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Week 12

Day 1 Read Genesis: 8:1,2 1- in verse one, do you think that God Forgot about Noah, Then he remembered Him? Explain. 2- What had God Sent on The Earth That Make Water Subside? 3- In the story of the Flood, If Water represents the sin that can Drown us, what do you think the wind that God had sent to dry the water Represents? 4- In verse 2,The Fountain of the Deep can be the sins that can come from inside our heart, and in our mind (Thoughts of heart and Mind), think of what could be a sinful feeling or thought that is hidden in your Heart and Mind, you dont have to write it down in your Journal, But Please remember to Confess it to Abouna during your Confession session this Month. Day 2 Read Genesis 8:3-5 1-How many days the waters stayed on the earth? 2-Where did the Ark Came to rest? 3-What was the first thing that was seen on earth when the water subsides? 4-What does the Top of the Mountains represent in your spiritual life?

Day 3 Read Genesis 8: 6-12

1-Why Do you Think that Noah had sent a bird not an animal to check out the waters on earth? 2-What Does the Dove Generally represent in the bible? Write an incident or story from the Bible or from a saint life about the Dove? 3-How many Times did Noah send the Dove out to check the waters on the Earth? 4-What was the sign that the Dove Brought to Noah, that made him knew that the earth had dried up from all the waters? 5-Why do you think that the Dove didnt return back to Noah any More?

Day 4: Read Genesis 8:13

1- Did Noah came out of the Ark immediately when he Saw that the waters get dry? 2- Noah had waited for God To tell him to get out of The Ark True False 3- Noah didnt depend on his own Understanding, and was Patient and wise, waiting to hear Gods before he gets out of the ark TRUE FALSE 4- Write down a situation from your life that you acted very Quickly, and other situation when you were Patient, Praying and read the bible to hear Gods word to you, what is the result and consequences of these two situation?

Day 5 & 6 Project:

An Art Project that shows the Dove in Noahs story or in other stories from the Bible.

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