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PITCH The song in this commercial is in a major tonality throughout the duration of time.

There is consistent use of harmony after the introduction. Major and minor triads were used. There is contrast between the melody only at the beginning and the melody and harmony at the end.

TIME The song in this commercial lasted for approximately thirty seconds. It was written in 4/4 time. The song was performed at a fast speed, or allegro, to keep with the cheerful mood.

TEXTURE Homophony is observed when the first vocalist sings while accompanied by the sound of the machine and then instruments. Polyphony is then portrayed when the other voices join in singing the song. Familiar style is also observed in what the vocalists sing. There is contrast between the polyphonic end and the homophonic beginning.

DYNAMICS The vocalists are singing moderately loud, that is, mezzo forte. The sound of the machine and accompanying instruments are moderately soft, that is, mezzo piano and soft, which is also known as piano so that it will not overpower the vocalists. About half way through the song an instrument was played very loudly (fortissimo) to mimic the amount of noise that an elephant might make to squash the computer down to size.

TIMBRE There are few actual instruments used in this advertisement. The xylophone was used to play a part of the melody to keep the cheerfulness of the advertisement going. The kettledrums were played to mimic the sound of an elephant stomping and the violins were used to somewhat make you feel the sweetness of the almost finished lollipop as you cannot literally taste it. A bass guitar was used to assist the bass singer with the lower notes.

FORM The song in this advertisement was written in ternary form. This is seen how after the A part, it goes to the B part then back to the A part at the end.

STYLE This commercial was in the style of a barbershop quartet. This is observed as there are four different voices. Although it is in the style of a barbershop piece, they did not sing a cappella. This is so because they wanted the few instruments to make the song more enjoyable.

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