B g 2c ntosh 'as "lo' ng a'ay) ma% ng trenches for ne' trees to !e "lanted. >ranny Sm th 'as n a roc% ng cha r ha, ng a short na". The ma n o'ner of the farm A""le+ac% ho'e,er 'as no'here n s ght. T' l ght S"ar%le a""roached the !arn. A""le+ac%; Are you here#$ she called. Ahm ns de. *ome on n;$ called a ,o ce from ns de the !arn. T' l ght entered the !arn and *harl e follo'ed after. (ns de there 'as an am!er orange coated "ony ' th a yello' mane and 'ear ng a co'!oy hat ato" a mach ne ' th a ser es of hoses and tu!es attached. (t 'as 4u te m"ress ,e and om nous at the same t me. Wo') that7s some mach ne you got)$ sa d T' l ght. A n7t t sumt n7#$ sa d A""le+ac%. Th s here7s my !rand ne' free3e d st llat n7 a""le +ac% n7 hard c der mach ne. B g 2ac hel"ed me !u ld t.$ (t7s 4u te m"ress ,e) A=. But 'hat7s 'rong ' th your old c der "ress#$ as%ed T' l ght 'ho seemed to m ss the need of the mach ne. -h th s ta nt for regular ol7 a""le c der. Th s here mach ne ma%es c der for "on es ' th more 8 er) gro'n u" tastes. Say) 'ho7s your fr end#$ as%ed A= loo% ng at the 'h te un corn. -h) th s s *harl e)$ e/"la ned the "ur"le un corn. 0e7s , s t ng. 0e7ll only !e stay ng for a fe' days n .ony, lle.$ An7 yer g , n7 h m the grand tour. Well a n7t that m ghty % nd#$ sa d the orange "ony as she ho""ed do'n from the mach ne and turned to'ards *harl e. 0o'dy do) *harl e. 6ame7s A""le+ac%. Ah sell a""les and a""le "astr es. Say) do you l %e a""les# -f course you do. What "ony doesn7t l %e a""les# A s lly "ony) that7s 'hat.$ 6 ce to meet you too 8 ( guess)$ re"l ed *harl e ner,ously. 9eel n7s mutual)$ sa d A""le+ac% 'ho turned to the "ur"le un corn) So T' l ght) here for your regular order# -ne !ushel) one th rd red del c ous) one th rd gala and one th rd fu+ #$ &ou read me l %e a !oo%) A=)$ sa d T' l ght. &e") !ut not l %e the !oo%s you read;$ she re"l ed.

The t'o g rl "on es laughed !ut *harl e rema ned mot onless. A""le+ac% "o nted to a !ushel that 4u te l terally had T' l ght S"ar%le7s name on t. T' l ght le, tated the !ushel 'h ch came already mounted to a saddle and "ut t on her !ac% after e/chang ng fe' co ns ' th the earth "ony. Well ( got 'hat ( came for)$ sa d T' l ght. L sten) *harl e. &ou can come !ac% ' th me or you can hang around ' th A""le+ac%. &ou 'ouldn7t m nd) 'ould you A=#$ 6ot at all) T' )$ re"l ed A""le+ac%. -%ay 8 sure 8 than%s;$ re"l ed *harl e. And so T' l ght de"arted ' th her a""les) lea, ng *harl e ' th the am!er orange "ony n the co'!oy hat. So A""le+ac%) th s s 4u te an m"ress ,e farm you ha,e)$ sa d the human "os ng as a 'h te un corn. Why than% you % ndly) *harl e)$ re"l ed A""le+ac%. So 8 s there anyth ng you need hel" n around the farm#$ he as%ed. 6ot that ah can th n% of. Ah,e done all mah da ly chores an7 you dun e/actly loo% l %e the draft "ony ty"e.$ 5raft "ony#$ &7%no' for "ull n7 "lo's an7 such. L %e B g 2ac s do ng o,er yonder.$ A""le+ac% "o nted o,er to the f eld 'here the ! g red draft "ony a"tly named B g 2c ntosh$ 'as "ull ng a "lo'. -h 8 no) ( don7t th n% ( could)$ sa d *harl e. Well dun you fret none) *harl e. There s someth n7 you could hel" me ' th.$ There s#$ &eah)$ sa d A""le+ac% as she "o nted to a cou"le of 'agons. Ah gotta ma%e a del ,ery of a""les to the *a%es o,er n .ony, lle. (f you could hel" me "ull half of the del ,ery t 'ould sa,e me a lot of t me.$ The ?ca%es#7$ as%ed *harl e. &e". *arrot *a%e and *u" *a%e. They7re a cou"le that run Sugarcu!e *orner) the local confect onary n .ony, lle. They need a""les for " es) strudels an7 such.$ -h) ( su""ose ( could do that.$ And so *harl e got nto "os t on and !egan to "ull one of the 'agons along ' th A""le+ac%. (t 'as a lot harder than t loo%ed to get started) !ut once he got t mo, ng) t 'ent relat ,ely smoothly. Soon enough they 'ere on the r 'ay !ac% to to'n. 0ey) A""le+ac%#$ sa d *harl e.

&es) *harl e#$ re"l ed A""le+ac%. ( 'as +ust 'onder ng) do you %no' anyth ng a!out mustard seeds#$ he as%ed. 2ustard seeds# What a!out them#$ ( mean) s there anyth ng s"ec al a!out them#$ 0mmm 8 'ell ya) %no' ahm more of an e/"ert on a""les) r ght#$ &eah) ( %no' 8$ Well there7s a funny l l th ng a!out mustard seeds)$ sa d A""le+ac%. &7see thems the t n est l l seeds you e,er d d see) !ut 'hen you "lant them they gro' ! g and ah mean really ! g. Taller than t'o "on es on to" of each other and ' de as a !arn; So ah s7"ose the s"ec al th ng a!out mustard seeds s h dden "otent al.$ 0 dden "otent al 8$ sa d *harl e.


A""le+ac% and *harl e had no trou!le carry ng the 'agons of a""les !et'een the t'o of them and t 'asn7t long !efore they 'ere !ac% n .ony, lle. A""le+ac% led *harl e to a !u ld ng that sort of resem!led a g nger!read house only on a much larger scale. There 'as a hang ng s gn on the s de of the house ' th a s ngle mage of a cu"ca%e ' th " n% frost ng. (t all seemed ,ery n, t ng to *harl e. Well here 'e are) *harl e)$ sa d A""le+ac%. Sugarcu!e *orner. The !est "lace n .ony, lle for s'eets 8 e/ce"t for the s'eets ah ma%e) of course.$ A""le+ac% led *harl e around the !ac%) set the cart she 'as carry ng do'n and 'al%ed u" to the rear door) g , ng t a %noc%. Shortly after a yello' "ony ' th an orange mane 'ear ng a !o't e) a"ron and hat a""eared at the door. 0ello there) A""le+ac%;$ sa d the "ony at the door. 0o'dy do) 2r. *a%e)$ sa d A""le+ac%. Ah got yer del ,ery of a""les here.$ 9antast c; *ome on n 'h le ( get your "ay.$ *arrot *a%e d sa""eared nto the house. A""le+ac% turned to *harl e. &ou can lea,e the 'agon there for no'. *ome on ns de.$ *harl e nodded and follo'ed A""le+ac% nto the !ac% of the store. The !ac% door led stra ght nto the % tchen. (t 'as much larger than any % tchen *harl e had !een n !efore) though he had ne,er !een n a !a%ery % tchen !efore. *harl e thought he has seen an ama3 ng s ght. That s unt l A""le+ac% led h m out nto the ma n store. *harl e7s +a' almost dro""ed. There 'ere coo% es) " es) ca%es) cu"ca%es) muff ns) and e,ery mag na!le s'eet

%no'n to "onydom. 2r. *a%e 'as stand ng !eh nd one of the counters 'h le another "ony 'as "utt ng a "latter of fresh coo% es on d s"lay. She had a !lue coat) rose1colored mane) and 'as 'ear ng earr ngs and fr lled a"ron. She sm led 'hen she sa' A""le+ac% enter. -h hello there) A""le+ac%. So good to see you)$ she sa d. L %e' se)$ re"l ed A""le+ac%. Say) 'ho7s you7re fr end#$ as%ed 2rs. *a%e loo% ng n the d rect on of the 'h te un corn. -h th s here7s *harl e. 0e7s , s t ng for a fe' days. *harl e) say hello to 2r. and 2rs. *a%e)$ sa d A""le+ac% turn ng to *harl e. .leased to meet you all)$ sa d *harl e. A""le+ac% a""roached 2rs. *a%e 'ho handed her some co ns. *harl e n the mean t me started adm r ng all the d fferent s'eets. Than% you for the del ,ery) dear)$ sa d 2rs. *a%e. 2ah "leasure) 2rs. *a%e. Al'ays ha""y that mah a""les are !e ng "ut to good use)$ she sa d. (7,e ne,er seen a !a%ery l %e th s !efore)$ sa d *harl e. So many s'eets. They all loo% so good.$ &7all 'anna try one#$ as%ed A""le+ac%. -h 8 ( don7t ha,e any money)$ sa d *harl e regretta!ly. Th n% noth ng of t)$ sa d A""le+ac% 'ho too% out a co n and handed t to 2r. *a%e. -ne of your f nest cu"ca%es for my fr end here) "lease.$ : ght a'ay) A=)$ sa d 2r. *a%e. 2r. *a%e got out a cu"ca%e and handed t to A""le+ac% 'ho handed t to *harl e. (t 'as chocolate ' th " n% c ng and a marasch no cherry on to". *harl e un'ra""ed the cu"ca%e too% a ! te. 0e couldn7t tell f t 'as the fla,or of the cu"ca%e) or the "resentat on) or 'hether +ust !e ng n .ony, lle) !ut someth ng a!out t made h m feel really good. (t 'as a sensat on !etter than anyth ng *harl e had felt) as f someth ng a!out th s 'hole s tuat on +ust f t !etter than anyth ng !efore. 9or the f rst t me n h s l fe) *harl e felt a sense of !elong ng. Th s s really good;$ *harl e sa d. 0a""y you th n% so)$ sa d 2rs. *a%e. Well ah gotta g t !ac% to the farm)$ sa d A""le+ac%. Ahl !e !ac% for the 'agons n a fe' days. *harl e) ahm not sure 'hat your "lans are !ut you can head !ac% to S'eet A""le Acres ' th me f you ' sh.$ Actually)$ sa d *harl e. (7d l %e to stay here f that7s o%ay.$ Su t yourself) sugarcu!e$ she sa d.

?Sugarcu!e#7 $ as%ed *harl e. Term of endearment and the name of th s here confect onary)$ e/"la ned A""le+ac%. (f you need me you %no' 'here to f nd me.$ Than% you) A""le+ac%)$ sa d *harl e. W th that) A""le+ac% d sa""eared out the front door) lea, ng the human ' th the un corn a""earance ' th the earth "ony cou"le. Loo% 8 ( %no' (7ll only !e n to'n for a l ttle 'h le) !ut 'ould m nd me stay ng here# .erha"s ( could hel" you out ' th the store#$ as%ed *harl e. Well ( don7t see 'hy not)$ sa d 2r. *a%e. But are you sure you 'ant to s"end your t me here#$ &eah. Someth ng a!out th s "lace feels really n ce)$ sa d *harl e. Wonderful. &ou can start !y "utt ng a'ay the a""les that 'ere +ust del ,ered nto storage)$ sa d 2rs. *a%e. &es ma7am;$ sa d *harl e. And so for the rest of the day *harl e hel"ed the *a%es out ' th the r !us ness. 0e "ut the a""les a'ay) ass sted n the !a% ng of ,ar ous goods) learned ho' to ma%e cu"ca%es and 'ashed d shes. At other t mes he hel"ed man the counter) ta% ng customers7 ! ts and e/chang ng them for !a%ed goods. 9or the f rst t me e,er *harl e felt l %e he 'as do ng someth ng that 'as fulf ll ng and re'ard ng. 9rom t me to t me d fferent customers 'ould 'al% n and !uy ,ar ous !a%ed goods. (n th s 'ay *harl e met other "on es such as :a n!o' 5ash) :ar ty and *heer lee. The day 'ent along "erfectly. Somet me n the afternoon) a fam l ar yello' "egasus came nto Sugarcu!e *orner and found *harl e "utt ng some freshly !a%ed !ro'n es !eh nd the glass counter. She 'al%ed u" to the human n the "ony d sgu se. *harl e sm led 'hen he sa' her a""roach. 0ey) 9luttershy;$ sa d *harl e. 0 ) *harl e. ( 'as told ( could f nd you here.$ &eah; (t7s !een great here; (7,e !een ha, ng the t me of my l fe.$ L sten) ( came here to tell you someth ng)$ she sa d. -nce your sh ft s o,er) there7s an e/tra room n my house you can stay n 8 um) f that7s alr ght ' th you.$ Than% you) 9luttershy; ( really a""rec ate t. &ou7,e !een so % nd to me.$ Well) % ndness s my element 8 so (7,e !een told)$ she sa d. *ut e mar%s and elements) eh#$ sa d *harl e) ( ha,e no dea 'hat my element 'ould !e. Although ( ha,e had a lot of fun here n the sho". ( en+oy see ng others made ha""y. 2ay!e that7s 'hy (7m here#$ Who %no's for sure. But (7m sure the .r ncess ' ll !e hel" ng you n a fe' days l %e she sa d she 'ould.$

&es) ( su""ose so.$ That e,en ng *harl e s"ent the n ght ' th 9luttershy. 9or the ne/t t'o days *harl e 'or%ed at Sugarcu!e *orner dur ng the morn ng) toured .ony, lle n the afternoon and sle"t at 9luttershy7s house n the e,en ng. Then one e,en ng 'h le *harl e 'as ha, ng cocoa ' th 9luttershy) a %noc% came at the door. *harl e 'ent to ans'er t only to f nd that t 'as S" %e. 0ello) S" %e)$ sa d *harl e. What7s u"#$ ( !rought you a message from the .r ncess)$ sa d S" %e. :eally# What7s t say#$ S" %e too% out a scroll of "archment) o"ened t u") cleared h s throat and s"o%e. To the human %no'n as *harl e Summers. &our "resence s re4u red here n *anterlot. ( ha,e found a 'ay to get you home !ut you must come to me at once. ( ha,e arranged for a char ot to come to 'here you are stay ng to !r ng you to me. ( understand that you may ' sh to say good!ye to your ne'found fr ends f rst) !ut t s m"ortant that you come to me as soon as "oss !le. All ' ll !e e/"la ned once you get here. S ncerely) .r ncess *elest a.$ S" %e "ut a'ay the scroll. *harl e loo%ed dum!founded and turned to 9luttershy. Well) ( guess t7s t me for you to go)$ sa d 9luttershy. &eah 8 (7ll m ss you) ( really ' ll)$ sa d *harl e. 9luttershy 'al%ed u" to *harl e. The t'o of them e/changed a hug. (t 'as !ro%en shortly after ho'e,er !y 9luttershy 'ho %ne' 'ell of the m"ortance of matters concern ng the .r ncess. Best not to %ee" *elest a 'a t ng)$ sa d 9luttershy. &eah) ( guess not. (7ll see you) 9luttershy.$ See you) *harl e.$ *harl e 'al%ed out the front door of 9luttershy7s moss1gro'n house and sa' that there 'as ndeed a char ot "ar%ed ' th t'o of *elest a7s royal guard "egas "ull ng t. *harl e nodded and 'al%ed to the char ot and mounted t. 0e turned to 9luttershy and S" %e and 'a,ed good!ye to them. The t'o royal guards o"ened the r ' ngs and too% f ght "ull ng the char ot and *harl e ' th them nto the n ght a r.


The r de o,er to *anterlot 'ent a lot smoother than *harl e could ha,e ho"ed. 0e had th s fear that fly ng n a char ot 'ould ha,e !een tur!ulent) !ut t 'asn7t n the sl ghtest. Soon enough the ma+esty of *elest a7s grand castle came nto , e'. *harl e had ne,er seen

anyth ng so a'e1 ns" r ng n all of h s l fe. *anterlot a""eared to ha,e !een !u lt on the s de of a mounta n h gh a!o,e the clouds. The castle 'as a self1conta ned c ty and larger than .ony, lle. The guards "ulled the char ot o,er 'alls and !u ld ngs all the 'ay o,er to *elest a7s royal "alace and sto""ed n front of the front gate. Than% you for the r de)$ the human n un corn d sgu se sa d. -ur "leasure)$ one of the guards sa d. *harl e ste""ed off of the char ot and a""roached the large gate. There 'ere t'o more guards stat oned to the s des of the door. They 'atched *harl e and one of them s"o%e 'hen he a""roached. Are you *harl e Summers#$ one of them sa d. &es) s r)$ sa d *harl e. .lease enter. The .r ncess s e/"ect ng you.$ The doors o"ened and *harl e ste""ed ns de. The doors closed automat cally !eh nd h m. (ns de there 'as a grand entrance ' th sta rs and car"ets runn ng n all d rect ons. There stand ng at the to" of the sta rs 'as the most !eaut ful "ony *harl e had e,er seen. She had grand "egasus ' ngs) a long slender un corn horn) a long flo' ng mane and ta l that rad ated all sorts of colors) and golden +e'elry s gn fy ng her ran%. She 'as flan%ed !y t'o more guards. *harl e !o'ed re,erently !efore the monarch. &ou may r se) *harl e)$ she sa d. *harl e d d +ust that. >uards) lea,e me !e. ( must s"ea% ' th th s "ony alone)$ she sa d. &es) your ma+esty)$ sa d the t'o guards and ' th that they de"arted. -nly 'hen she 'as sure that the guards 'ere gone d d *elest a s"ea% aga n. &ou can ta%e off that nec%lace no') *harl e.$ *harl e o!eyed and remo,ed h s nec%lace. The un corn llus on faded and once aga n *harl e loo%ed human. *elest a le, tated the nec%lace out of *harl e7s hand and "ut t to one s de. *harl e loo%ed at h s human form and couldn7t hel" !ut feel some form of en,y for the form he formerly had. Than% you) .r ncess. ( came as soon as ( got your message.$ As ( 'ould e/"ect any su!+ect of m ne to do)$ she sa d. Tell me) ha,e you en+oyed your stay n E4uestr a#$ ( ha,e ndeed; (7m st ll not sure ho' ( got here !ut (7m glad ( d d. St ll 8 you sa d you had a 'ay to get me home#$ -h yes 8 ( +ust need to 8 "re"are you.$

.r ncess *elest a7s horn glo'ed !r ghtly and a strange aura surrounded *harl e. 0e !egan to r se off the ground and 'as l fted a!out a foot n the a r. 0ey; Th s s % nd of strange !ut neat at the same t me;$ he sa d. Wa t t l ( really get started)$ she re"l ed. The aura around *harl e cont nued and suddenly each of h s clothes !egan to d sa""ear) one art cle at a t me unt l he 'as float ng n a r com"letely na%ed. -oooo%ay. Th s s % nd of cree"y)$ sa d *harl e. Though 8 ( su""ose th s s sorta l %e n The Term nator 'here you ha,e to !e na%ed to tra,el n t me# -r n th s case !ac% my a"artment#$ A nd of)$ sa d *elest a. -nly you7re not go ng !ac% to your a"artment.$ What# But you sa d you 'ere go ng to send me home;$ ( am. =ust not the home you7re th n% ng a!out.$ *harl e soon felt someth ng ,ery strange and he loo%ed do'n at h s na%ed form. (n horror he found that h s toes and f ngers 'ere d sa""ear ng nto hoo,es) that a ta l 'as gro' ng from h s !ac%s de) that h s ha r 'as !ecom ng longer) and that h s head 'as !e ng resha"ed nto someth ng more e4u ne. 0e 'as !e ng turned nto a "ony. 2oreo,er a loo% at h mself from the 'a st do'n re,ealed that he 'asn7t a he$ anymore; What7s go ng on#$ *harl e sa d n a s4uea%y ,o ce that 'as un!ecom ng of a male. What are you do ng to me#$ &ou may not real 3e t yet) *harl e) !ut ( %no' your element. &ou7re a good soul 'ho lo,es to !e ha""y and ma%e others ha""y) !ut your l fe as a human ne,er allo'ed you to l ,e that out. 6o' you can l ,e here and !e 'hat you 'ere meant to !e.$ ( 8 don7t understand. 0o' d d ( e,en get here# Why am ( a g rl#$ (sn7t t o!, ous) *harl e#$ *harl e +ust !l n%ed. ( !rought you here) *harl e. ( !rought you here to !e turned nto a "ony so you could hel" "o"ulate .ony, lle. 5 dn7t t str %e you odd that there are so many more f ll es than colts l , ng there# What sort of soc ety funct ons ' th such an m!alanced gender rat o#$ >ender rat o# Wa t a m nute 8 you mean to tell me that all those "on es ( met n .ony, lle 'ere 8#$ All former humans l %e yourself.$ Th s s nsane; What e,en ma%es you th n% ( 'ould agree to any of th s# (7ll "rotest; (7ll get the 'ord out; Someone ' ll ha,e to l sten;$ -h) *harl e. &ou 'on7t !e do ng any of those th ngs 8 once ( erase your memory.$ 2y 'hat#;;$

5on7t 'orry) (7ll %ee" your true "ersonal ty untouched. -nly your ne' form ' ll f ll you ' th so much +oy that your true "ersonal ty ' ll really sh ne. 6one of those s lly memor es of !e ng a human to get n the 'ay. &ou ' ll !e a "ony of no nner nh ! t ons 'hatsoe,er;$ *elest a7s horn glo'ed !r ghter than e,er and *harl e7s eyes a""eared mesmer 3ed. *harl e floated there ' th a !lan% e/"ress on) eyes only focused on the horn. Soon *harl e7s coat turned !r ght " n% ' th an e,en " n%er mane and ta l to match. As a "ony) you ' ll need a name more !ef tt ng of a "ony. 0mmm 8 ( th n% you ' ll !e called 8 . n% e . e.$ A !r ght flash a""eared on the " n% "ony7s flan% of three !alloons) t'o !lue and one yello'. Ano' ng that her 'or% 'as com"lete) *elest a set the " n% "ony do'n gently. . n% e . e# *an you hear me#$ as%ed *elest a. . n% e . e +ust sm led and !ounced n "lace. &es ( can) .r ncess; Boy t7s a lo,ely day; ( feel so great; ( feel l %e "arty ng;$ That7s great to hear) . n% e . e. L sten) do you %no' 'hy ( called you here today#$ . n% e . e thought a!out t !ut for all the l fe of her she could not. 6o) .r ncess)$ sa d . n% e. Well ( called you here !ecause ( understand that you7re ne' to E4uestr a and need a "lace to stay.$ &es that7s true) ( su""ose)$ sa d the " n% "ony th n% ng a!out t. Well)$ sa d the .r ncess) ( %no' +ust the "lace for you to stay. There7s a cou"le 'ho run a !a%ery called Sugarcu!e *orner and t +ust so ha""ens they are n need of an ass stant and ha,e a room to rent. (7m sure you7re a shoe n for the +o!.$ Wor% ng and l , ng n a !a%ery; That7s "erfect;$ sa d . n% e . e. ( %ne' you7d see t my 'ay. (7ll ha,e my char ot out front ta%e you r ght o,er.$ Than% you) .r ncess; Than% you;$ And ' th that . n% e . e !o'ed to .r ncess *elest a and !ounced a'ay out the front door and to char ot) 'a t ng to ta%e the " n% "ony to her ne' home. -nce . n% e . e 'as gone) *elest a mused to herself. T'enty n ne years (7,e !een do ng th s) and ( st ll got t.$

The End

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