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Song to a Young, Well-Dressed Girl

This song was sung to a young, well-dressed girl

who after asking Milarepa about his father and
mother, brothers and sisters, further enquired:
"but do you also have any Samsaric
companions, sons and belongings?"

At first, my experiences in Samsara

Seemed most pleasant and delightful;
Later, I learned about its lessons;
In the end, I found a Devil's Prison.
These are my thoughts and feelings on Samsara.
So I made up my mind to renounce it.

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At first, one's friend is like a smiling angel;

Later, she turns into a fierce exasperated
But in the end a demons is she.
These are my thoughts and feelings on
So I made up my mind to renounce a friend.

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At first, the sweet boy smiles, a Babe of

Later, he makes troubles with neighbors;
In the end, he is my creditor and foe.
These are my thoughts and feelings about
So I renounced both sons and nephews.

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At, first money is like the Wishing-fulfilling

Later, one cannot do without it;
In the end, one feels a penniless beggar.
These are my thoughts and feelings about
So I renounced both wealth and goods.



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When I think of these experiences,

I cannot help but practice Dharma;

When I think of Dharma,

I cannot help but offer it to others.
When death approaches,
I shall then have no regret.



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